2016-04-07 dl 8151344: Improve timeout factor handling in tck/JSR166TestCase
2016-04-07 dl 8151501: LockSupport/ParkLoops.java: AssertionError: lost unpark
2016-04-07 dl 8152433: Typo in interface Deque javadocs
2016-04-07 dl 8152924: Improve scalability of CompletableFuture with large number of dependents
2016-04-07 stuefe 8153727: AIX jdk build broken after 8145174
2016-04-07 coffeys 8153531: Improve exception messaging for RSAClientKeyExchange
2016-04-07 okutsu 8151431: DateFormatSymbols triggers this.clone() in the constructor
2016-04-07 amlu 8153695: Problem list sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/Login.sh for linux-all
2016-04-07 jjiang 8153239: ProblemList update for sun/security/provider/NSASuiteB/TestDSAGenParameterSpec.java
2016-04-06 ksrini 8152622: tools/pack200/Pack200Props.java timed out
2016-04-06 vtewari 8151586: Wrong exception catch for FTPClient in JDK-8055032
2016-04-06 dfuchs 8152436: Add a test to verify that the root logger correctly reports the caller's information
2016-04-06 ntv 8148950: Enhance ChronoField Javadoc
2016-04-06 alanb 8153538: module java.httpclient should not be in java.compact3
2016-04-06 amlu 8153563: java/nio/Buffer/Basic.java and CopyDirectMemory.java are failing after JDK-8149469
2016-04-06 ntv 8030864: Add an efficient getDateTimeMillis method to java.time
2016-04-06 amurillo Merge
2016-04-04 amurillo Merge
2016-03-31 amurillo Merge
2016-03-30 erikj 8152959: Build crashes in jdk9-hs-comp on Linux with gnumake 3.81
2016-03-29 zmajo Merge
2016-03-25 shade 8152698: Remove obsolete Unsafe.putOrdered{X} methods, usages, runtime and compiler support
2016-03-24 zmajo Merge
2016-03-24 psandoz 8149644: Integrate VarHandles
2016-03-24 psandoz 8149469: ByteBuffer API and implementation enhancements for VarHandles
2016-03-24 amurillo Merge
2016-03-23 zmajo Merge
2016-03-21 zmajo Merge
2016-03-21 thartmann 8144693: Intrinsify StringCoding.hasNegatives() on SPARC
2016-04-05 alanb 8153370: Drop use of old style -XaddExports from tests
2016-04-05 ascarpino 8098580: drainRefQueueBounds() puts pressure on pool.size()
2016-04-05 prr Merge
2016-04-05 prr Merge
2016-03-29 serb 7179078: Remove @beaninfo processing from the makefiles
2016-03-29 alexsch 8152159: LabelUI is not updated for TitledBorder
2016-03-29 rchamyal 8150225: api/javax_swing/text/AbstractWriter/index_indent failed
2016-03-28 prr Merge
2016-03-28 prr Merge
2016-03-28 serb 8149958: Implementation/documantation of AudioInputStream.read()/skip() should be updated
2016-03-28 serb 8132782: RIFFReader does not support WAVE-Files greater than 2 GiB
2016-03-25 prr 8051519: Deprecate sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment.useAlternateFontforJALocales
2016-03-25 avstepan 8149558: [TEST] add regression test for JDK-8150154
2016-03-25 yan 8150535: [TEST_BUG] fix @library for test/java/awt/TrayIcon/MouseMovedTest/MouseMovedTest.java
2016-03-25 ssadetsky 8078514: Nightly: api/javax_swing/DefaultRowSorter/index_ModelStructChanged failure
2016-03-24 alexsch 8151998: VS2010 ThemeReader.cpp(758) : error C3861: 'round': identifier not found
2016-03-24 ssadetsky 8134669: Empty screen insets in Gnome 3, OEL 7 in multiscreen mode
2016-03-24 ssadetsky 8139215: RTFEditorKit does not save alignment
2016-03-24 ssadetsky 8075907: The regression-swing case failed as the rollover icons is not correctly shown with the special options"-client -Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel"
2016-03-24 ssadetsky 8133864: Wrong display, when the document I18n properties is true.
2016-03-24 pkbalakr 6439354: Win L&F: TitledBorder colors are not from desktop
2016-03-24 rchamyal 8145173: HiDPI splash screen support on Windows
2016-03-24 psadhukhan 8151590: "ALL" radio button is not selected in printDialog when we call DefaultSelectionType.ALL in windows
2016-03-24 aghaisas 6185114: Undefined Exception in SampleModel, method createCompatibleSampleModel
2016-03-24 psadhukhan 7107620: Need to round in test java/awt/print/PageFormat/PageFormatFromAttributes.java
2016-03-23 azvegint 8143227: Platform-Specific Desktop Features
2016-03-23 lbourges 8144938: Handle properly coordinate overflow in Marlin Renderer
2016-03-23 aniyogi 8151282: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8146321/JInternalFrameIconTest.java fails with GTK LnF
2016-03-23 alexsch 8150844: [hidpi] [macosx] -Dsun.java2d.uiScale should be taken into account for OS X
2016-03-22 prr 8055463: Need public API allowing full access to font collections in Font.createFont()
2016-03-22 prr Merge
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