2013-02-04 pchelko 8005405: [macosx] Drag and Drop: wrong animation when dropped outside any drop target.
2013-01-31 ptbrunet 7179482: Component.accessibleContext and JComponent.accessibleContext refactoring
2013-01-31 leonidr 8007006: [macosx] Closing subwindow loses main window menus
2013-02-04 jgodinez 8005052: [parfait] #416 X11SurfaceData.c UNINITIALISED OR MISSING RETURN VALUE
2013-02-04 serb 8004821: Graphics2D.drawPolygon() fails with IllegalPathStateException
2013-02-01 bae 8004801: The image of BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB is blank.
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