2018-03-19 gziemski 8199356: Fix hotspot to allow stdlib to use libc++ and to allow changing the deployment target to 10.9
2018-03-19 lucy 8198608: Improvements to command-line flags printing
2018-03-19 zgu 8199741: NMT: Tag safepoint polling pages
2018-03-14 njian 8191954: AArch64: disable UseCISCSpill in C2
2018-03-15 njian 8173100: AArch64: -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement does not work together with -XX:+TieredCompilation
2018-03-19 zgu 8199752: NMT: Memory allocated by Unsafe.allocateMemory should be tagged as mtOther
2018-03-19 eosterlund 8199604: Rename CardTableModRefBS to CardTableBarrierSet
2018-03-16 eosterlund 8199685: Access arraycopy build failure with GCC 7.3.1
2018-03-19 stuefe 8199667: Unify metaspace list index handling and reinstantiate ChunkManager listindex gtest
2018-03-15 stefank 8199728: Remove oopDesc::is_scavengable
2018-03-17 iveresov 8198969: Update Graal
2018-03-16 enevill 8199243: aarch32: ARM 32 build broken after 8165929
2018-03-16 coleenp 8199263: Split interfaceSupport.hpp to not require including .inline.hpp files
2018-03-16 coleenp 8199716: Unused AdjustKlassClosure in psParallelCompact.hpp
2018-03-15 sjohanss 8199674: Improve G1 Full GC array marking
2018-03-29 chegar 8200304: TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl and socket cleaner
2018-03-29 erikj 8200409: jdk11 nightly solaris sparc build failure
2018-03-29 xiaofeya 8196668: revisit test SunPackageAccess and GrantedSunPackageAccess
2018-03-29 martin 8200310: Avoid charset lookup machinery in java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
2018-03-29 martin 8200124: Various cleanups in jar/zip
2018-03-29 martin 8200116: ConstructInflaterOutput, ConstructDeflaterInput still spamming test logs
2018-03-28 ihse 8200178: Remove mapfiles for JDK native libraries
2018-03-28 ihse 8200357: Inline SoundLibraries.gmk into Lib-java.desktop.gmk
2018-03-28 rriggs 8197595: Serialization javadoc should link to security best practices
2018-03-28 mcimadamore 8200355: local variable inference regression test generates classfile in test folder
2018-03-28 mcimadamore 8200199: javac suggests to use var even when var is used
2018-03-26 rpatil 8144300: http.nonProxyHosts value having wildcard * both at end and start are not honored
2018-03-28 jlahoda 8200135: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/GetExceptionTableTest.java is failing after JDK-8194978
2018-03-27 jjg 8199465: {@docRoot} references need to be updated to reflect new module/package structure
2018-03-27 redestad 8200289: Reduce number of exceptions created when calling Lookup::canBeCached
2018-03-27 igerasim 8198358: Align organization of TwoStacksPlainSocketImp with DualStackPlainSocketImpl [win]
2018-03-27 alanb 8200256: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Basic.java fails intermittently
2018-03-27 cushon 8200301: deduplicate lambda methods
2018-03-27 bpatel 8199705: Docs.gmk needs to be updated to remove the -html5 option
2018-03-27 bpatel 8199278: Javadoc search results does not link to anchors on a page
2018-03-27 igerasim 8199843: Optimize Integer/Long.highestOneBit()
2018-03-26 erikj 8198652: Stop linking with -base:0x8000000 on Windows
2018-03-26 serb 8200198: javah man pages were not removed by JDK-8191054
2018-03-26 ihse 8200229: Simplify building of libjsig
2018-03-26 shade 8200241: [TESTBUG] java/lang/String/concat/ tests should not force source/target = 9 anymore
2018-03-26 sundar 8200215: 17th loop of "let foo = ''"; throws ReferenceError
2018-03-26 shade 8200118: [TESTBUG] String concat tests should test toString() application order
2018-03-26 jlahoda 8196519: Incomplete classpath causes infinite recursion in Resolve.isAccessible
2018-03-26 dholmes 8200213: Configure broken on MIPS
2018-03-24 alanb 8200179: (se) More Selector cleanup
2018-03-24 shinyafox 8199762: JShell API: Failed to detect override when snippet to be overridden has been changed before
2018-03-24 jjg 8199902: {@docRoot} references need to be updated to reflect new module/package structure
2018-03-23 bpb 8180410: ByteArrayOutputStream should not throw IOExceptions
2018-03-23 chegar 8200181: Remove superflous non-IPv4 code from Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl_socketListen
2018-03-20 jwilhelm Merge
2018-03-13 iklam 8198796: Create test case for CDS + condy
2018-03-16 gromero 8198794: Hotspot crash on Cassandra 3.11.1 startup with libnuma 2.0.3
2018-03-14 dtitov 8166642: serviceability/dcmd/framework/* timeout
2018-03-10 dstewart 8199425: JTReg failure: runtime/stringtable/StringTableVerifyTest.java
2018-02-16 aph 8197429: Increased stack guard causes segfaults on x86-32
2018-03-15 clanger 8199010: attachListener.hpp: Fix potential null termination issue found by coverity scans
2018-03-15 stuefe 8199656: Make slow metaspace verifications switchable in debug builds
2018-03-15 rkennke 8199559: objArrayKlass::oop_iterate() and friends must use base_raw() instead of base()
2018-03-15 coleenp 8199272: Broken assertion in ClassLoaderData::remove_handle
2018-03-15 stuefe 8199432: metaspace: fix wrong comment and condition in SpaceManager::verify()
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