2012-07-17 lana Merge
2012-07-13 joehw 7183760: DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri) is not IPv6 enabled
2012-07-23 cl Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset ff4cbdd893ef
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-07-23 cl Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 7a93e19ba08f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-07-24 lana Merge
2012-07-18 lana Merge
2012-07-18 michaelm 7183292: HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields() throws IllegalArgumentException: Illegal cookie name
2012-07-18 dmocek 7184943: fix failing test com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/UnbindIdempotent.java
2012-07-18 sherman 7183053: Optimize DoubleByte charset for String.getBytes()/new String(byte[])
2012-07-17 dmocek 7142596: RMI JPRT tests are failing
2012-07-17 lana Merge
2012-07-17 lana Merge
2012-07-17 weijun 7102106: TEST_BUG: sun/security/util/Oid/S11N.sh should be modified
2012-07-17 weijun 7183203: ShortRSAKeynnn.sh tests intermittent failure
2012-07-16 khazra 7177045: Rework the TestProviderLeak.java regression test, it is too fragile to low memory errors.
2012-07-16 vinnie 6880559: Enable PKCS11 64-bit windows builds
2012-07-15 ksrini 7184145: (pack200) pack200 --repack throws NullPointerException when JAR file specified without path
2012-07-13 khazra 7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node
2012-07-11 weijun 6966259: Make PrincipalName and Realm immutable
2012-07-09 robm 7179305: (fs) Method name sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.getPathForExecptionMessage is misspelled
2012-07-06 zhouyx 7181353: Update error message to distinguish native OOM and java OOM in net
2012-07-05 smarks 7123972: test/java/lang/annotation/loaderLeak/Main.java fails intermittently
2012-07-05 smarks 6948101: java/rmi/transport/pinLastArguments/PinLastArguments.java failing intermittently
2012-07-18 lana Merge
2012-07-18 alexsch 7182902: [macosx] Test api/java_awt/GraphicsDevice/indexTGF.html#SetDisplayMode fails on Mac OS X 10.7
2012-07-17 bagiras 7177040: Deadlock between PostEventQueue.noEvents, EventQueue.isDispatchThread and SwingUtilities.invokeLater
2012-07-16 lana Merge
2012-07-16 serb 7170657: [macosx] There seems to be no keyboard/mouse action to select non-contiguous items in List
2012-07-16 serb 7181438: [OGL] Incorrect alpha used, during blit from SW to the texture.
2012-07-12 ptisnovs 7022041: TitleBorder Null Pointer Exception
2012-07-06 anthony 7177173: [macosx] JFrame.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) not working as expected in JDK 7
2012-07-04 serb 7124513: [macosx] Support NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask/different titlebar styles to create unified toolbar
2012-07-04 serb 7124244: [macosx] Shaped windows support
2012-07-17 prr 7183251: Netbeans editor renders text wrong on JDK 7u6 build 17
2012-07-16 lana Merge
2012-07-12 prr 7183458: Metrics of space character in algorithmically emboldened font have changed in JDK 7.
2012-07-23 cl Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset b070f2471114
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-07-23 cl Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 16ab57e58669
2012-07-24 lana Merge
2012-07-18 lana Merge
2012-07-17 lana Merge
2012-07-16 vinnie 6880559: Enable PKCS11 64-bit windows builds
2012-07-23 cl Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 60b5f491c654
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 086271e35b0a
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b48
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