2013-06-27 brutisso 8017483: G1 tests fail with native OOME on Solaris x86 after HeapBaseMinAddress has been increased
2013-07-02 coleenp Merge
2013-07-02 coleenp 8015391: NPG: With -XX:+UseCompressedKlassPointers OOME due to exhausted metadata space could occur when metaspace is almost empty
2013-07-01 sspitsyn 8009204: [dtrace] signatures returned by Java 7 jstack() are corrupted on Solaris
2013-06-26 egahlin 8016331: Minor issues in event tracing metadata
2013-06-12 rbackman 8016444: Duplicate zombie check in safe_for_sender
2013-07-01 fparain 7060111: race condition in VMError::report_and_die()
2013-06-30 hseigel 7007040: Check of capacity paramenters in JNI_PushLocalFrame is wrong
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