2008-08-27 ysr Merge
2008-08-26 tonyp 6740930: G1: compilation failure with latest gcc
2008-08-22 iveresov 6735416: G1: runThese javasoft.sqe.tests.lang.thrd011.thrd01101.thrd01101 fails
2008-08-22 tonyp Merge
2008-08-22 tonyp Merge
2008-08-06 tonyp 6722565: G1: assert !r->is_on_unclean_list() fires
2008-07-30 iveresov 6652160: G1: assert(cur_used_bytes == _g1->recalculate_used(),"It should!") at g1CollectorPolicy.cpp:1425
2008-07-10 iveresov 6723570: G1: assertion failure: p == current_top or oop(p)->is_oop(),"p is not a block start" (revisited!)
2008-07-03 iveresov 6702387: G1: assertion failure: assert(p == current_top || oop(p)->is_oop(),"p is not a block start")
2008-07-01 ysr Merge
2008-07-01 ysr 6618726: Introduce -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions flag
2008-06-26 ysr 6718811: Mismerge of 6680469:macro.cpp
2008-06-24 ysr Merge
2008-06-23 ysr 6718086: CMS assert: _concurrent_iteration_safe_limit update missed
2008-06-17 ysr Merge
2008-06-12 ysr Merge
2008-06-12 ysr Merge
2008-06-11 iveresov 6710665: G1: guarantee(_cm->out_of_regions() && _cm->region_stack_empty() && _task_queue->size() == 0, ...)
2008-06-05 ysr 6711316: Open source the Garbage-First garbage collector
2008-08-27 ysr Merge
2008-08-26 ysr 6722116: CMS: Incorrect overflow handling when using parallel concurrent marking
2008-10-23 xdono Added tag jdk7-b38 for changeset 2db019fa6029
2008-10-23 xdono Added tag jdk7-b38 for changeset 654f8f2e8e45
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b38 for changeset a2879b2837f5
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b38
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-10 tbell Merge
2008-10-06 jjg 6748546: javadoc API should be classloader-friendly
2008-10-05 tbell Merge
2008-10-01 jjg 6748601: javadoc API should allow varargs use
2008-10-05 tbell Merge
2008-09-30 tbell Merge
2008-09-29 martin 6739427: -Xlint:processing not recognized as an option
2008-09-29 mcimadamore 6753718: raw type warnings should be suprresed during a langtools build
2008-09-29 mcimadamore 6747671: -Xlint:rawtypes
2008-09-29 mcimadamore 6735840: Need a type/symbol visitor printer
2008-09-29 mcimadamore 6500343: compiler generates bad code when translating conditional expressions
2008-09-23 jjg 6420151: need to improve byfile compile policy to eliminate footprint issues
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset 076a3cde30d5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset 4c4fb0aeb1fc
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset e665a277bfd2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-16 xdono Merge
2008-10-16 tbell 6759959: VS2008 errors compiling corba sources
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset 7ffc53470502
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-17 tbell Merge
2008-10-14 ksrini 6758881: (launcher) needs to throw NoClassDefFoundError instead of JavaRuntimeException
2008-10-10 tbell Merge
2008-10-06 wetmore Merge
2008-09-26 chegar 6752807: java.net test ADatagramSocket.sh is broken
2008-09-24 chegar 6621697: Problem with file test/sun/net/www/http/ChunkedInputStream/test.txt
2008-09-22 mullan Merge
2008-09-22 mullan 6469266: Integrate Apache XMLSec 1.4.2 into JDK 7
2008-09-22 michaelm Merge
2008-09-22 michaelm 6739920: java 6u4~ use larger C heap if there are many threads
2008-09-19 chegar 6746836: java.net exception classes don't specify serialVersionUID
2008-09-19 michaelm Merge
2008-09-19 michaelm 6750364: Error in test for 6744329
2008-10-06 ksrini 6755847: (launcher) will trigger assertions in debug build
2008-10-05 tbell Merge
2008-10-01 ksrini 4459600: java -jar fails to run Main-Class if classname followed by whitespace.
