2017-04-21 erikj 8179078: Jib run-test-prebuilt profile missing dependency on bootjdk
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+166 for changeset d3e973f18096
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+166
2017-04-17 jjg 8161295: javac, cleanup use of ModuleTestBase
2017-04-17 jjg 8176801: tools/javac/platform/PlatformProviderTest.java sensitive to warnings sent to stderr
2017-04-17 jjg 8178509: MODULE_SOURCE_PATH: Implement missing methods
2017-04-15 bpatel 8175823: doclet crashes when documenting a single class in a module.
2017-04-14 jjg 8178426: Extra } is coming in the javadoc of Taglet.toString() API
2017-04-13 rfield 8178520: jshell tool: /help /save -- incorrect description of /save -start
2017-04-13 lana Merge
2017-04-12 ksrini 8178686: Fix incorrect bug id in test.
2017-04-12 ksrini 8178067: support for @uses/@provides tags is broken
2017-04-12 rfield 8178023: jshell tool: crash with ugly message on attempt to add non-existant module path
2017-04-11 mcimadamore 8178414: T8177933.java fails even after fix for JDK-8178283
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-13 lana Merge
2017-04-12 rriggs 8178347: Process and ProcessHandle getPid method name inconsistency
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-17 naoto 8177314: java VM fails to start with a Japanese ShiftJIS locale
2017-04-17 mli 8178840: Adds FieldSetAccessibleTest.java and VerifyJimage.java to ProblemList
2017-04-15 lancea 8164390: Add module javadoc to jdk.internal.jvmstat
2017-04-14 bpb 8178783: Java_sun_nio_ch_EPoll_close0 definition, but no sun.nio.ch.EPoll.close0 declaration.
2017-04-14 weijun 8178795: krb5 Basic.java test should be basic
2017-04-14 mli 8145163: Test Task for Platform Logging API and Service -- for moduralization
2017-04-14 chegar 8177536: Avoid Apple Peer-to-Peer interfaces in networking tests
2017-04-14 tidu 8178083: Remove intermittent key from java/security/SignedObject/Chain.java
2017-04-14 amlu 8169971: JLinkMultiReleaseJarTest.java fails intermittently at the final clean up
2017-04-13 darcy 8177723: Suppress lint removal warning in java.se.ee and jdk.unsupported
2017-04-13 darcy 8177682: Suppress removal warning for System.runFinalizersOnExit
2017-04-13 darcy 8177684: Suppress lint removal warnings in AppletSecurity
2017-04-13 darcy 8177683: Suppress lint removal warnings in jdk.security and jdk.policytool
2017-04-13 prr Merge
2017-04-10 mcherkas 8177450: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript ignores a character after commend end
2017-04-10 prr Merge
2017-04-10 prr Merge
2017-04-10 ssadetsky 8164469: [TEST_BUG] Unity, java/awt/MouseInfo/JContainerMousePositionTest.java
2017-04-10 rsingh 8177386: [TESTBUG] The "Undo" menu item in the context menu is disable
2017-04-05 serb 8177672: DataFlavor.imageFlavor is null when the java.desktop module is not resolved
2017-03-31 alitvinov 8167102: [macosx] PrintRequestAttributeSet breaks page size set using PageFormat
2017-03-31 serb 8177560: @headful key can be removed from the tests for JavaSound
2017-03-30 serb 8177461: Wrong references are used in the javadoc in the java.desktop module
2017-03-29 alexsch 8177625: apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.getConstantName(int) checks for THUMB_START twice
2017-03-29 dmarkov 8176490: [macosx] Sometimes NSWindow.isZoomed hangs
2017-03-29 serb 8177766: [TEST_BUG] JPopupMenu tests fails intermittently
2017-03-28 prr 8043773: Deprecate JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleFocusHandler
2017-03-27 ddehaven Merge
2017-03-25 stuefe 8177137: 8175293 breaks Windows build on Vs2010
2017-03-24 prr Merge
2017-03-23 serb 6574989: TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/bug5070081.java fails sometimes
2017-03-21 prr Merge
2017-03-20 serb 8176544: Compilation error in plaf.metal.MetalBumps.Test6657026
2017-04-13 lana Merge
2017-04-13 jwilhelm 8178447: Remove link from JavaDoc to Dev guide
2017-04-12 dlong 8158168: Missing bounds checks for some String intrinsics
2017-04-12 ascarpino 8177784: Use CounterMode intrinsic for AES/GCM
2017-04-11 rriggs 8178347: Process and ProcessHandle getPid method name inconsistency
2017-04-11 dfuchs 8178147: Race conditions in timeout handling code in http/2 incubator client
2017-04-11 weijun 8177969: Faster FilePermission::implies by avoiding the use of Path::relativize
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-15 iignatyev 8178731: compiler/ciReplay/SABase.java does not compile
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