2016-09-16 serb 8165717: [macosx] Various memory leaks in jdk9
2016-09-15 rchamyal 8150176: [hidpi] wrong resolution variant of multi-res. image is used for TrayIcon
2016-09-15 mhalder 8163270: [macosx] Robot(gc) issue on dual-screen system
2016-09-14 arapte 8162102: access denied to System Property awt.robot.gtk
2016-09-14 arapte 8160056: TextField.setText breaks the contract of EOL
2016-09-14 jdv 8162461: Hang due to JNI up-call made whilst holding JNI critical lock.
2016-10-10 ascarpino 8165103: Update to "denyAfter constraint check" exception message
2016-10-10 clanger 8167295: Further cleanup to the native parts of libnet/libnio
2016-10-10 ascarpino 8165101: AnchorCertificates throws NPE when cacerts file not found
2016-10-10 ssahoo 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
2016-10-10 weijun 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
2016-10-07 jjg 8159855: Create an SPI for tools
2016-10-07 bchristi 8151486: Class.forName causes memory leak
2016-10-07 sundar 8167018: Nashorn and jjs should support --module-path and --add-modules options
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06 weijun 8167181: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.security.jgss
2016-10-06 lana Merge
2016-10-06 redestad 8167005: Comment on the need for an empty constructor in ArrayList$Itr
2016-10-05 amurillo Merge
2016-10-05 amurillo Merge
2016-09-30 amurillo Merge
2016-09-28 mikael 8166045: jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe tests fail due to timeout
2016-09-28 dlong Merge
2016-09-26 dlong Merge
2016-09-20 dlong Merge
2016-08-26 vdeshpande 8154122: Intrinsify fused mac operations
2016-09-23 amurillo Merge
2016-09-21 cjplummer 8161225: Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
2016-09-21 hseigel 8160987: JDWP ClassType.InvokeMethod doesn't validate class
2016-09-20 ccheung 8164011: --patch-module support for CDS
2016-10-05 mullan Merge
2016-10-05 mullan 8166632: Document how to grant permissions for a module jrt:/<module> in the image
2016-10-03 skovalev 8166791: Fix module dependencies for networking component tests
2016-10-05 rpatil 8166875: (tz) Support tzdata2016g
2016-10-05 erikj 8150736: Excessive disk space used by build system
2016-10-05 mchung 8166860: Add magic number to jmod file
2016-09-30 martin 8166981: RGBColorConvertTest has wrong @run line
2016-09-30 martin 8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
2016-10-06 lana Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 5da543633b3b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-10-07 iris 8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06 lana Merge
2016-10-05 amurillo Merge
2016-10-05 amurillo Merge
2016-09-30 amurillo Merge
2016-09-27 goetz 8166765: [ppc] Port "8163014: Mysterious/wrong value for long frame local variable on 64-bit"
2016-09-27 goetz 8166777: [ppc] port "8164086: Checked JNI pending exception check should be cleared"
2016-09-28 vtewari 8165537: runtime/SharedArchiveFile/SASymbolTableTest.java fails with NullPointerException
2016-09-28 dlong Merge
2016-09-26 dlong Merge
2016-09-19 mdoerr 8166140: C1: Possible integer overflow in LIRGenerator::generate_address on several platforms
2016-09-26 thartmann 8161085: PreserveFPRegistersTest fails with 'AssertionError: Final value has changed'
2016-08-17 ppunegov 8156852: Convert JSON_test to Gtest
2016-09-22 mdoerr 8164920: ppc: enhancement of CRC32 intrinsic
2016-09-21 kvn 8078122: YMM registers upper 128 bits may get clobbered by a JNI call on windows
2016-09-21 thartmann 8166046: [TESTBUG] compiler/stringopts/TestStringObjectInitialization.java fails with OOME
2016-09-20 mcberg 8129376: SPECjvm98-client performance regression in 9-b66
2016-09-20 dlong Merge
2016-09-20 iignatyev 8166164: compiler/compilercontrol/share/processors/LogProcessor.java does not close Scanner
2016-09-19 dnsimon 8165457: [JVMCI] increase InterpreterCodeSize for JVMCI
2016-09-17 kvn 8166096: variable tracking size limit exceeded in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
2016-09-14 dnsimon Merge
2016-09-14 dnsimon 8165434: [JVMCI] remove uses of setAccessible
2016-09-14 kvn Merge
2016-08-26 vdeshpande 8154122: Intrinsify fused mac operations
2016-09-14 dnsimon 8165755: [JVMCI] replace use of vm_abort with vm_exit
2016-09-01 goetz 8165235: [TESTBUG] RTM tests must check OS version
2016-09-08 gromero 8164987: RTM jtreg tests failing due to unnamed module unable to access class jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe
2016-09-09 jcm 8164508: unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code
2016-09-07 mcberg 8165565: Shorten branches causes incorrect code for SKX
2016-09-27 eosterlund 8165857: CMS _overflow_list is missing volatile specifiers.
2016-09-26 kzhaldyb 8159818: Convert IHOP_test to GTest
2016-09-26 fparain Merge
2016-09-26 fparain 8146546: assert(fr->safe_for_sender(thread)) failed: Safety check
2016-09-26 kbarrett 8166663: Simplify oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful
2016-09-15 kzhaldyb 8165602: Convert TestChunkedList_test to GTest
2016-09-24 eosterlund 8165858: heapRegionManager is missing volatile specifier for _claims.
2016-09-23 kbarrett 8166583: Add oopDesc::klass_or_null_acquire()
2016-09-23 amurillo Merge
2016-09-22 iignatyev 8166549: fix incorrectly @ignore-d hotspot/compiler tests
2016-09-22 bchristi 8166501: compilation error in stackwalk.cpp on some gccs
2016-09-22 iignatyev Merge
2016-09-08 kzhaldyb 8165433: Convert Test_linked_list to Gtest
2016-09-22 dsamersoff Merge
2016-09-22 dsamersoff 8166552: SA: Missed testcase for add default methods to InstanceKlass
2016-09-22 adinn 8166433: AArch64: Fix for JDK-8163014 broke AArch64 build
2016-09-22 erikj 8166202: Tracefile gensrc cannot handle closed src dir in different location
2016-09-21 kzhaldyb Merge
2016-09-16 kzhaldyb 8165613: Convert TestKlass_test to Gtest
2016-09-21 cjplummer 8161225: Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
2016-09-21 ctornqvi Merge
2016-09-21 ctornqvi Merge
2016-09-21 ctornqvi 8164852: Move slow tier1/tier2 runtime tests to later tiers
2016-09-21 coleenp Merge
2016-09-21 coleenp 8163969: Cyclic interface initialization causes JVM crash
2016-09-21 ddmitriev 8150758: [TESTBUG] need jvmti tests for module aware agents
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