2008-04-29 rupashka 6614972: JSlider value should not change on right-click
2008-04-29 rupashka 6693507: There are unnecessary compilation warnings in the com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif package
2008-04-29 rupashka 6210674: FileChooser fails to load custom harddrive icon and gets NullPointerException
2008-04-28 rupashka 4252173: Inability to reuse the HorizontalSliderThumbIcon
2008-05-14 yan Merge
2008-05-04 yan Merge
2008-04-23 yan 6627324: Alt Graph doesnot generate any key event when pressing in German locale
2008-04-18 son 6690036: some code cleanup for insets-related code
2008-04-15 dav Merge
2008-04-15 dav 6430553: MouseClick event should not be fired if MouseRelease happened without MousePress
2008-04-14 dcherepanov 6688067: regression test for 6471693 is missed
2008-04-14 dcherepanov 6471693: Moving the vertical scroll bar of List in FileDialog leads Flickering in solaris
2008-04-13 volk Merge
2008-04-13 volk 6686273: Some AWT reg. tests should be moved to open repository (for CRs 6444769, 6480547, and 6560348)
2008-04-09 ant 6522725: Component in a minimized Frame has focus and receives key events
2008-04-08 ant 6607170: Focus not set by requestFocus
2008-04-08 dav 6520716: event classes lack info about parameters
2008-04-07 dav 6623459: Get rid of XConstant, XProtocolConstants and XUtilConstants antipattern
2008-04-07 dav 6613529: Avoid duplicate object creation within JDK packages
2008-04-04 dav Merge
2008-04-04 dav 6573289: api/java_awt/Color/index.html#CreateContextTesttestCase4,5,6,7 fail since JDK 7 b14
2008-04-03 dcherepanov 6615015: Typo in javadoc for Component.getTreeLock()
2008-04-03 dcherepanov 6619458: testcase depends on a file with the name te{st.html
2008-04-02 son 6677332: incorrect signatures for JNI methods in XWindow.c and XlibWrapper.c
2008-04-01 anthony 6681889: JSN security test headline/noWarningApp failed with NPE exception
2008-03-31 dcherepanov 6637204: TrayIcon.displayMessage fails to show icon twice
2008-03-31 dcherepanov 6508505: JComboBox collapses immediately if it is placed to embedded frame
2008-03-28 yan Merge
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