2015-06-11 bchristi 8064956: Remove sun.misc.ExtensionInstallationProvider and relevant classes
2015-06-11 simonis 8081674: EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
2015-06-10 rriggs 8086117: java/lang/Runtime/exec/LotsOfOutput.java still fails intermittently with Process consumes memory
2015-06-10 kshefov 8085979: Make some DTLS feature functional tests work also for TLS protocol
2015-06-09 mullan Merge
2015-06-09 mullan 8056179: Store permissions in concurrent collections in PermissionCollection subclasses
2015-06-09 psandoz 8080945: Improve the performance of primitive Arrays.sort for certain patterns of array elements
2015-06-09 amurillo Merge
2015-06-08 amurillo Merge
2015-06-04 amurillo Merge
2015-06-04 kvn Merge
2015-05-29 vlivanov 8081320: Backout JDK-8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
2015-05-29 thartmann Merge
2015-05-22 thartmann Merge
2015-05-21 vlivanov 8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
2015-05-15 vlivanov 8079205: CallSite dependency tracking is broken after sun.misc.Cleaner became automatically cleared
2015-06-02 ihse 8081616: Remove hard-coded CFLAGS_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS to fully respect --disable-warnings-as-errors
2015-05-29 ykantser Merge
2015-05-27 ykantser 8081037: serviceability/sa/ tests time out on Windows
2015-05-29 sla Merge
2015-05-28 dcubed Merge
2015-05-28 aeriksso 8080428: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/8022701/MHIllegalAccess.java - FAIL: Unexpected wrapped exception java.lang.BootstrapMethodError
2015-06-08 robm 7130985: Four helper classes missing in Sun JDK
2015-06-08 aefimov 8080774: DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy
2015-06-08 avstepan 8081517: minor cleanup for docs
2015-06-05 juh 8076535: Deprecate the com.sun.jarsigner package
2015-06-05 robm 8080819: Inet4AddressImpl regression caused by JDK-7180557
2015-06-05 kshefov 8068416: LFGarbageCollectedTest.java fails with OOME: "GC overhead limit exceeded"
2015-06-05 kshefov 8072515: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
2015-06-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 16c2f760e636
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-12 lana Merge
2015-06-10 enevill 8085805: aarch64: AdvancedThresholdPolicy lacks tuning of InlineSmallCode size
2015-06-08 amurillo Merge
2015-06-04 amurillo Merge
2015-06-04 kvn Merge
2015-05-29 roland Merge
2015-05-29 roland 8080976: Unexpected AIOOB thrown from 1.9.0-ea-b64 on (regression)
2015-05-29 vlivanov 8001622: loadUB2L_immI8 & loadUS2L_immI16 rules don't match some 8-bit/16-bit masks
2015-05-29 vlivanov 8081320: Backout JDK-8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
2015-05-29 thartmann Merge
2015-05-22 roland 8080699: Assert failed: Not a Java pointer in JCK test
2015-05-22 thartmann Merge
2015-05-22 thartmann 8080156: Integer.toString(int value) sometimes throws NPE
2015-05-22 thartmann Merge
2015-05-21 roland Merge
2015-05-21 aeriksso 8060036: C2: CmpU nodes can end up with wrong type information
2015-05-21 vlivanov 8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
2015-05-15 vlivanov 8079205: CallSite dependency tracking is broken after sun.misc.Cleaner became automatically cleared
2015-05-15 vlivanov 8079135: C2 disables some optimizations when a large number of unique nodes exist
2015-05-21 roland 8077504: Unsafe load can loose control dependency and cause crash
2015-06-04 jwilhelm Merge
2015-06-03 kbarrett 8079093: Remove FakeRttiSupport workaround for gcc -Wtype-limits
2015-06-02 ysuenaga 8072913: [REDO] GCCause should distinguish jcmd GC.run from System.gc()
2015-06-03 stefank Merge
2015-06-03 stefank 8081682: AbstractWorkGang::_terminate is never used
2015-06-02 kbarrett 8076613: gc/TestSmallHeap.java failed with OOME
2015-05-29 jprovino 8081508: metaspace/shrink_grow/CompressedClassSpaceSize fails with OOM: Compressed class space
2015-06-02 aeriksso 8072588: JVM crashes in JNI if toString is declared as an interface method
2015-06-01 ctornqvi 8080718: Make -XX:CreateCoredumpOnCrash control core dumping in all cases
2015-06-01 ctornqvi 8080446: The change for 8074354 removed the server check when creating minidumps on Windows
2015-05-29 sla 8080928: Uninitialised variable in hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiEnvBase.cpp
2015-05-29 ysuenaga 8081475: SystemTap does not work when JDK is compiled with GCC 5
2015-05-29 hseigel Merge
2015-05-29 hseigel 8076319: jstat verified class fix
2015-05-29 coleenp Merge
2015-05-29 coleenp 8029567: Clean up linkResolver code
2015-05-27 ykantser 8081037: serviceability/sa/ tests time out on Windows
2015-06-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 930f9e292f20
2015-06-12 lana Merge
2015-06-11 omajid 8087156: SetupNativeCompilation ignores CFLAGS_release for cpp files
2015-06-09 alundblad 8054717: SJavac should track changes in the public apis of classpath classes!
