2017-05-05 lancea 8179566: Add additional jaxws messages to be translated
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-09 joehw 8179863: Missing copyrights in some jaxp files
2017-05-09 joehw 8150256: removing xerces-related dead code
2017-05-09 ihse 8179889: Fix typographic errors in copyright headers
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-09 ihse 8179889: Fix typographic errors in copyright headers
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-09 mchung 8179950: Custom system class loader using Enum.valueOf in its initialization triggers java.lang.InternalError
2017-05-09 bpb 8179662: OutputStreamWriter javadocs states that you can set the buffer size but there is no way to do that
2017-05-09 ihse 8179692: Move RMI spec to specs directory
2017-05-09 ihse 8179889: Fix typographic errors in copyright headers
2017-05-09 mchung 8020801: Apply the restriction of invoking MethodHandles.lookup to j.l.r.Method.invoke
2017-05-08 xiaofeya 8178912: Remove sample/chatserver/ChatTest.java and sample/mergesort/MergeSortTest.java
2017-05-06 serb 8179596: Update java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly
2017-05-05 shurailine 8179852: Remove references to demo tests from TEST.groups
2017-05-05 prr Merge
2017-05-02 ssadetsky 8178984: Unnecessary angle brackets in the Line2D::intersectsLine() javadoc.
2017-05-02 ssadetsky 8159902: OGL surfaces are not HiDPI compatible on Linux/Solaris
2017-05-02 prr Merge
2017-05-01 ssadetsky 8160530: [TEST-BUG] Consistent failure of java/awt/dnd/MissingEventsOnModalDialog/MissingEventsOnModalDialogTest.java
2017-04-28 prr Merge
2017-04-27 prr 8179365: JAWT (AWT Native Interface) specification needs to be updated for JDK 9
2017-04-27 ssadetsky 8140237: [TEST_BUG]Test javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8041642/bug8041642.java fails for OEL 7
2017-04-27 ssadetsky 8179027: JComboBox too small under Windows LAF
2017-04-24 prr Merge
2017-04-24 ssadetsky 8178905: Undecorated frame is not painted on OEL7(Gnome3).
2017-04-24 serb 8178971: Uncommon formatting and typos in java.desktop module
2017-05-04 mchung 8179645: java.util.jar.Packer.newPacker and newUnpacker fails when running with security manager
2017-05-04 poonam Merge
2017-04-27 shshahma 8177721: Improve diagnostics in sun.management.Agent#startAgent()
2017-05-04 lancea 8179634: Add JDBC 4.2 to bullet list in package.html
2017-05-04 lana Merge
2017-05-04 amlu 8023897: Replace/update/rename executeAndCatch in various tests to assertThrows
2017-05-04 alanb Merge
2017-05-04 alanb 8178380: Module system implementation refresh (5/2017)
2017-05-04 mli 8179451: Confidential copyright header in openjdk
2017-05-03 lancea 8078267: Add test to verify that a module based JDBC driver via the service-provider loading mechanism
2017-05-03 ksrini 8179538: Update jdk.jdi to be HTML-5 friendly
2017-05-03 ihse 8179453: Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown
2017-05-02 wetmore 8178014: CryptoPolicyParser's API comment contains < and > characters
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-09 ihse 8179889: Fix typographic errors in copyright headers
2017-04-25 roland 8179070: nashorn+octane's box2d causes c2 to crash with "Bad graph detected in compute_lca_of_uses"
2017-05-04 lana Merge
2017-05-04 alanb Merge
2017-05-04 alanb 8178380: Module system implementation refresh (5/2017)
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-05-09 ihse 8179879: Clarify install.sh
2017-05-08 ihse 8140268: Generate link to specification license for JavaDoc API documentation
2017-05-08 ihse 8179658: SetupProcessMarkdown creates long file names
2017-05-05 ihse 8179557: Update generated Javadoc footer documentation link
2017-05-04 lana Merge
2017-05-04 alanb Merge
2017-05-04 alanb 8178380: Module system implementation refresh (5/2017)
2017-05-03 erikj 8179438: Incremental builds broken on Windows
2017-05-03 ihse 8179453: Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-10+7 for changeset 30e75693ae99
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-10+7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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