2017-11-06 glaubitz 8190570: Zero fails to build on linux-sparc due undefined reference
2017-11-08 iklam 8186778: Make obsolete VM options for shared region size control
2017-11-08 psandoz 8190887: Stub code marking missing from some x86 generated stub routines
2017-11-08 iignatyev 8190890: remove hotspot_tier1_{compiler,gc}_closed groups
2017-10-24 stuefe 8189864: Provide an ascii map to visualize metaspace fragmentation
2017-11-08 uvangapally 8044122: MBean access to the PID
2017-11-07 jwilhelm 8190865: Require jtreg 4.2 b10
2017-11-07 jiangli 8189840: CheckCachedResolvedReferencesApp has no cached resolved references
2017-11-07 cjplummer 8059334: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS201/hs201t001 fails with exit code 0 after timeout
2017-11-07 jwilhelm Merge
2017-11-07 zgu 8189688: NMT: Report per-class load metadata information
2017-11-07 bobv 8190283: Default heap sizing options select a MaxHeapSize larger than available physical memory in some cases
2017-11-07 tschatzl 8190703: TestSystemGCWith* infrequently times out on SPARC
2017-11-07 jcm 8152470: Add COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI definition
2017-11-07 dlong 8190710: Update Graal
2017-11-06 jiangli 8184206: Resolve all string constants in shared classes at CDS dump time
2017-11-06 dnsimon 8187315: [JVMCI] hosted use of JVMCI can crash VM under -Xint
2017-11-06 mdoerr 8190781: ppc64 + s390: Fix CriticalJNINatives
2017-11-06 dnsimon 8188102: [JVMCI] Convert special JVMCI oops in nmethod to jweak values
2017-11-06 dnsimon 8186478: [JVMCI] rename HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod#setNotInlineableOrCompileable
2017-11-06 tschatzl Merge
2017-11-06 tschatzl Merge
2017-11-06 tschatzl 8140255: Move the management of G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread from G1ConcurrentRefine
2017-11-06 tschatzl 8149127: Rename g1/concurrentMarkThread.* to g1/g1ConcurrentMarkThread.*
2017-11-06 dsamersoff 8163011: AArch64: NMT detail stack trace cleanup
2017-11-06 jcm 8167409: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
2017-11-06 lkorinth 8186502: Assert when range testing G1RefProcDrainInterval on 64-bit systems
2017-11-06 dnsimon 8190415: [JVMCI] JVMCIRuntime::adjust_comp_level must not swallow ThreadDeath
2017-11-06 sjohanss 8190353: [Testbug] test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/logging/TestPrintReferences.java can still fail
2017-11-06 jcm Merge
2017-11-06 jcm 8167408: Invalid critical JNI function lookup
2017-11-05 dnsimon 8177397: [JVMCI] remove unnecessary synchronization
2017-11-05 dchuyko 8190745: AARCH64: fix for JDK-8189176 may break a build
2017-11-05 egahlin 8189440: Event tracing macros for allocation and weak oops processing
2017-11-05 egahlin 8189425: Minor updates in support of closed changes
2017-11-04 sspitsyn 8189731: Disable CFLH when there are no transformers
2017-11-03 ccheung 8187347: Do not abort CDS archive creation when some classes are unverifiable
2017-11-03 coleenp 8190617: test/jdk/sun/tools/jhsdb/BasicLauncherTest.java fails
2017-11-02 gziemski 8184765: Dynamically resize SystemDictionary
2017-11-02 dchuyko 8189176: AARCH64: Improve _updateBytesCRC32 intrinsic
2017-09-28 phedlin 8172232: SPARC ISA/CPU feature detection is broken/insufficient (on Linux).
2017-10-30 jwilhelm Merge
2017-10-26 iklam 8179624: [REDO] Avoid repeated calls to JavaThread::last_frame in InterpreterRuntime
2017-11-01 coleenp 8190491: SA tests failed after 8189610 changes
2017-11-01 simonis 8187091: ReturnBlobToWrongHeapTest fails because of problems in CodeHeap::contains_blob()
2017-11-01 dchuyko 8189745: AARCH64: Use CRC32C intrinsic code in interpreter and C1
2017-10-31 iignatyev 8186618: [TESTBUG] Test applications/ctw/Modules.java doesn't have timeout and hang on windows
2017-10-31 coleenp 8189610: Reconcile jvm.h and all jvm_md.h between java.base and hotspot
2017-10-30 egahlin 8189368: Add information on current bias holder for BiasedLockRevocation event
2017-10-31 thartmann 8190351: InitialAndMaxUsageTest does not free allocated blob
2017-10-30 mdoerr 8190285: s390: Some java boolean checks are not correct
2017-10-30 iklam 8190191: Subclasses of jdk.jfr.Event loaded from CDS breaks -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=retransform=false
2017-10-27 sjohanss 8177959: G1CollectedHeap::print_on prints incorrect capacity
2017-10-27 kvn Merge
2017-10-27 kvn 8189064: Crash with compiler/codegen/*Vect.java on Solaris-sparc
2017-10-27 sangheki Merge
2017-10-27 sangheki 8185278: TestGreyReclaimedHumongousObjects.java fails guarantee(index != trim_index(_head_index + 1)) failed: should not go past head
2017-10-27 jcm Merge
2017-10-27 jcm 8185989: overview.html files should be deleted?
