2009-04-28 yan Merge
2009-04-21 anthony 6802853: API: shaped & translucent windows
2009-04-20 dcherepanov 6825362: Avoid calling peer.setZOrder on Window instances
2009-04-20 dcherepanov 6770457: Using ToolTips causes inactive app window to exhibit active window behavior
2009-04-20 dcherepanov 6633354: AppletPanel loads Swing classes
2009-04-17 anthony 6829858: JInternalFrame is not redrawing heavyweight children properly
2009-04-17 anthony 6821948: Consider removing the constraints for bounds of untrusted top-level windows
2009-04-17 anthony 6826104: Getting a NullPointer exception when clicked on Application & Toolkit Modal dialog
2009-04-17 yan Merge
2009-04-14 anthony 6825342: Security warning may change Z-order of top-level
2009-04-13 denis 6590857: Drag & Drop arbitrary file copy
2009-04-28 ohair 6835241: Annotate some tests with @ignore that have shown to be unpredictable
2009-04-28 ohair 6831225: Upgrade JPRT jobs to use newer Linux 2.6 (e.g. Fedora 9)
2009-04-24 tbell Merge
2009-04-22 tbell Merge
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