2009-06-12 peytoia 6850113: Bidi class needs to be updated to support Unicode 5.1
2009-06-17 andrew 6851515: awt_p.h incorporates a chunk of the XRender header
2009-06-16 yan Merge
2009-06-15 dcherepanov 6847584: closed/java/awt/EventDispatchThread/LoopRobustness/LoopRobustness.html fails
2009-06-05 dcherepanov 6829180: Removing focused component from a window causes a JVM crash for JDK7b50+ on WinXP/Vista
2009-06-04 anthony 6832386: Fix JTreg test: java/awt/Graphics/DrawImageBG/SystemBgColorTest.java
2009-06-03 yan 6839645: Swing application prints message in Control Panel if language is changed
2009-06-22 tbell Merge
2009-06-21 tbell 6853336: (process) disable or remove clone-exec feature (6850720)
2009-06-14 martin 6511515: poor performance of LogRecord.inferCaller depending on java.lang.Throwable.getStackTraceElement
2009-06-14 martin 6850720: (process) Use clone(CLONE_VM), not fork, on Linux to avoid swap exhaustion
2009-06-12 tbell Merge
2009-06-12 xuelei 6570344: Invalid RSA OID in sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId
2009-06-10 mullan 6845161: Bottleneck in Configuration.getConfiguration synchronized call
2009-06-09 weijun 6578647: Undefined requesting URL in java.net.Authenticator.getPasswordAuthentication()
2009-06-04 xuelei 6847459: Allow trust anchor self-issued intermediate version 1 and version 2 certificate
2009-05-29 sherman 6808625: Incomplete code sample in Deflater javadoc
2009-05-29 jjg 6838199: remove support for old javap
2009-05-29 chegar 6807602: Increase MAX_BUFFER_LEN and MAX_HEAP_BUFFER_LEN on 64-bit Solaris and Linux
2009-05-27 kamg Merge
2009-05-27 kamg 6838211: jdk docs creation broken for tracing docs
2009-05-27 mchung Merge
2009-05-27 mchung 6535104: TEST_BUG: FindDeadlocks.java fails intermittently.
2009-05-27 mchung 6512493: TEST_BUG: unexpected LockInfo failure in LockedSynchronizers.java
2009-05-27 mchung 5080203: TEST_BUG: ThreadStateTest fails intermittently.
2009-05-27 mchung 6798842: TEST_BUG: ThreadStackTrace.java fails intermittently with unexpected thread status.
2009-05-27 mchung 6829636: test/java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java is flaky
2009-05-27 xuelei 6845286: Add regression test for name constraints
2009-05-26 jccollet 6726695: HttpURLConnection shoul support 'Expect: 100-contimue' headers for PUT
2009-05-26 xuelei 6720721: CRL check with circular depency support needed
2009-05-26 xuelei 6822460: support self-issued certificate
2009-05-26 weijun 6844887: NPE in TextCallbackHandler
2009-05-25 jccollet 6349566: java.net.CookieManager doesn't set default domain
2009-05-24 xlu 6806261: BigDecimal.longValueExact() method throws NullPointerException
2009-05-24 xlu 6622432: RFE: Performance improvements to java.math.BigDecimal
2009-05-22 sherman 6843578: Re-implement IBM doublebyte charsets
2009-05-20 jjg 6827026: Change javac source and target default to 7
2009-05-20 weijun 6832353: Krb5LoginModule: use the KRB5CCNAME when searching for Kerberos ticket cache
2009-05-20 weijun 6682516: SPNEGO_HTTP_AUTH/WWW_KRB and SPNEGO_HTTP_AUTH/WWW_SPNEGO failed on all non-windows platforms
2009-05-20 weijun 6832016: {DigestMD5Base,Des3DkCrypto}.setParityBit should use Integer.bitCount
2009-05-19 sherman Merge
2009-05-19 sherman 6728376: Wrong error handling in Java_java_util_zip_Deflater_deflateBytes leads to size 0 if compress fails
2009-05-19 sherman 6843079: Putback for the new EUC_TW is not complete
2009-05-19 sherman 6831794: charset EUC_TW is 12.6% of the total size of charsets.jar
2009-06-18 xdono Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset 11089342ea90
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-18 xdono Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset c97f5ba46ed8
2009-06-24 yan Merge
