2016-11-30 goetz 8170525: Fix minor issues in AWT/ECC/PKCS11 coding
2016-12-08 xiaofeya 8169115: java/net/InetAddress/ptr/lookup.sh failed intermittently
2016-12-08 skovalev 8170664: SystemLoggerInPlatformLoader.java failing in case of module limitation
2016-12-08 rgoel 8170840: java/util/Locale/LocaleTest.java failed with "Uncaught exception thrown in test method TestGetLangsAndCountries"
2016-12-07 lana 8169618: JDK9 message drop interim resource updates - OpenJDK
2016-11-30 lana 7037368: Currency names missing in some locales
2016-12-08 xiaofeya 8043838: Test java/net/ServerSocket/AcceptCauseFileDescriptorLeak.java failed intermittently in nightly
2016-12-08 mli 8170839: failed test case is not checked in java/rmi/activation/ActivateFailedException/activateFails/ActivateFails.java
2016-12-02 bpb 8168628: (fc) SIGBUS when extending file size to map it
2016-12-07 rriggs 8170291: Unpredictable results of j.i.ObjectInputFilter::createFilter
2016-12-07 darcy 8170875: Problem list LocaleTest.java until JDK-8170840 is fixed
2016-12-07 sherman 8170831: ZipFile implementation no longer caches the last accessed entry/pos
2016-12-01 martin 8170560: Improve code samples in Collectors javadoc
2016-12-07 naoto 8170465: JNI exception pending in jni_util.c:190
2016-12-07 mullan 8158517: Minor optimizations to ISO10126PADDING
2016-12-07 chegar 8169653: Restore ObjectInputStream::resolveClass call stack default search order
2016-12-07 ihse 8170629: Remove code duplication in test makefiles
2016-12-07 rgoel 8071929: Locale.getISOCountries() has inconsistent behaviour for "AN", "BU" and "CS" country codes.
2016-12-07 xiaofeya 8081390: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/RMIConnector_NPETest.java may leave orphaned processes
2016-12-07 mli 8170704: java/rmi/activation/Activatable/* tests fails intermittently with "output improperly annotated"
2016-12-07 smarks 8166446: SingletonIterator.forEachRemaining doesn't advance before calling action
2016-12-06 sherman 8170828: test/java/util/zip/ZipFile/TestZipFile needs @modules to work with Method.setAccessible()
2016-12-08 lana Added tag jdk-9+148 for changeset 2625312d491c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-12-08 lana Merge
2016-12-07 erikj 8141590: Cannot build Zero with devkit
2016-12-07 ihse 8170629: Remove code duplication in test makefiles
2016-12-08 lana Added tag jdk-9+148 for changeset bb4ec5bdb5d8
2016-12-09 michaelm 8170648: Move java.net.http package out of Java SE to incubator namespace
2016-12-08 lana Merge
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