2013-10-30 vromero 8027327: jar files related to test test/tools/javac/ExtDirs/ExtDirTest.java should be removed from the repo
2013-10-30 mchung 8027481: jdeps to handle classes with the same package name and correct profile for javax.crypto.*
2013-10-28 lana Merge
2013-10-24 rfield 8027220: DefaultMethodsTest: Change test to match spec
2013-10-24 bpatel 8006248: Since addition of -Xdoclint, javadoc ignores unknown tags
2013-10-24 emc 8023682: Incorrect attributes emitted for anonymous class declaration
2013-10-24 emc 8006732: support correct bytecode storage of type annotations in multicatch
2013-10-23 ksrini 8026936: Initialize LamdbaToMethod lazily and as required
2013-10-23 jlahoda 8026861: Wrong LineNumberTable for variable declarations in lambdas
2013-10-23 jlahoda 8027191: Fix for JDK-8026861 refers to an incorrect bug number
2013-10-23 bpatel 8026770: javadoc creates invalid HTML in profile summary pages
2013-10-23 rfield 8022720: Method refeerences - private method should be accessible (nested classes)
2013-10-23 jlahoda 8026508: Invokedynamic instructions don't get line number table entries
2013-10-23 jjg Merge
2013-10-23 jjg 8027119: Cleanup javadoc comments for taglet API
2013-10-22 rfield 8023668: Desugar serializable lambda bodies using more robust naming scheme
2013-10-22 vromero 8025290: javac implicit versus explicit lambda compilation error
2013-10-22 jfranck 8026857: AnnoConstruct.getAnnotationsByType does not search supertype for inherited annotations if @SomeContainer({}) is present
2013-10-22 ksrini 8026758: Inefficient code in LambdaToMethod
2013-10-22 jfranck 8026855: AnnoConstruct.getAnnotationsByType includes inherited indirectly present annotations even when containee type is not inheritable
2013-10-21 darcy 8026984: Clarity intended use of jdk.Exported
2013-10-21 vromero 8026956: test tools/javac/lambda/TargetType58.java is failing after a libs change
2013-10-20 ksrini 8026931: MethodParameters tests failing on Windows
2013-10-20 jjg 8026791: wrong type_path encoded for method_return on an inner class constructor
2013-10-20 jjg 8025109: Better encapsulation for AnnotatedType
2013-10-19 vromero 8024809: javac, some lambda programs are rejected by flow analysis
2013-10-18 bpatel 8026567: Use meaningful style names for strong and italic styles.
2013-10-18 jjg 8026749: Missing LV table in lambda bodies
2013-10-18 darcy 8026838: Fix new doclint issues in javax.annotation.processing
2013-10-31 cl Added tag jdk8-b114 for changeset 7e53ada0d2d4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-10-31 cl Added tag jdk8-b114 for changeset 18b08c4ac28d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-10-31 lana Merge
2013-10-30 joehw 8024378: StAX parser shall support JAXP properties
2013-10-29 joehw 8027484: Implementation error in SAX2DOM.java
2013-10-28 lana Merge
2013-10-24 joehw 8004476: XSLT Extension Functions Don't Work in WebStart
2013-10-31 cl Added tag jdk8-b114 for changeset 021350e22576
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-10-31 lana Merge
2013-10-31 sundar Merge
2013-10-30 sundar 8027562: eval should load second and subsequent arguments for side effect
2013-10-30 jlaskey 8027532: nashorn should only use jdk8 apis in the compact1 profile
2013-10-29 jlaskey 8027447: The wrong string buffer is specified for stderr in $EXEC
2013-10-29 jlaskey Merge
2013-10-25 hannesw 8027301: Optimizations for Function.prototype.apply
2013-10-25 hannesw 8027042: Evaluation order for binary operators can be improved
2013-10-28 lana Merge
2013-10-23 sundar Merge
2013-10-23 sundar 8027150: ScriptObjectListAdapter won't work as expected
2013-10-23 sundar 8027128: jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject should be an interface
2013-10-22 sundar Merge
2013-10-22 sundar 8027020: [regression] java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
2013-10-22 attila 8027037: Make ScriptObjectMirror conversions work for any JSObject
2013-10-22 attila 8027031: complete merging of loads and converts
2013-10-22 sundar Merge
2013-10-22 sundar 8027024: String.prototype.charAt and charCodeAt do not evaluate 'self' and 'pos' arguments in right order
2013-10-22 hannesw 8026955: for-in should convert primitive values to object
2013-10-22 hannesw 8027015: AutoCloseable no longer implements @FunctionalInterface
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