2016-11-29 dl 8169272: Clarify Semaphore.drainPermits behavior when current permits are negative
2016-11-29 dl 8166507: ConcurrentSkipListSet.clear() can leave the Set in an invalid state
2016-11-29 dl 8143577: optimize ArrayList.removeIf
2016-11-29 dl 8169243: java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ConfigChanges.java still fails intermittently
2016-11-29 darcy 8170429: Problem list LogGeneratedClassesTest.java until JDK-8170408 is fixed
2016-11-28 mchung 8169816: Move src.zip and jrt-fs.jar under the lib directory
2016-11-28 dfuchs 8170401: JConsole might use System.Logger
2016-11-28 weijun 8170364: FilePermission path modified during merge
2016-11-28 ihse 8031567: Better model for storing source revision information
2016-12-01 lana Added tag jdk-9+147 for changeset 3bffdeb6c8d9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-12-01 lana Merge
2016-12-01 alanb 8170599: compiler/** tests using ToolProvider.getSystemClassLoader failing
2016-12-01 alanb Merge
2016-12-01 alanb 8169069: Module system implementation refresh (11/2016)
2016-11-28 ihse 8031567: Better model for storing source revision information
2016-12-01 lana Added tag jdk-9+147 for changeset ef1c0c184790
2016-12-06 erikj 8170784: JDK-8038957 broke cross compilation
2016-12-06 wetmore 8170157: Enable unlimited cryptographic policy by default in OracleJDK
2016-12-02 rfield 8170406: JShell (root repo): remove exports exclusion from -Xlint for jdk.jshell
2016-11-28 gromero 8170153: PPC64/s390x/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation
2016-12-02 ihse 8039103: "explicitly" is misspelled as "explicitely" in configure scripts
2016-12-02 ihse 8038957: DEBUG_BINARIES can be removed
2016-12-02 ihse 8076577: Do not allow ccache prior to 3.2 on macosx
2016-12-02 ihse 8170666: Test for microsoft compiler minimum version
2016-12-02 ihse 8170651: Remove legacy hotspot compiler setup
2016-12-01 lana Merge
2016-12-01 erikj 8164304: JDK should build with Oracle Developer Studio
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