2016-08-29 rfield 8158507: JShell: new jdk.jshell.MemoryFileManager(StandardJavaFileManager, JShell) creates a jdk.jshell.MemoryFileManager$REPLClassLoader classloader, which should be performed within a doPrivileged block
2016-08-29 jlahoda 8164745: javac -Xmodule compiles the module in a way that reads the unnamed module
2016-08-29 ntv 8153897: jshell tool: "not active" must be pulled from resource file
2016-08-29 ntv 8156984: JShell tool: for (FormatCase e : EnumSet.allOf(FormatCase.class))
2016-08-26 jjg 8164887: update tests to remove use of old-style options
2016-08-26 rfield 8158738: jshell tool: Save does not affect jshell if started from another editor
2016-08-26 smarks 8164835: add a few tools tests to the problem list
2016-08-26 smarks 8145464: implement deprecation static analysis tool
2016-08-25 lana Merge
2016-08-25 mcimadamore 8164399: inference of thrown variable does not work correctly
2016-08-25 vromero 8161501: JSR269 jigsaw update: javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.getEnclosedElements() on unnamed module with unnamed package
2016-08-24 jjg 8164747: allclasses-frame broken after JDK-8162353
2016-08-24 vromero 8047338: javac is not correctly filtering non-members methods to obtain the function descriptor
2016-08-23 anazarov 8163991: Fix license and copyright headers under test/jdk/javadoc/ and test/tools/javac/
2016-08-23 darcy 8164598: Problem list TestIOException.java
2016-08-23 rfield 8160089: jshell tool: use new double-dash long-form command-line options
2016-08-22 jjg 8164130: Simplify doclet IOException handling
2016-08-25 lana Added tag jdk-9+133 for changeset 611ca58fca75
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-25 lana Added tag jdk-9+133 for changeset a6f581ca1fc4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-26 joehw 8163232: Catalog API: Consolidating CatalogResolver to support all XML Resolvers
2016-08-25 lana Merge
2016-08-23 joehw 8157797: SAX Parser throws incorrect error on invalid xml
2016-08-25 lana Added tag jdk-9+133 for changeset 0aa2e371af02
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-25 lana Merge
2016-08-25 sundar 8164748: Edit pad crashes when calling function
2016-08-24 sundar 8164618: add documentation for NativeNumber and NativeBoolean
2016-08-25 lana Added tag jdk-9+133 for changeset a3fdd74e324a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-25 lana Added tag jdk-9+133 for changeset 93cc31534cc4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-29 sherman 8066577: Cleanup and make better use of the stream API in the jrtfs code
2016-08-29 snikandrova 8164533: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/CloseSocket.java failed with "Error while cleaning up threads after test"
2016-08-29 sundar 8159004: jlink attempts to create launcher scripts when root/bin dir does not exist
2016-08-29 jlaskey 8161000: GPL header incorrect - classfile/classpath
2016-08-29 clanger 8164649: Cleanup of test java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Lock.java
2016-08-26 wetmore 8061842: Package jurisdiction policy files as something other than JAR
2016-08-25 snikandrova 8005068: HttpCookie does not correctly handle negative maxAge values
2016-08-26 ascarpino 8074838: Resolve disabled warnings for libj2pkcs11
2016-08-26 redestad 8164866: tools/jlink/plugins/GenerateJLIClassesPluginTest.java can't compile after JDK-8163371
2016-08-26 sundar 8164800: Cross targeting Windows
2016-08-26 xiaofeya 8163561: Add a test for Proxy Authentication in HTTP/2 Client API
2016-08-26 redestad 8163371: Enable tracing which JLI classes can be pre-generated
2016-08-26 mullan 8024714: In java.security file, ocsp.responderCertSubjectName should not contain quotes
2016-08-26 ssahoo 8006690: sun/security/krb5/auto/BadKdc* tests fails intermittently
2016-08-26 sundar 8147491: module graph consistency checks after jlink plugins operate on module pool
2016-08-26 smarks 8164834: remove jdeprscan from tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java
2016-08-26 smarks 8164698: modify jdk makefiles to build jdeprscan
2016-08-25 lana Merge
2016-08-25 mullan 8150158: Update bugs.sun.com references to bugs.java.com
2016-08-25 mullan 8151893: Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode
2016-08-25 redestad 8164739: Remove computation of predefined interpreter forms
2016-08-25 alanb 8066943: (fs) Path.relativize() gives incorrect result for ".."
2016-08-25 sundar 8163793: jlink has typo in copy-files plugin help text example
2016-08-24 dl 8163353: NPE in ConcurrentHashMap.removeAll()
2016-08-24 bpb 8163136: Add print statements to java/nio/file/WatchService/LotsOfCancels.java
2016-08-24 asmotrak 8164166: Make sure java/nio/channels tests shutdown asynchronous channel groups
2016-08-24 coffeys 8150530: Improve javax.crypto.BadPaddingException messages
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