2008-10-03 mchung Merge
2008-10-02 mchung 6581243: Service Tag and Product Registration Support in JDK 7
2008-10-03 jjh 6751643: ThreadReference.ownedMonitors() can return null
2008-10-05 tbell Merge
2008-09-30 tbell Merge
2008-09-24 ksrini 6742159: (launcher) improve the java launching mechanism
2008-09-24 emcmanus 6750935: The expected NotCompliantMBeanException is not thrown for the custom MXBeanMappingFactory
2008-09-24 chegar Merge
2008-09-24 chegar 6749308: java.io, java.lang, java.util exception classes don't specify serialVersionUID
2008-10-14 lana Merge
2008-09-24 lana Merge
2008-09-10 rupashka 6587742: filling half of a JSlider's track is no longer optional
2008-09-08 peytoia 6730743: (tz) Support tzdata2008e
2008-09-08 peytoia 6466476: (tz) Introduction of tzdata2005r can introduce incompatility issues with some JDK1.1 3-letter TZ Ids
2008-09-08 peytoia 6650748: (tz) Java runtime doesn't detect VET time zone correctly on Windows
2008-09-08 peytoia 4823811: [Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat patterns don't allow embedding of some literal punctuation
2008-09-08 peytoia 6645292: [Fmt-Da] Timezone Western Summer Time (Australia) is parsed incorrectly
2008-09-08 peytoia 6607310: InputContext may cause loading of swing classes even for non-Swing applets
2008-09-08 peytoia 6665028: native code of method j*.text.Bidi.nativeBidiChars is using the contents of a primitive array direct
2008-09-04 rupashka 6278700: JSlider created with BoundedRangeModel fires twice when changed
2008-09-03 malenkov 6397609: DOC: De-register API required for PropertyEditorManager and/or doc change
2008-09-01 malenkov 5026703: RFE: DOC: Are PropertyChangeSupport & VetoableChangeSupport Thread-Safe? --Docs Should Say
2008-09-01 peterz 5062055: JEditorPane HTML: HR-tag with attribute size=1px causes NumberFormatException
2008-08-30 rupashka 6554743: JFileChooser dn't close after pressing escape key after changing the views
2008-08-29 rupashka 6742358: MetalSliderUI paint wrong vertical disabled filled JSlider for DefaultMetalTheme
2008-08-29 rupashka 6742490: JSlider tests are located in JFileChooser directory
2008-08-27 rupashka 6351074: JFileChooser removes leading space in filename
2008-08-26 rupashka 6727662: Code improvement and warnings removing from swing packages
2008-08-26 mlapshin 6736649: test/closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6458123/ManualBug6458123.java fails on Linux
2008-08-13 lana Merge
2008-08-12 mlapshin 6735918: test/closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6458123/bug6458123.java fails on Linux
2008-08-11 mlapshin 6579243: Windows, GTK: Internal frame title is drawn wrong if the frame has RTL orientation
2008-08-11 rupashka 6604281: NimbusL&F :Regression in Focus traversal in JFileChooser in pit build.
2008-08-08 mlapshin 6584657: GTK Look and Feel: Bugs in menu item layout
2008-07-25 idk 6699328: NullPointerException in EventQueue.dispatchEvent when applet is closed, only reprise/scenario applet
2008-07-25 idk 6638195: need API for EventQueueDelegate
2008-07-25 malenkov 6630275: The spec on VetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange should be updated
2008-07-25 idk 6608456: need API to define RepaintManager per components hierarchy
2008-07-25 rupashka 6727661: Code improvement and warnings removing from the swing/plaf packages
2008-07-25 mlapshin 6727829: BasicLabelUI rendering fails if multiple AppContexts exist in same java JVM
2008-07-24 malenkov 6707406: BasicColorChooserUI tests throw NPE while getColorSelectionModel if isPropertyChanged() returns true
2008-07-24 rupashka 6722802: Code improvement and warnings removing from the javax.swing.text package
2008-07-24 malenkov 4778988: CompoundBorder.isBorderOpaque() has incorrect documentation.
2008-07-24 mlapshin 6725409: Unable to localize JInternalFrame system menu during run-time
2008-07-21 mlapshin 6607130: REGRESSION: JComboBox cell editor isn't hidden if the same value is selected with keyboard
2008-07-21 idk 6668281: NullPointerException in DefaultTableCellHeaderRenderer.getColumnSortOrder()
2008-07-18 malenkov 6552812: Add HSL tab to JColorChooser
2008-07-09 malenkov 4994637: LTP: java.beans.java_util_Map_PersistenceDelegate: ConcurrentModificationException
2008-07-09 malenkov 6351692: catch(Throwable) in java.beans.MetaData preventing thread shutdown
2008-07-08 malenkov 4916852: RFE: LTP: BorderLayout Persistence Delegate should use 1.5 API
2008-07-08 peterz 6635663: make/tools/AutoMulti/{AutoMulti,TestALFGenerator}.java still generate files with wrong legal notices
2008-07-07 mlapshin 6647340: Minimized JInternalFrame icons appear in incorrect positions if the main frame is resized
2008-07-02 mlapshin 6618401: Input method cannot be selected from System menu
2008-06-26 malenkov 6718965: Swing color chooser tests should be open source
2008-06-26 malenkov 6718964: Swing border tests should be open source
2008-06-23 idk 6623943: javax.swing.TimerQueue's thread occasionally fails to start
2008-06-19 malenkov 4114658: DOC: Unspecified behaviour for java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset b4c26443dee5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset 5eb97f366a6a
2008-10-09 xdono Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset 00ad557cab71
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b37 for changeset c2036bf76829
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b37
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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