2015-06-08 amurillo Merge
2015-06-04 amurillo Merge
2015-05-28 ykantser 8081037: serviceability/sa/ tests time out on Windows
2015-06-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 55a005ebb6c2
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 5b500c93ce48
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b68
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-04 jlahoda 8039262: Java compiler performance degradation jdk1.7 vs. jdk1.6 should be amended
2015-06-01 darcy 8075546: Add tiered testing definitions to the langtools repo
2015-05-30 sadayapalam 8077667: 'variable may not have been initialized' error for parameter in lambda function
2015-05-30 jjg 8081538: test CheckEBCDICLocaleTest is failing
2015-05-29 jjg 8081541: @ignore CheckEBCDICLocaleTest
2015-05-29 vromero 8073372: Redundant CONSTANT_Class entry not generated for inlined constant
2015-05-29 sadayapalam 8080842: Using Lambda Expression with name clash results in ClassFormatError
2015-05-29 sadayapalam 8081271: NPE while compiling a program with erroneous use of constructor reference expressions
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset c275389a3680
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-02 mkos 8080502: Update JAXB and JAX-WS to work with resource encapsulation
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset 2a45cd1813f7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-02 darcy 8075551: Add tiered testing definitions to the jaxp repo
2015-05-29 aefimov 8081392: getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset 0944ee4b0119
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-03 attila 8081813: JSONListAdapter should delegate its [[DefaultValue]] to wrapped object
2015-06-03 sundar 8081809: Missing final modifier in method parameters (nashorn code convention)
2015-06-03 hannesw 8066220: Fuzzing bug: MethodHandle bug (Object,Object) != (boolean)Object
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081696: reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8080275: transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081668: fix Nashorn ant externals command
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081604: rename ScriptingFunctions.tokenizeCommandLine
2015-06-02 mhaupt 8081603: erroneous dot file generated from Nashorn --print-code
2015-06-02 attila 8066773: JSON-friendly wrapper for objects
2015-06-02 darcy 8075555: Add tiered testing definitions to the nashorn repo
2015-06-02 sundar 8081609: engine.eval call from a java method which was called from a previous engine.eval results in wrong ScriptContext being used.
