2012-06-27 lana Merge
2012-06-27 lana Merge
2012-06-27 dholmes 7161229: PriorityBlockingQueue keeps hard reference to last removed element
2012-06-26 robm 4244896: (process) Provide System.getPid(), System.killProcess(String pid)
2012-07-04 lana Merge
2012-06-28 rupashka 7169111: Unreadable menu bar with Ambiance theme in GTK L&F
2012-06-27 lana Merge
2012-06-26 anthony 7124326: [macosx] An issue similar to autoshutdown one in two AppContexts situation.
2012-06-26 bagiras 7024749: JDK7 b131---a crash in: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_isGetThemeTransitionDurationDefined+0x75
2012-06-26 serb 7142091: [macosx] RFE: Refactoring of peer initialization/disposing
2012-07-04 lana Merge
2012-06-28 lana Merge
2012-06-26 prr 7164282: check for NULL return from malloc is testing wrong variable name.
2012-06-26 prr 7176447: Lunix/Solaris fontpath.c : double free(family)
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