2015-11-23 | zmajo | 8143208: compiler/c1/6855215/Test6855215.java supports_sse2() failed | changeset | files |
2015-11-19 | enevill | 8143067: aarch64: guarantee failure in javac | changeset | files |
2015-11-20 | kvn | 8143012: CRC32 Intrinsics support on SPARC | changeset | files |
2015-11-20 | thartmann | 8140390: Char stores/loads accessing byte arrays must be marked as unmatched | changeset | files |
2015-11-20 | mcberg | 8142980: SKX SpecJvm2008 - Derby | changeset | files |
2015-11-16 | simonis | 8141551: C2 can not handle returns with inccompatible interface arrays | changeset | files |
2015-10-05 | mdoerr | 8138895: C1: PPC64 Port needs special register for Locks in synchronization code | changeset | files |
2015-10-21 | mdoerr | 8138892: C1: Improve counter overflow checking | changeset | files |
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