2014-01-28 jeff 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-13 jeff 7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 973ca15c0167
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-03-06 lana Merge
2014-02-28 joehw 8035469: Xerces Update: EncodingMap does not recognize Java-style encodings Cp1141-Cp1149
2014-02-24 lana Merge
2014-02-21 aefimov 8032909: XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars
2014-02-21 lana Merge
2014-01-28 jeff 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-13 jeff 7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-02-18 joehw 8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2014-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset ba5629320bb2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-03-06 lana Merge
2014-03-03 hannesw 8035948: Redesign property listeners for shared classes
2014-02-25 sundar 8030197: Nashorn: Object.defineProperty() can be lured to change fixed NaN property
2014-02-24 lana Merge
2014-02-21 lana Merge
2014-01-28 jeff 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-13 jeff 7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-02-14 sundar 8011964: need indexed access to externally-managed ByteBuffer
2014-02-11 mnunez 8033231: test fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
2014-02-07 sundar 8033924: Default permissions are not given for eval code
2014-02-06 sundar 8033763: Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
2014-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset fdf4454a8368
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-02-24 lana Merge
2014-02-21 lana Merge
2014-01-28 jeff 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-13 jeff 7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2013-12-18 mfang 8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2014-02-13 erikj 8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
2014-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 6a651a3acc5e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-03-06 smarks 8036095: RMI tests using testlibrary.RMID and testlibrary.JavaVM do not pass through vmoptions
2014-03-06 lana Merge
2014-03-06 darcy 8036747: Fix unchecked lint warnings in java.security.Provider
2014-03-06 darcy 8036744: Fix raw lint warnings in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
2014-03-06 valeriep 8033571: [parfait] warning from b128 for security/smartcardio/pcsc_md.c: JNI exception pending
2014-03-05 darcy 8036732: Fix raw warning in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleImpl.java
2014-03-05 sla 8036599: Use Diagnostic Commands instead of SA by default in jinfo
2014-03-05 sla 8036132: Tab characters in test/com/sun/jdi files
2014-03-05 sla 8036675: Compiler warnings in serviceability code
2014-03-05 xuelei 8036676: Rename class name testEnabledProtocols to TestEnabledProtocols
2014-03-05 fparain 8035952: Remove use of JVM_Open, JVM_Read and JVM_Close functions from serviceability code
2014-03-04 mtobiass 8031065: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/LowMemoryTest2.sh fails: OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
2014-03-05 xuelei 8032473: Restructure JSSE regression test hierarchy in jdk test
2014-03-05 darcy 8035452: Fix serial lint warnings in core libs
2014-03-05 darcy 8036568: Serial incompatibility in java.util.TreeMap.NavigableSubMap
2014-03-04 rfield 8035776: Consistent Lambda construction
2014-03-04 chegar 8036584: Review comments from 8035897
2014-02-28 mtobiass 6625574: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/Pending.java fails: "pending finalization = 0 but expected > 0"
2014-03-03 iignatyev 6946101: ShellScaffold.sh based tests can issue "write error: Broken pipe" messages
2014-03-03 ewang 8035633: TEST_BUG: java/net/NetworkInterface/Equals.java and some tests failed on windows intermittently
2014-03-03 weijun 8036104: Rename the PAData.java test
2014-03-02 chegar 8035897: Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
2014-03-02 chegar 8035868: Check for JNI pending exceptions in windows/native/sun/net/spi/DefaultProxySelector.c
2014-03-02 alanb 8010194: java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider/inheritedChannel/run_tests.sh fails with "Timed out waiting ..." (sol)
2014-03-01 rriggs 8035813: Broken link in java.lang.Iterable
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip