2013-07-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b98 for changeset 9402036a05e2
2013-07-11 katleman Added tag jdk8-b98 for changeset 99bf8dc53505
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b98 for changeset 711eb4aa87de
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b98
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-05 lana Merge
2013-07-02 vromero 6326693: variable x might already have been assigned, when assignment is in catch block
2013-07-01 ksrini 8019460: tests in changeset do not have @bug tag
2013-07-02 vromero 8019397: javap does not show SourceDebugExtension properly
2013-07-01 darcy 7162089: Add support for repeating annotations to javax.annotation.processing
2013-07-01 mcimadamore 7034798: Ambiguity error for abstract method call is too eager
2013-06-29 vromero 6983646: javap should identify why a DefaultAttribute is being used
2013-06-29 lana Merge
2013-06-28 vromero 8005552: c.s.t.javap.AttributeWriter.visitLocalVariableTable() uses incorrect format string
2013-06-28 vromero 6473148: TreePath.iterator() should document the iteration order
2013-06-28 emc 8016760: Failure of regression test langtools/tools/javac/T6725036.java
2013-06-27 emc 8013357: javac accepts erroneous binary comparison operations
2013-06-27 ksrini 7080001: Need to bump version numbers in build.properties for 8
2013-06-27 darcy 8019308: Add descriptions of Java SE 7 and 8 language changes to SourceVersion
2013-06-27 janvalenta 8015720: since tag isn't copied while generating JavaFX documentation
2013-06-27 vromero 7008643: inlined finally clauses confuse debuggers
2013-06-27 vromero 8016099: Some @SuppressWarnings annotations ignored ( unchecked, rawtypes )
2013-06-27 vromero 8017609: javac, ClassFile.read(Path) should be ClassFile.read(Path, Attribute.Factory)
2013-06-27 vromero 7066788: javah again accepts -old option (ineffectively) which was removed in 1.5.
2013-06-27 erikj 8014513: Sjavac doesn't detect 32-bit jvm properly
2013-06-27 emc 8014230: Compilation incorrectly succeeds with inner class constructor with 254 parameters
2013-06-27 bpatel 8013738: Two javadoc tests have bug 0000000
2013-06-27 bpatel 8014017: extra space in javadoc class heading
2013-06-27 bpatel 8007338: Method grouping tab line-folding
2013-06-27 jjg 8014137: Update test/tools/javac/literals/UnderscoreLiterals to add testcases with min/max values
2013-06-26 ksrini 8016908: TEST_BUG: removing non-ascii characters causes tests to fail
2013-06-25 kizune 8006973: jtreg test fails: test/tools/javac/warnings/AuxiliaryClass/SelfClassWithAux.java
2013-06-25 vromero 8017104: javac should have a class for primitive types that inherits from Type
2013-06-25 emc 8012722: Single comma in array initializer should parse
2013-06-20 emc 8007546: ClassCastException on JSR308 tests
2013-06-20 vromero 8016613: javac should avoid source 8 only analysis when compiling for source 7
2013-07-04 cl Added tag jdk8-b97 for changeset 6774fe79db80
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-04 cl Added tag jdk8-b97 for changeset f5105d95c3a3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-04 cl Added tag jdk8-b97 for changeset 611e21a147b1
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-05 lana Merge
2013-07-02 sundar Merge
2013-07-02 lagergren Merge
2013-07-02 lagergren 8017082: Long array literals were slightly broken
2013-07-02 sundar 8019553: NPE on illegal l-value for increment and decrement
2013-07-02 lagergren 8016667: Wrong bytecode when testing/setting due to null check shortcut checking against primitive too
2013-07-02 jlaskey 8019580: Build Script Change for Nashorn promotion testing
2013-07-01 sundar 8019508: Comma handling in object literal parsing is wrong
2013-07-01 sundar 8019488: switch on literals result in NoSuchMethodError or VerifyError
2013-07-01 sundar 8019482: Number("0x0.0p0") should evaluate to NaN
2013-07-01 sundar 8019478: Object.prototype.toString.call(/a/.exec("a")) === "[object Array]" should be true
2013-07-01 sundar 8019473: Parser issues related to functions and blocks
2013-06-28 sundar 8019365: Error stack format
2013-06-29 lana Merge
2013-06-27 sundar Merge
2013-06-27 sundar 8019226: line number not generated for first statement if it is on the same function declaration line
2013-06-26 jlaskey 8019175: Simplify ScriptObject.modifyOwnProperty
2013-06-26 sundar 8014781: support Error.captureStackTrace
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip