2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-29 lana Merge
2012-12-26 bpatel 8004893: the javadoc/doclet needs to be updated to accommodate lambda changes
2012-12-21 vromero 8003512: javac doesn't work with jar files with >64k entries
2012-12-21 darcy 8005282: Use @library tag with non-relative path for javac tests
2012-12-20 jjg 8005307: fix missing @bug tags
2012-12-16 jfranck 8005098: Provide isSynthesized() information on Attribute.Compound
2012-12-19 jjg 8004833: Integrate doclint support into javac
2012-12-19 lana Merge
2012-12-18 mcimadamore 8005193: New regression test test/tools/javac/lambda/BadMethodCall2.java fails
2012-12-18 ohrstrom 8004657: Add hooks to javac to enable reporting dependency information.
2012-12-18 darcy 8005046: Provide checking for a default method in javax.lang.model
2012-12-17 mchung 8005137: Rename DocLint.call to DocLint.init which overrides Plugin.init
2012-12-17 jjg 8004961: rename Plugin.call to Plugin.init
2012-12-17 mcimadamore 8004099: Bad compiler diagnostic generated when poly expression is passed to non-existent method
2012-12-17 jjg 8004832: Add new doclint package
2012-12-17 vromero 8004814: javadoc should be able to detect default methods
2012-12-17 lana Merge
2012-12-15 vromero 8000518: Javac generates duplicate name_and_type constant pool entry for class BinaryOpValueExp.java
2012-12-14 vromero 8004976: test/tools/javac/7153958/CPoolRefClassContainingInlinedCts.java can fail
2012-12-27 katleman Added tag jdk8-b70 for changeset 08e2eaa7999a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-27 katleman Added tag jdk8-b70 for changeset 2981496fa5fa
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-29 lana Merge
2012-12-28 joehw 8005473: Warnings compiling jaxp
2012-12-19 joehw 8003261: static field is public but not final
2012-12-17 lana Merge
2012-12-14 joehw 8003260: [findbug] some fields should be package protected
2012-12-27 katleman Added tag jdk8-b70 for changeset 6ca279338b6b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-27 katleman Added tag jdk8-b70 for changeset e6b0cf31279d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-29 lana Merge
2012-12-29 smarks Merge
2012-12-28 jgish 8005594: Fix to 8003265 breaks build
2012-12-28 sjiang 7120365: DiffHBTest.java fails due to ConcurrentModificationException
2012-12-28 xuelei 8003265: Need to clone array of input/output parameters
2012-12-28 xuelei 7109274: Restrict the use of certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits
2012-12-28 okutsu 8005561: typo in Calendar
2012-12-28 peytoia 8005277: Regression in JDK 7 in Bidi implementation
2012-12-28 okutsu 8005471: DateFormat: Time zone info is not localized when adapter is CLDR
2012-12-27 chegar 8003981: Support Parallel Array Sorting - JEP 103
2012-12-26 mullan Merge
2012-12-26 mullan 8005117: Eliminate dependency from ConfigSpiFile to com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile
2012-12-22 joehw 8005280: (props) Improve test coverage for small XML parser
2012-12-21 sjiang 8005325: The script should use TESTVMOPTS
2012-12-21 jbachorik 7146162: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/BrokenConnectionTest.java failing intermittently
2012-12-21 smarks 8005290: remove -showversion from RMI test library subprocess mechanism
2012-12-20 alanb 8005281: (props) loadFromXML/storeToXML with small parser is not thread safe
2012-12-20 alanb 8001048: JSR-160: Allow IIOP transport to be optional
2012-12-20 dsamersoff 8005309: Missed tests for 6783290,6937053,7009998
2012-12-20 chegar 8005306: Redundant cast warning in KeepAliveStream.java
2012-12-20 dl 8002356: Add ForkJoin common pool and CountedCompleter
2012-12-20 dsamersoff 7009998: JMX synchronization during connection restart is faulty
2012-12-20 dsamersoff 6937053: RMI unmarshalling errors in ClientNotifForwarder cause silent failure
2012-12-20 dsamersoff 6783290: MBeanInfo/MBeanFeatureInfo has inconsistent readObject/writeObject
2012-12-19 darcy 8005097: Tie isSynthetic javadoc to the JLS
2012-12-19 alanb 8005248: (props) Integrate small footprint parser into Properties
2012-12-19 joehw 8004371: (props) Properties.loadFromXML needs small footprint XML parser as fallback when JAXP is not present
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