2012-12-14 amurillo Added tag hs25-b13 for changeset a644646e04e5
2012-12-14 amurillo Merge
2012-12-14 collins Merge
2012-12-11 jiangli 8004076: Move _max_locals and _size_of_parameters to ConstMethod for better sharing.
2012-12-13 stefank Merge
2012-12-13 stefank 8004674: Add necessary .inline.hpp files to fix non-PCH build
2012-12-13 brutisso 8004661: Comment and function name java_lang_String::toHash is wrong
2012-12-08 johnc Merge
2012-10-01 johnc 8000244: G1: Ergonomically set MarkStackSize and use virtual space for global marking stack
2012-12-07 amurillo 8004724: new hotspot build - hs25-b13
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 9e5f94da743d
2012-12-19 katleman Merge
2012-12-18 erikj 8001901: build-infra: Fix "misbehaving" which command on Solaris
2012-12-18 ohrstrom 8004145: New improved hgforest.sh, ctrl-c now properly terminates mercurial processes.
2012-12-14 lana Merge
2012-12-06 henryjen 8004685: add java.util.function to CORE_PKGS.gmk
2012-12-13 katleman Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset 388af7398bc9
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b68 for changeset cb33628d4e8f
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b68
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-11 lana Merge
2012-12-04 mcimadamore 8004360: regression test DefaultMethodRegressionTests fails in langtools
2012-12-01 lana Merge
2012-11-30 mcimadamore 8002099: Add support for intersection types in cast expression
2012-11-30 mcimadamore 8004101: Add checks for method reference well-formedness
2012-11-30 mcimadamore 8004102: Add support for generic functional descriptors
2012-11-30 mcimadamore 8004105: Expression statement lambdas should be void-compatible
2012-11-29 vromero 7153958: add constant pool reference to class containing inlined constants
2012-11-23 vromero 7144981: javac should ignore ignorable characters in input
2012-11-27 jjg 8004068: Fix build problems caused by on-demand imports
2012-11-21 vromero 6574624: javax.tools.JavaCompiler spec contains errors in sample code
2012-11-21 vromero 7190862: javap shows an incorrect type for operands if the 'wide' prefix is used
2012-12-06 katleman Added tag jdk8-b67 for changeset 68edf7c31a6d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-06 katleman Added tag jdk8-b67 for changeset 8f2ccadbf32b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-06 katleman Added tag jdk8-b67 for changeset 11084bacb67d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-06 katleman Added tag jdk8-b67 for changeset 66fb055d7580
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-12-12 katleman Merge
2012-12-11 erikj 8001753: build-infra: mismatch with full debug symbol control for hotspot
2012-12-06 erikj 8004104: build-infra: Minor cleanup
2012-12-11 lana Merge
2012-12-04 lana Merge
2012-12-04 kmo 8004066: TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/Math/DivModTests.java assumes ArithmeticException message
2012-12-04 dxu 7142921: (fs) Files.probeContentType reports a MIME type of "text/plain" on Ubuntu 11.04
2012-12-03 mullan 7199143: RFE: OCSP revocation checker should provide possibility to specify connection timeout
2012-12-03 xuelei 8004184: security tests leave JSSEServer running
2012-12-03 weijun 7198507: [TEST_BUG] sun/security/tools/keytool/console.sh should be rewritten
2012-12-03 dholmes 7200297: agent code does not handle multiple boot library path elements correctly
2012-12-02 alanb 8003846: Override mechanism for currency data should not require creating currency.properties in java.home
2012-12-01 sherman 8004212: java.util.Base64 methods decodeArray and decodeBuffer should return the number of bytes written
2012-12-01 lana Merge
2012-11-30 khazra 7197662: (prefs) java/util/prefs/AddNodeChangeListener.java fails by timeout or by "couldn't get file lock"
2012-11-30 jfranck 8004110: Remove debug code form sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java
2012-11-30 alanb 7165762: (aio) Default thread pool should be configured so that threads terminated after a timeout period
2012-11-30 alanb 8003949: LogManager, downgrade normative reference to ${java.home}/lib/logging.properties
2012-11-30 zhangshj 8004211: Remove unused dlinfo local variable in launcher code
2012-11-30 sla 7155168: java/util/TimeZone/Bug6912560.java: expected Asia/Tokyo
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip