2013-09-12 bchristi 8024009: Remove jdk.map.useRandomSeed system property
2013-09-13 sjiang 8023669: MBean*Info.hashCode : NPE
2013-09-12 bpb 8010430: Math.round has surprising behavior for odd values of ulp 1
2013-09-07 henryjen 8011916: Spec update for java.util.stream
2013-09-12 lancea 8015340: remove erroneous @since tag
2013-09-12 rriggs 8024618: Issues with French locale on compact1,2: expected:<janvier> but was:<January>
2013-09-12 dfuchs 8024525: Make Logger log methods call isLoggable()
2013-09-12 darcy 8024643: Turn on javac lint checking in building the jdk repo
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