2015-06-01 attila 8066218: UTF-32LE mistakenly detected as UTF-16LE
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset 86337dfa5da2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset a5240da82a64
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-05 smarks 8072726: add adapter to convert Enumeration to Iterator
2015-06-05 darcy 8083664: Update AudioFileWriter to generate working @see reference
2015-06-04 chegar 8085858: Better failure output for test/java/util/Arrays/ParallelPrefix.java
2015-06-04 chegar Merge
2015-05-29 sla 8081470: com/sun/jdi tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12
2015-06-04 coffeys 8072384: Setting IP_TOS on java.net sockets not working on unix
2015-06-04 chegar 8080835: Add blocking bulk read to java.io.InputStream
2015-06-04 chegar 8079778: Add intermittent tag to java/rmi/activation/rmidViaInheritedChannel/RmidViaInheritedChannel.java
2015-06-04 plevart 8079063: ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of should throw IAE for non-zero nanoseconds
2015-06-04 weijun 8031111: fix krb5 caddr
2015-06-04 weijun 8079821: MSOID2.java test is not perfect
2015-06-04 rriggs Merge
2015-06-03 rriggs 8067808: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failed on Assertion
2015-06-03 rriggs 8081567: java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed Cannot run program "whoami"
2015-06-04 ddehaven Merge
2015-05-26 ddehaven Merge
2015-05-26 prr 8081231: JDK9 client build broken on Windows
2015-05-26 aivanov 8080628: No mnemonics on Open and Save buttons in JFileChooser
2015-05-26 ssadetsky 8079640: GroupLayout incorrect layout with large JTextArea
2015-05-25 ssadetsky 8003399: JFileChooser gives wrong path to selected file when saving to Libraries folder on Windows 7
2015-05-22 serb 6587235: Incorrect javadoc: "no parameter" in 2d source code
2015-05-22 serb 8071306: GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45
2015-05-16 serb 8041654: OutOfMemoryError: RepaintManager doesn't clean up cache of volatile images
2015-05-22 alexsch 8080137: Dragged events for extra mouse buttons (4, 5, 6) are not generated on JSplitPane
2015-05-22 alexsch 8065739: [macosx] Frame warps to lower left of screen when
2015-05-20 psadhukhan 8015368: javax/print/attribute/URLPDFPrinting.java fails on solaris with java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
2015-05-20 ptbrunet 8078408: Java version applet hangs with Voice over turned on
2015-05-19 serb 8080488: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Frame.cpp
2015-05-19 ssadetsky 6260348: GTK+ L&F JTextComponent not respecting desktop caret blink rate
2015-05-19 ssadetsky 7172652: With JDK 1.7 text field does not obtain focus when using mnemonic Alt/Key combin
2015-05-15 serb 8030087: Avoid public native methods in sun.awt packages
2015-05-15 serb 8080341: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
2015-05-14 ddehaven 8080343: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
2015-05-15 azvegint 8072448: Can not input Japanese in JTextField on RedHat Linux
2015-05-14 aivanov 8033069: mouse wheel scroll closes combobox popup
2015-05-13 serb 6368321: MetalRootPaneUI calls to deprecated code
2015-05-13 prr Merge
2015-05-13 serb 5109918: Wrong documentation for JSpinner.DateEditor constructor
2015-05-13 serb 8072775: Tremendous memory usage by JTextArea
2015-05-12 van 8075609: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: aContainer is not a focus cycle root of aComponent
2015-05-12 psadhukhan 8077584: Value of java.awt.font.OpenType.TAG_OPBD is incorrect
2015-05-12 alexsch 8079255: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/Robot/RobotWheelTest/RobotWheelTest fails for Mac only
2015-05-12 ssadetsky 8078483: Apparent endless loop running JEditorPanePaintTest
2015-05-12 ssadetsky 8001470: JTextField's size is computed incorrectly when it contains Indic or Thai characters
2015-05-08 pchelko 8035568: [macosx] Cursor management unification
2015-05-08 serb 8015900: [TEST_BUG] ScrollbarMouseWheelTest failed on ubuntu 12 with unity and unity 2D
2015-05-08 serb 8013820: JavaDoc for JSpinner contains errors
2015-05-08 serb 5036022: JSpinner does not reflect new font on subsequent calls to setFont
2015-05-08 serb 8078149: [macosx] The text of the TextArea is not wrapped at word boundaries
2015-05-08 ssadetsky 7190544: Nimbus LaF: regression UnitTest failure
2015-05-08 ssadetsky 7155957: closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarStress1/MenuBarStress1.java hangs on win 64 bit with jdk8
2015-05-08 ssadetsky 7072653: JComboBox popup mispositioned if its height exceeds the screen height
2015-05-08 ssadetsky 6980209: Make tracking SecondaryLoop.enter/exit methods easier
2015-06-04 xuelei 8081792: buffer size calculation issue in NativeGCMCipher
2015-06-03 ksrini 8081824: Remove dead code GetPublicJREHome in the launcher
2015-06-03 igerasim 8058779: Faster implementation of String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)
2015-06-03 amlu 8081773: sun/net/www/protocol/https/ChunkedOutputStream.java references library that doesn't exist
2015-06-03 chegar 8071474: Better failure atomicity for default read object
2015-06-03 sla 8081775: two lib/testlibrary tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12
2015-06-02 amurillo Merge
2015-06-01 amurillo Merge
2015-05-28 amurillo Merge
2015-05-26 jbachorik 8080663: Use sun.misc.SharedSecrets to allow access from java.management to @ConstructorProperties
2015-06-02 weijun 8038089: TLS optional support for Kerberos cipher suites needs to be re-examine
2015-06-02 xuelei 8043758: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
2015-06-01 rriggs 8081566: java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed on case sensitive command
2015-06-01 rriggs 8081565: javac lint warnings in jdk testlibrary
2015-05-30 igerasim 7011441: jndi/ldap/Connection.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
2015-05-29 rriggs 8081536: (process) remove unreliable ScaleTest from ProcessHandle tests
2015-05-29 rriggs 8077350: JEP 102 Process API Updates Implementation
2015-05-29 sherman 8081522: build failed with jdk8081452 change.
