Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:24:35 -0800 sherman 8037394: ZipFileSystem leaks file descriptor when file is not a valid zip file
Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:51:45 -0800 sherman 8069211: (zipfs) ZipFileSystem creates corrupted zip if entry output stream gets closed more than once
Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:33:05 +0000 vinnie 8069155: The value of 'KeyStore Type' isn't 'jks'
Wed, 21 Jan 2015 21:42:22 +0100 plevart 8068427: Hashtable deserialization reconstitutes table with wrong capacity
Wed, 21 Jan 2015 13:19:08 -0500 lancea 8068732: Adding Initial RowSet tests
Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:02:50 -0800 smarks 8062807: Exporting RMI objects fails when run under restrictive SecurityManager
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