2009-06-17 andrew 6851515: awt_p.h incorporates a chunk of the XRender header
2009-06-22 tbell Merge
2009-06-12 tbell Merge
2009-05-20 jjg 6827026: Change javac source and target default to 7
2009-06-18 xdono Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset 73a162bf9360
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset dbb955b1ee59
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b61
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 47bb5c4cb85e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 76ee911ec65f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 23aa5ac01f3b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 6737e8a2ab2b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 21261fc963f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-06-12 trims Merge
2009-06-12 trims 6850551: Bump the HS16 build number to 04
2009-06-12 trims Merge
2009-06-10 jmasa Merge
2009-06-08 iveresov 6849122: G1: Typo introduced during implementation of the parallel refinement
2009-06-07 ysr 6848641: CMSCollector::_roots_scanning_options should be initialized
2009-05-26 jcoomes Merge
2009-05-19 apetrusenko 6819065: G1: eliminate high serial card table clearing time
2009-05-18 iveresov 6841831: G1: assert(contains_reference(from),"We just added it!") fires
2009-05-11 iveresov 6484957: G1: parallel concurrent refinement
2009-06-05 cfang 6848466: frame::frame_size() assertion failure with -XX:+DebugDeoptimization
2009-06-04 never Merge
2009-06-03 never Merge
2009-06-03 never 6847305: solaris reorder mapfiles generate too many warnings
2009-05-28 cfang 6837146: Should perform unswitch before maximally unroll in loop transformation
2009-05-27 kvn 6843752: missing code for an anti-dependent Phi in GCM
2009-05-21 kvn 6772683: Thread.isInterrupted() fails to return true on multiprocessor PC
2009-05-16 ohair Merge
2009-05-13 twisti 6814842: Load shortening optimizations
2009-05-12 kvn 6836054: java/util/Arrays/CopyMethods.java fails on solaris-sparc with IllegalArgumentException
2009-05-12 kvn 6832293: JIT compiler got wrong result in type checking with -server
2009-05-09 ohair Merge
2009-05-08 ohair 6839151: Add a JPRT default test of -Xshare:dump when new hotspot is built
2009-05-08 kvn 6788527: Server vm intermittently fails with assertion "live value must not be garbage" with fastdebug bits
2009-05-08 kvn Merge
2009-05-07 twisti Merge
2009-05-06 twisti 6837906: compiler tests of 6636138 fail with IllegalAccessException
2009-05-07 twisti Merge
2009-05-06 twisti 6823354: Add intrinsics for {Integer,Long}.{numberOfLeadingZeros,numberOfTrailingZeros}()
2009-05-22 xlu 6843580: JavaThread.getStackBase throws sun.jvm.hotspot.WrongTypeException invoked by jstack
2009-05-20 thurka 6839599: JVM crash while profiling Tomcat and Liferay
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 4df6b30560c1
2009-06-11 xdono Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset fc15870ef45c
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b60 for changeset 5a10e4d0b14d
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b60
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-05-20 ohair 6843041: Remove duplicate README files in repositories (make/README)
2009-05-15 ohair Merge
2009-05-07 xdono Merge
2009-05-07 xdono Merge
2009-05-06 aph 6837665: Deal with windows ant problem where commas in -D options do not work
2009-04-20 aph 6832141: Bug 100045 - Fix for 100028 breaks debug info for class files
2009-04-17 aph 6829575: 100028: Debug information is incomplete or missing
2009-05-14 vasya Added tag jdk7-b59 for changeset 43abe9a4635d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-05-20 ohair 6843041: Remove duplicate README files in repositories (make/README)
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