2013-08-30 amurillo Added tag hs25-b48 for changeset 137826043047
2013-08-30 amurillo Merge
2013-08-29 dholmes Merge
2013-08-29 dholmes Merge
2013-08-28 dholmes 8023900: [TESTBUG] Initial compact profile test groups need adjusting
2013-08-28 jiangli Merge
2013-08-28 bpittore 8023580: Add jtreg test for 8004051 and 8005722
2013-08-28 dholmes 8006164: [TESTBUG] compact profile hotspot test issues
2013-08-23 cjplummer 8020829: JT_HS: 2 runtime NMT tests fail on platforms if NMT detail is not supported
2013-08-24 bpittore 8014135: The JVMTI specification does not conform to recent changes in JNI specification
2013-08-28 jmasa Merge
2013-08-23 jmasa Merge
2013-08-22 brutisso Merge
2013-08-21 brutisso 8022872: G1: Use correct GC cause for young GC triggered by humongous allocations
2013-08-16 jmasa 8022817: CMS should not shrink if compaction was not done
2013-08-26 stefank Merge
2013-08-16 stefank 8007074: SIGSEGV at ParMarkBitMap::verify_clear()
2013-08-26 dsimms 8022683: JNI GetStringUTFChars should return NULL on allocation failure not abort the VM
2013-08-26 hseigel 8022183: GCC 4.6 change sdefault setting for omit-frame-pointer which breaks hotspot stack walking
2013-08-23 dcubed Merge
2013-08-23 mgronlun 8023457: Event based tracing framework needs a mutex for thread groups
2013-08-23 poonam Merge
2013-08-23 poonam Merge
2013-08-22 poonam 8020530: Non heap memory size calculated incorrectly
2013-08-23 jiangli Merge
2013-08-22 jiangli 8023547: com/sun/jdi/RedefineMulti.sh fails with IllegalArgumentException after JDK-8021948 .
2013-08-22 iklam Merge
2013-08-22 iklam 8023406: make/windows/build_vm_def.sh takes too long even when BUILD_WIN_SA != 1
2013-08-22 sla Merge
2013-07-23 allwin 8011888: sa.js: TypeError: [object JSAdapter] has no such function "__has__"
2013-08-22 hseigel 7121403: [TESTBUG] runtime/7051189/Xchecksig.sh fails on 64bit solaris
2013-08-21 sla 8022808: Kitchensink hangs on macos
2013-08-23 amurillo 8023635: new hotspot build - hs25-b48
2013-08-29 cl Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset 14a09ddd8d8b
2013-09-04 erikj Merge
2013-09-04 ihse 8024155: Fix 'make CONF= <target>'
2013-09-03 katleman Merge
2013-08-30 erikj 8023957: Lock down version of autoconf
2013-08-29 erikj 8003162: build-infra: Improve suggestions for missing packages on linux
2013-08-29 lana Merge
2013-08-29 mduigou 8023892: test/Makefile shouldn't try to tell langtools/test/Makefile where to put output.
2013-08-26 lana Merge
2013-08-26 mduigou 8023491: Remove target names from test/Makefile and defer to sub-repo makefiles.
2013-08-21 mduigou 8023433: Improve 'make help'
2013-08-29 cl Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset e164aa20de40
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset 589f4fdc584e
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b105
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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