2017-11-15 redestad 8184777: Factor out species generation logic from BoundMethodHandle jdk-10+32
2017-11-08 psandoz 8190974: Parallel stream execution within a custom ForkJoinPool should obey the parallelism
2017-11-15 erikj 8190702: JMC packaging causing errors in JDK 10 consolidated repo (macOS)
2017-11-15 sundar 8068741: javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getMethodCallSyntax() spec allows null passed as an object
2017-11-15 sundar 8191306: Math.abs corner case with optimistic typing
2017-11-14 bpatel 8185371: Support for multiple stylesheets in javadoc
2017-11-14 igerasim 8189631: Missing space in the javadoc for InetAddress.createNameService()
2017-11-14 mullan Merge
2017-11-14 mullan 8175094: Mark the deprecated java.security.acl APIs with forRemoval=true
2017-11-14 weijun 8191137: keytool fails to format resource strings for keys for some languages after JDK-8171319
2017-11-14 mullan Merge
2017-11-14 mullan 8175091: Mark the deprecated java.security.{Certificate,Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} APIs with forRemoval=true
2017-11-14 hannesw 8191133: Ant task to fetch underscore.js requires gzip decoding option
2017-11-14 ihse 8190410: Help.gmk is not updated after consolidation
2017-11-14 xiaofeya 8191172: Problem list java/net/httpclient/websocket/ConnectionHandover.java
2017-11-14 hannesw 8185119: Uninitialized const when using multiple threads
2017-11-14 sundar 8177471: jlink should use the version from java.base.jmod to find modules
2017-11-13 hannesw 8191131: Nashorn test comparator breaks comparator contract
2017-11-13 erikj 8190725: Freetype license file provided with configure not included in images
2017-11-13 hannesw 8190391: nashorn "!!" of nonzero even integer var becomes false when returned
2017-11-13 vtewari 8145635: Add TCP_QUICKACK socket option
2017-11-10 lana Merge
2017-11-10 lana Added tag jdk-10+31 for changeset e6278add9ff2
2017-11-10 dl 8189764: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-11
2017-11-10 dl 8189387: ConcurrentLinkedDeque linearizability continued ...
2017-11-10 dl 8179314: CountedCompleterTest.testForkHelpQuiesce fails with expected:<21> but was:<13>
2017-11-10 dl 8190747: ExecutorService/Invoke.java fails intermittently
2017-11-09 bpb 8191025: (ch) Scattering reads to a subsequence of buffers ignores length
2017-11-09 dfuchs 8189953: FileHandler constructor throws NoSuchFileException with absolute path
2017-11-09 rpatil 8190258: (tz) Support tzdata2017c
2017-11-07 jwilhelm 8190865: Require jtreg 4.2 b10 jdk-10+31
2017-11-08 mchung 8190733: Use Class::getPackageName in java.base implementation
2017-11-08 erikj 8190735: Define all base artifacts for all open/open-debug profiles
2017-11-08 prr 8185739: Memory leak in BitmapUtil::BitmapToRgn
2017-11-08 prr Merge
2017-11-07 serb 8019816: [TEST_BUG][macosx] closed/java/awt/BasicStroke/DashZeroWidth.java not on EDT
2017-11-06 prr Merge
2017-11-06 jdv 8189702: Broken links in javadoc for Adobe TIFF related documents
2017-11-08 erikj 8190744: xattr: No such file LICENSE files
2017-11-08 rriggs 8190884: java/lang/Runtime/exec/LotsOfOutput fails intermittently
2017-11-08 hannesw 8190427: Test for JDK-8165198 fails intermittently because of GC
2017-11-08 joehw 8181151: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: cast
2017-11-07 martin 8190814: javax/imageio/stream/NullStreamCheckTest writes to the repo
2017-11-07 martin 8190816: PropertiesTest.sh fails to make $WRITABLEJDK writable
2017-11-07 chegar 8190482: InnocuousThread creation should not require the caller to possess enableContextClassLoaderOverride
2017-11-07 hannesw 8186807: JSObject gets ScriptFunction when ScriptObjectMirror is expected
2017-11-07 mchung 8164512: Replace ClassLoader use of finalizer with phantom reference to unload native library
2017-11-06 rriggs 8187281: Remove intermittent from OnExitTest
2017-11-06 michaelm 8190793: Httpserver does not detect truncated request body
2017-11-06 sundar 8190795: jjs should show javadoc for java methods on shift-tab
2017-11-06 jlahoda 8180744: Update ct.sym for JDK 10
2017-11-06 jlahoda 8139607: -release option forces StandardJavaFileManager
2017-10-30 jwilhelm Merge
2017-10-10 roland 8188151: "assert(entry_for(catch_pco, handler_bcis->at(i), scope_depth)->pco() == handler_pcos->at(i))" failure with C1
2017-10-26 jcm 6523512: has_special_runtime_exit_condition checks for is_deopt_suspend needlessly
2017-10-25 iveresov 8166750: C1 profiling handles statically bindable call sites differently than the interpreter
2017-10-25 tschatzl 8189797: Fix initializer lists in G1ConcurrentMark and G1CMTask
2017-10-25 tschatzl 8189673: Consistent naming of concurrent threads, tasks and related identifiers
2017-10-25 tschatzl 8189801: Remove G1MarkingOverheadPercent
2017-10-24 sballal 8189061: serviceability/sa/TestInstanceKlassSize.java - Unable to find instance klass for null
2017-10-25 thartmann 8188785: CCP sets invalid type for java mirror load
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