2016-07-15 alanb 8161036: Fix copyright header
2016-07-15 vtewari 8144692: HttpServer API: use of non-existant method in example in package Javadoc
2016-07-15 vtewari 8151788: NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3
2016-07-15 mli 8154821: Update issue number for sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestKeyFactory.java in ProblemList
2016-07-15 valeriep 8136459: MessageDigest.isEqual is not a "simple byte compare"
2016-07-14 sherman 8161426: Test java/util/zip/InflaterInputStream/TestAvailable.java fails on open-only linux
2016-07-14 amurillo Merge
2016-07-14 simonis 8160564: TEST: Add a test to check the implementation of VersionProps.versionNumbers()
2016-07-14 weijun 8161354: policytool fails if it needs to show an error dialog before the main window appears
2016-07-13 sdrach 8150680: JarFile.Release enum needs reconsideration with respect to it's values
2016-07-14 weijun 8161341: Garbage in ProblemList.txt
2016-07-14 rgoel 8154797: Localization data for "GMT"
2016-07-13 rhalade 8161011: Mark RMI tests DownloadActivationGroup, UseCustomSocketFactory, and RestartService as itnermittent
2016-07-13 sherman 7031075: GZIPInputStream's available() reports 1, but read() gives -1.
2016-07-12 bpb 8160221: jdk/test/java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Transfers.java leaving files behind
2016-07-08 henryjen 8132379: -J options can cause crash or "Warning: app args parsing error passing arguments as-is"
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