2013-07-15 fparain Merge
2013-07-12 ctornqvi Merge
2013-07-12 allwin 7162400: Intermittent java.io.IOException: Bad file number during HotSpotVirtualMachine.executeCommand
2013-07-12 zgu Merge
2013-07-11 zgu 8012241: NMT huge memory footprint, it usually leads to OOME
2013-07-10 fparain 7143807: ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
2013-07-18 amurillo 8020797: new hotspot build - hs25-b43
2013-07-25 cl Added tag jdk8-b100 for changeset 9493b1a85536
2013-07-25 cl Added tag jdk8-b100 for changeset 2c6e85d3bb72
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b100 for changeset 3d34036aae4e
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b100
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-23 lana Merge
2013-07-17 lana Merge
2013-07-17 jlahoda 8020586: Warning produced for an incorrect file
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8019942: Graph inference: avoid redundant computation during bound incorporation
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8019340: varargs-related warnings are meaningless on signature-polymorphic methods such as MethodHandle.invokeExact
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8020149: Graph inference: wrong logic for picking best variable to solve
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8016640: compiler hangs if the generics arity of a base class is wrong
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 7041019: Bogus type-variable substitution with array types with dependencies on accessibility check
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8020286: Wrong diagnostic after compaction
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8020147: Spurious errors when compiling nested stuck lambdas
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8012238: Nested method capture and inference
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8016175: Add bottom-up type-checking support for unambiguous method references
2013-07-17 mcimadamore 8012242: Lambda compatibility and checked exceptions
2013-07-12 jjg 8020278: NPE in javadoc
2013-07-11 mcimadamore 8013404: Unclear spec for target typing with conditional operator (?:)
2013-07-09 ksrini 8020214: TEST_BUG: test/tools/javap/8007907/JavapReturns0AfterClassNotFoundTest.java broken
2013-07-05 lana Merge
2013-07-05 mcimadamore 8019824: very long error messages on inference error
2013-07-05 mcimadamore 8016702: use of ternary operator in lambda expression gives incorrect results
2013-07-05 mcimadamore 8016059: Cannot compile following lambda
2013-07-05 mcimadamore 8019480: Javac crashes when method is called on a type-variable receiver from lambda expression
2013-07-05 mcimadamore 8017618: NullPointerException in RichDiagnosticFormatter for bad input program
2013-07-04 vromero 6356530: -Xlint:serial does not flag abstract classes with concrete methods/members
2013-07-04 vromero 8009924: some langtools tools do not accept -cp as an alias for -classpath
2013-07-18 cl Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset 38dd7ede2dfb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-18 cl Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset c653feb1fe9e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-23 lana Merge
2013-07-17 lana Merge
2013-07-12 joehw 8020430: NullPointerException in xml sqe nightly result on 2013-07-12
2013-07-09 joehw 8016648: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown
2013-07-18 cl Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset 830a3a26d45b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-07-23 lana Merge
2013-07-17 lana Merge
2013-07-16 attila 8015356: array concatenation should skip empty elements
2013-07-16 hannesw 8010821: [findbugs] Some classes in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp expose mutable objects
2013-07-16 attila 8020357: throw RangeError for too large NativeArrayBuffer size
2013-07-16 sundar Merge
2013-07-15 hannesw 8020358: Array(0xfffffff) throws OutOfMemoryError
2013-07-15 attila 8011210: fix reporting of call site locations; print them on -tcs=miss
2013-07-15 hannesw 8020283: Don't use exceptions for widening of ArrayData
2013-07-15 attila 8020508: Enforce reflection access restrictions on Object.bindProperties
2013-07-15 hannesw 8020354: Object literal property initialization is not done in source order
2013-07-15 attila 8020324: Implement Object.bindProperties(target, source) for beans
2013-07-12 sundar Merge
2013-07-12 sundar 8020463: Input argument array wrapping in loadWithNewGlobal is wrong
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