2015-05-29 igerasim 8081027: Create a common test to check adequacy of initial size of static HashMap/ArrayList fields
2015-05-29 sherman 8081452: Move sun.nio.cs.AbstractCharsetProvider into jdk.charset/sun.nio.cs.ext
2015-05-29 aefimov 8081392: getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes
2015-05-29 weijun 8051952: Unreachable.java test failing on Windows
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset 00438d7bb747
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-04 enevill 8079565: aarch64: Add vectorization support for aarch64
2015-05-27 enevill 8081289: aarch64: add support for RewriteFrequentPairs in interpreter
2015-06-02 amurillo Merge
2015-06-01 amurillo Merge
2015-05-28 amurillo Merge
2015-05-28 jwilhelm Merge
2015-05-27 brutisso 8081039: G1: Remove unused statistics code in G1NoteEndOfConcMarkClosure and G1ParNoteEndTask
2015-05-26 stefank 8081007: Remove redundant active worker variables and calls in ParNewGeneration::collect
2015-05-25 jwilhelm Merge
2015-05-25 stefank 8080879: Remove FlexibleWorkGang::set_for_termination
2015-05-25 sjohanss 8080746: Refactor oop iteration macros to be more general
2015-05-25 stefank Merge
2015-05-22 stefank 8080877: Don't use workers()->total_workers() when walking G1CollectedHeap::_task_queues
2015-05-22 stefank Merge
2015-05-22 stefank 8080876: Replace unnecessary MAX2(ParallelGCThreads, 1) calls with ParallelGCThreads
2015-05-22 stefank 8080840: Clean up active_workers() asserts
2015-05-22 stefank 8080837: Move number of workers calculation out of CollectionSetChooser::prepare_for_par_region_addition
2015-05-21 stefank 8080869: FlexibleWorkGang initializes _active_workers to more than _total_workers
2015-05-22 brutisso 8080627: JavaThread::satb_mark_queue_offset() is too big for an ARM ldrsb instruction
2015-05-21 stefank 8080113: Remove CollectedHeap::set_par_threads()
2015-05-21 stefank 8080112: Replace and remove the last usages of CollectedHeap::n_par_threads()
2015-05-21 stefank 8080111: Remove SubTaskDone::_n_threads
2015-05-21 stefank 8080110: Remove usage of CollectedHeap::n_par_threads() from root processing
2015-05-21 stefank 8080109: Use single-threaded code in Threads::possibly_parallel_oops_do when running with only one worker thread
2015-05-27 dcubed Merge
2015-05-26 cjplummer 8051712: regression Test7107135 crashes
2015-05-27 hseigel Merge
2015-05-21 igerasim 8069068: VM warning: WaitForMultipleObjects timed out (0) ...
2015-05-22 ykantser 8080855: Create sanity test for JDK-8080692
2015-05-22 ykantser Merge
2015-05-22 ykantser 8080828: Create sanity test for JDK-8080155
2015-06-02 enevill 8081669: aarch64: JTreg TestStable tests failing
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset b83f001a855d
2015-06-05 lana Merge
2015-06-03 ihse 8081692: Configure should verify that -fstack-protector is valid
2015-06-01 amurillo Merge
2015-05-28 amurillo Merge
2015-05-22 sla 8066757: Can't build 'images' with --disable-zip-debug-info on OS X after jigsaw m2 merge
2015-06-04 katleman Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset b0bcdde43c19
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b67 for changeset 56166ce66037
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b67
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-28 lana Merge
2015-05-28 vromero 8081417: test CheckEBCDICLocaleTest.java is failing intermittently
2015-05-27 mchung 8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -240 +240 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip