2010-08-30 lana Merge
2010-08-24 lana Merge
2010-08-23 ksrini 6966740: (pack200) need to add the timezone regression test
2010-08-23 ksrini 6969063: (pack200) The default value of Pack200.Packer.SEGMENT_LIMIT property is empty string instead of -1
2010-08-23 chegar 6977851: NPE from FileURLConnection.connect
2010-08-23 ksrini 6531345: Memory leak in unpack200
2010-08-23 alanb 6431344: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo() doesn't work if address space runs out
2010-08-23 alanb 6978511: (file) Path.toRealPath should fail if not resolving links and file does not exist
2010-08-23 chegar 6965924: java.net.HttpCookie using static SimpleDateFormat which is not thread safe
2010-08-23 chegar 6968584: Thread should not be Cloneable
2010-08-20 ksrini Merge
2010-08-20 ksrini 6966737: (pack200) the pack200 regression tests need to be more robust.
2010-08-19 ksrini 6888127: java.util.jar.Pack200.Packer Memory Leak
2010-08-19 weijun 6921610: 1.6 update 17 and 18 throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
2010-08-19 weijun 6976536: Solaris JREs do not have the krb5.kdc.bad.policy configured by default.
2010-08-18 ohair 6932743: Makefiles not parsing version strings with - from uname -r
2010-08-18 ohair 6974005: Use of cygpath in Makefile logic needs to silence error messages
2010-08-17 sherman 6969651: TEST_BUG: tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java failed on JDK7 when run on NFS
2010-08-17 michaelm 6339649: URI.create should include a detail message when throwing IllegalArgumentException
2010-08-16 mchung 6921234: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ClassLoader/deadlock/TestCrossDelegate.sh needs to be modified for Cygwin
2010-08-13 gbenson 6976186: Integrate Shark
2010-08-13 lana Merge
2010-08-12 mchung Merge
2010-08-12 mchung 6973831: NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
2010-08-12 alanb 6971825: (so) improve scatter/gather implementation
2010-08-10 sherman 6923794: About 40 JCK test case fail with AssertionError if -esa option is specified
2010-08-10 chegar 6882910: Unexplained lack of IP4 network ability when transparent IP6 to IP4 is disabled.
2010-08-10 lancea 6898593: java.sql.Date.valueOf no exception if date given is not in the JDBC date escape syntax
2010-08-06 dcubed 6962604: 3/3 Testcase sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.sh failure
2010-08-05 apangin 6945961: SIGSEGV in memcpy() during class loading on linux-i586
2010-08-03 martin 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[],int,int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
2010-08-03 mullan Merge
2010-08-03 mullan 6653372: Error in java.security.KeyStore example code
2010-08-03 chegar 6973030: NTLM proxy authentication fails with https
2010-08-24 lana Merge
2010-08-23 peytoia 6977550: (tz) Support tzdata2010l
2010-08-12 lana Merge
2010-08-10 malenkov 6960267: JTable.getRowHeight() returns value different from the specified default (16.0) with GTK L&F
2010-08-24 lana Merge
2010-08-13 lana Merge
2010-08-11 dlila 6976265: No STROKE_CONTROL
2010-08-10 dlila 6967436: lines longer than 2^15 can fill window.
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-09-09 cl Merge
2010-09-03 cl Added tag jdk7-b108 for changeset 9aa5fae6f446
2010-09-01 trims Added tag hs19-b06 for changeset 97604d92cdcf
2010-08-31 trims Merge
2010-08-20 trims 6978915: Remove Mercurial tags for Hotspot 19 Build 06
2010-08-20 trims 6978889: Remove premature change of build number to Hotspot 19 Build 07
2010-08-20 tonyp Merge
2010-08-20 tonyp Merge
2010-08-19 ysr 6978533: CMS: Elide BOT update asserts until 6977974 is fixed correctly
2010-08-20 never Merge
2010-08-19 never 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
2010-08-18 twisti 6977640: Zero and Shark fixes
2010-08-13 never 6976372: # assert(_owner == Thread::current()) failed: invariant
2010-08-13 never 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
2010-08-12 never 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
2010-08-20 trims Merge
2010-08-20 trims 6978726: Bump the HS19 build number to 07
2010-08-19 tonyp Merge
2010-08-18 johnc Merge
2010-08-18 johnc 6977924: Changes for 6975078 produce build error with certain gcc versions
2010-08-18 ysr 6977970: CMS: concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp:7947 assert(addr <= _limit) failed: sweep invariant
2010-08-17 tonyp 6975964: G1: print out a more descriptive message for evacuation failure when +PrintGCDetails is set
2010-08-17 tonyp 6974928: G1: sometimes humongous objects are allocated in young regions
2010-08-17 tonyp 6959014: G1: assert(minimum_desired_capacity <= maximum_desired_capacity) failed: sanity check
2010-08-16 ysr 6948538: CMS: BOT walkers can fall into object allocation and initialization cracks
2010-08-18 asaha 6977952: Test: Sync missing tests from hs16.3 to hs17.x
2010-08-18 trims Merge
2010-08-14 johnc Merge
2010-08-11 jcoomes 6976378: ParNew: stats are printed unconditionally in debug builds
2010-08-10 ysr 6973570: OrderAccess::storestore() scales poorly on multi-socket x64 and sparc: cache-line ping-ponging
2010-08-10 jcoomes 6970376: ParNew: shared TaskQueue statistics
2010-08-09 jcoomes 6966222: G1: simplify TaskQueue overflow handling
2010-08-06 johnc 6930581: G1: assert(ParallelGCThreads > 1 || n_yielded() == _hrrs->occupied(),"Should have yielded all the ..
2010-08-04 tonyp 6963209: G1: remove the concept of abandoned pauses
2010-07-22 tonyp 6962589: remove breadth first scanning code from parallel gc
2010-08-02 johnc 6814437: G1: remove the _new_refs array
2010-07-31 kevinw Merge
2010-07-30 kevinw 6581734: CMS Old Gen's collection usage is zero after GC which is incorrect
2010-09-08 cl Merge
2010-09-07 ohair 6982946: Change make/jprt.properties to defer to JPRT itself for jdk platform list
2010-09-03 cl Added tag jdk7-b108 for changeset eed672dd8675
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b108 for changeset 044d31b99ef5
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b108
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset c3c1f7961b1a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset a8c1cf6a14b9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset e8ced0e364f9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset a9fb2c5cf4df
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset d2462a7b07c5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset ce4b745d5d58
2010-08-26 cl Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset 86c8feba9218
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b107 for changeset 439de530aac5
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b107
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 9af6b80c6f4b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset c61d5f1854de
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 443acf814b79
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 07335a216c91
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 546a8efadb54
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-20 trims Added tag hs19-b06 for changeset a5c5892863c7
2010-08-20 trims Added tag hs19-b05 for changeset ffcd9ec2df9a
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 60bd1c133a48
2010-08-19 cl Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 3367eadd6595
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b106 for changeset 6bdae472f772
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b106
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 60298a435212
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset fe0fb5c541c6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 989115191d21
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 0e859833ce7c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-16 cl Merge
2010-08-13 yhuang Merge
2010-08-11 yhuang 6959252: convert the anonymous arrays to named arrays in Java List Resource files
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 6a99ae51ed62
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-17 trims Merge
2010-08-13 trims 6977051: Bump the HS19 build number to 06
2010-08-13 trims Merge
2010-08-13 dcubed Merge
2010-08-10 rasbold 6378314: Bad warning message when agent library not found. local directory is not searched.
2010-08-11 kvn 6973329: C2 with Zero based COOP produces code with broken anti-dependency on x86
2010-08-11 twisti 6976186: integrate Shark HotSpot changes
2010-08-11 twisti 6975855: don't emit deopt MH handler in C1 if not required
2010-08-10 never 6975027: use of movptr to set length of array
2010-08-10 never Merge
2010-08-09 kvn 6975078: assert(allocated_on_res_area() || allocated_on_C_heap() || allocated_on_arena()
2010-08-06 kvn 6975049: nsk/regression/b4287029 crashes with -Xss64 on solaris-i586
2010-08-05 kvn 6974682: CTW: assert(target != NULL) failed: must not be null
2010-08-03 kvn 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
2010-07-30 kvn 6973308: Missing zero length check before repne scas in check_klass_subtype_slow_path()
2010-07-26 never Merge
2010-07-23 kvn 6969569: assert(is_static() && is_constant()) failed: illegal call to constant_value()
2010-08-03 bobv 6953477: Increase portability and flexibility of building Hotspot
2010-07-28 coleenp 6958465: Sparc aten build24.0: openjdk-7.ea-b96 failed Error: Formal argument ... requires an lvalue
2010-07-28 aph 6888526: Linux getCurrentThreadCpuTime is drastically slower than Windows
2010-07-25 apangin Merge
2010-07-20 apangin 6964170: Verifier crashes
2010-07-18 apangin Merge
2010-07-16 alanb 6649594: Intermittent IOExceptions during dynamic attach on linux and solaris
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 1b104350a980
2010-08-13 cl Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 50afdd611849
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b105 for changeset 1ce7938efb03
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b105
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-09 lana Merge
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-08-02 jjg 6973626: test/tools/javac/processing/* tests fail with assertions enabled
2010-08-02 darcy 6971877: Project Coin: improve semantics of suppressed exceptions in try-with-resources
2010-07-30 lana Merge
2010-07-30 jjg 6966604: JavacFiler not correctly notified of lastRound
2010-07-30 jjg 6340549: javax.tools.JavaCompilerTool.getStandardFileManager().list() includes directories
2010-07-30 jjg 6972556: warning for using a file name instead of a binary name for Filer.createSourceFile
2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6970833: Try-with-resource implementation throws an NPE during Flow analysis
2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6972747: CheckExamples fail when assertions are enabled
2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6938454: Unable to determine generic type in program that compiles under Java 6
2010-07-27 jjg 6403456: -Werror should work with annotation processing
2010-07-27 jjg 6972327: JCTree.pos incorrect for annotations without modifiers and package
2010-07-26 jjg 6957438: improve code for generating warning messages containing option names
2010-07-26 jjg 6971882: Remove -XDstdout from javac test
2010-07-22 jjg 6968063: provide examples of code that generate diagnostics
2010-07-17 darcy 6911256: Project Coin: Support Automatic Resource Management (ARM) blocks in the compiler
2010-07-15 mcimadamore 6964669: javac reports error on miranda methods
2010-07-15 mcimadamore 6967002: JDK7 b99 javac compilation error (java.lang.AssertionError)
2010-07-14 jjg 6968789: incorrect text in "diamond not supported" message
2010-07-14 jjg 6968434: test CheckResourceKeys fails on control builds
2010-07-14 jjg 6966732: replace use of static Log.getLocalizedString with non-static alternative where possible
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset fef4187d7622
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset 930517ba4d97
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset e4e7ae0ec293
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset cd7adc8eaafb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-09 lana Merge
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 michaelm 6510892: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/B6361557.java fails
2010-07-30 lana Merge
2010-07-29 chegar Merge
2010-07-29 chegar 6972374: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces throws "java.net.SocketException" on Solaris zone
2010-07-29 alanb 6934977: (bf) MappedByteBuffer.load can SIGBUS if file is truncated
2010-07-27 vinnie 6972409: Cease emitting LDAP filter debug messages
2010-07-27 xuelei 6870947: 15 sec delay detecting "socket closed" condition when a TCP connection is reset by an LDAP server
2010-07-26 dcubed 6971847: 4/4 jmap '-histo:live' option is necessary for proper leak detection
2010-07-26 martin 6717780: (coll spec) LinkedList api documentation provides the wrong method name
2010-07-26 weijun 6972005: ConfPlusProp.java test failure when DNS has info for realm
2010-07-24 xuelei 6867345: Turkish regional options cause NPE in sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId.algOID
2010-07-23 vinnie 6676075: RegistryContext (com.sun.jndi.url.rmi.rmiURLContext) coding problem
2010-07-22 dcubed 6964018: 3/4 AnonLoggerWeakRefLeak and LoggerWeakRefLeak can fail in JPRT
2010-07-21 dcubed 6962804: 4/4 ShellScaffold tests can fail without a specific reason
2010-07-21 dcubed 6941287: 4/4 jrunscriptTest.sh test does not work right under Cygwin
2010-07-21 alanb 6963907: (so) Socket adapter need to implement sendUrgentData
2010-07-21 chegar 6970262: TEST_BUG: test/java/net/NetworkInterface/IPv4Only.java has wrong test name in @run tag
2010-07-21 chegar 6969395: TEST_BUG: Tests in java/net sun/net problems
2010-07-20 mullan 6870553: X509Certificate.getSigAlgName method description uses non-standard algorithm name as example
2010-07-19 weijun 6969292: make DNS lookup for realm/kdc really work
2010-07-19 weijun 6969683: Generify ResolverConfiguration codes
2010-07-16 sherman 6964313: Find sun/nio/cs/ext issue with CreateSymbols, then move sun/nio/cs/ext to charset.jar
2010-07-16 darcy 6963622: Project Coin: Refinements to suppressed exceptions
2010-07-13 weijun 6670889: Keystore created under Hindi Locale causing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2010-07-13 dsamersoff 6964714: NetworkInterface getInetAddresses enumerates IPv6 addresses if java.net.preferIPvStack property set
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 malenkov 6972468: Security manager should be used for tests in java/beans/XMLEncoder
2010-07-30 malenkov 6199676: REGRESSION: ColorChooser loses preview when change LandF in Java5
2010-07-29 lana Merge
2010-07-29 alexp 4743225: Size of JComboBox list is wrong when list is populated via PopupMenuListener
2010-07-13 peterz 6462562: InternationalFormatter inserts text incorrectly
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-29 lana Merge
2010-07-23 uta 6969851: VM hangs/crashes in FileDialog test (VS2008/2010 build)
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 lana Merge
2010-07-14 lana Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset 0feaed799206
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset 83e5347f5988
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset c27b7b809bd2
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset 10bc903a228d
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b104
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-07-29 cl Added tag jdk7-b103 for changeset a5cf09e6c109
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-07-29 cl Added tag jdk7-b103 for changeset f84fd6d66187
(0) -3000 -1000 -240 +240 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip