Thu, 12 Nov 2015 09:52:04 -0800 sangheki 8134631: G1DummyRegionsPerGC fires assert of assert(words <= filler_array_max_size()) failed: too big for a single object
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 09:28:53 +0100 sjohanss 8139424: SIGSEGV, Problematic frame: # V [] void InstanceKlass::oop_oop_iterate_oop_maps_specialized<true,oopDesc*,MarkAndPushClosure>
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 09:12:06 +0100 tschatzl 8138684: G1 decision about taking regions into the collection set is too aggressive
Tue, 03 Nov 2015 13:03:04 -0800 jwha 8141356: Explicitly stop CMS threads during VM termination.
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