2019-10-10 yzhou 8231213: Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo
2019-10-10 dlong 8231973: Update Graal
2019-10-10 darcy 8232078: Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.datatransfer
2019-10-10 darcy 8232076: Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields java.naming
2019-10-10 sspitsyn 8231595: [TEST] develop a test case for SuspendThreadList including current thread
2019-10-09 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-14+18 for changeset e84d8379815b
2019-10-09 ccheung 8231529: [TESTBUG] runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/DynamicLotsOfClasses.java shouldn't wrap SkippedException into Exception
2019-10-09 never 8231586: enlarge encoding space for OopMapValue offsets
2019-10-09 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-10-09 mgronlun fixes JEP-349-branch
2019-10-09 rhalade 8231887: ComodoCA.java fails because certificate was revoked jdk-14+18
2019-10-09 epavlova 8231903: [Graal] Update com.oracle.mxtool.junit classes
2019-10-09 pliden 8232056: GetOwnedMonitorInfoWithEATest.java fails with ZGC: Heap too small
2019-10-09 cushon 8231990: Remove unnecessary else-if branch in Types.union
2019-10-09 darcy 8231202: Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in serializable classes
2019-10-09 darcy 8231262: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in security libs serializable classes
2019-10-09 dfuchs 8231260: (dc) DatagramChannel::disconnect changes the port of the local address to 0 (lnx)
2019-10-09 erikj 8231974: Build fails if no common legal notices are present
2019-10-09 eosterlund 8230565: ZGC: Redesign C2 load barrier to expand on the MachNode level
2019-10-08 sgehwolf 8232003: (fs) Files.write can leak file descriptor in the exception case
2019-10-09 coffeys 8214560: Use {@systemProperty} for definitions of system properties (httpserver)
2019-10-09 coffeys 8231770: Test java/util/zip/FlaterTest.java fails with -Xcheck:jni
2019-10-08 rrich 8230677: Should disable Escape Analysis if JVMTI capability can_get_owned_monitor_info was taken
2019-10-09 pliden 8231489: GC watermark_0_1 failed due to "metaspace.gc.Fault: GC has happened too rare"
2019-10-08 darcy 8231368: Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.security.jgss
2019-10-08 dholmes 8231737: Cleanup JvmtiRawMonitor code
2019-10-08 kbarrett 8231153: Improve concurrent refinement statistics
2019-10-08 redestad 8232006: Remove dead code from klassVtable
2019-10-08 dtitov 8199136: Dead code in src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/common/ProcessArgumentMatcher.java
2019-10-08 coleenp 8225681: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine fails due a) MT-unsafe modification of inline cache
2019-10-08 dtitov 8231666: ThreadIdTable::grow() invokes invalid thread transition
2019-10-08 dtitov 8170299: Debugger does not stop inside the low memory notifications code
2019-10-08 pconcannon 8222829: DatagramSocket.setSoTimeout does not specify IAE when timeout is negative
2019-10-08 pconcannon 8230946: Clarify security manager behaviour of a connected DatagramSocket and DatagramChannel
2019-10-08 jlahoda 8230162: ScopeImpl.remove() has O(N) performance
2019-10-08 redestad 8231993: Remove redundant pkg_str param from is_shared_class_visible_for_classloader
2019-10-08 egahlin Improve logging for TestLargeRootSet.java JEP-349-branch
2019-10-08 shade 8231931: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/TestUniverse.java looks for wrong string with Shenandoah
2019-10-08 alanb 8231921: (se) SelectorImpl.register does not need to set the attachment when it is null
2019-10-08 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-10-07 stuefe Merge default stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-10-08 redestad 8231355: Remove unused utility methods in libjava
2019-10-08 mbaesken 8231753: use more Posix functionality in aix os::print_os_info
2019-10-02 mbaesken 8231751: on aix handle Power 9 in os::get_summary_cpu_info
2019-10-08 smarks 8231977: Discuss serializability of collections
2019-10-08 valeriep 8229243: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4
2019-10-07 dholmes 8231289: Disentangle JvmtiRawMonitor from ObjectMonitor and clean it up
2019-10-07 dlong 8231902: Build of jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management/module-info.java.extra failed
2019-10-07 jiangli 8231630: Optimize boot loader with no bootclasspath append entry.
2019-10-07 egahlin TestRecursive with Recording::start() JEP-349-branch
2019-10-07 egahlin Stabilize TestLargeRootSet.java JEP-349-branch
2019-10-07 shade 8231946: Remove obsolete and unused ShenandoahVerifyObjectEquals flag
2019-10-07 shade 8231932: Shenandoah: conc/par GC threads ergonomics overrides user settings
2019-10-07 redestad 8230043: Lazily load libverify
2019-10-07 cito 8225694: Destination option missing in FlightRecorderMXBeanImpl
2019-10-07 coleenp 8229900: RedefineDeleteJmethod.java fails with -Xcheck:jni
2019-10-07 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-10-07 hannesw 8220217: Javadoc missing link to member method
2019-10-07 egahlin Provoke chunk rotation in TestRemovedChunks.java JEP-349-branch
2019-10-07 stuefe Fix issue with statistics which caused Metaspace::used_words() to be too high stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-10-07 shade 8231930: Windows build fails after JDK-8191521
2019-10-07 clanger 8231885: Fix/remove malformed assert in os_windows.cpp
2019-10-07 egahlin Test thread exclusion for RecordingStream::start JEP-349-branch
2019-10-02 roland 8231550: C2: ShouldNotReachHere() in verify_strip_mined_scheduling
2019-10-01 roland 8231620: assert(bol->is_Bool()) crash during split if due to FastLockNode
2019-10-07 redestad 8231895: Avoid String allocations in JVM_FindLoadedClass
2019-10-07 pliden 8231825: ZGC: Remove ZMaxHeapSize and ZMaxHeapSizeShift
2019-10-06 lancea 8231093: Document the ZIP FS properties noCompression and releaseVersion
2019-10-04 herrick 8231882: --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH is not handled properly JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-04 lancea 8223771: FileSystemProvider.newFileSystem(Path, Map) should throw IOException when called with a file that cannot be open
2019-10-04 herrick 8215895: Verify and create tests for Mac installer specific signing options JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-04 herrick 8231850: BasicTest test fails in jcov build JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-04 vdeshpande 8221092: UseAVX=3 has performance degredation on Skylake (X7) processors
2019-10-04 ecaspole 8215521: add microbenchmark to measure AccessController.getContext
2019-10-04 fmatte 8216352: SA: ClhsdbLauncher should throw errors on Unrecognized commands
2019-10-03 jboes 8231161: Wrong return type in code sample in Collector API documentation
2019-10-03 lmesnik Merge
2019-10-03 lmesnik 8231768: Remove duplicate if/else in vmTestbase/nsk/share/jdi/Binder.java
2019-10-03 darcy 8231777: Remove extraneous @serial javadoc tag in NodeChangeEvent.java
2019-10-03 herrick 8231706: change "Java" dir to "app" dir in jpackage app image JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-03 redestad 8231707: Improve Mutex inlining
2019-10-03 pliden 8231776: ZGC: Fix incorrect address space description
2019-10-03 pliden 8231774: ZGC: ZVirtualMemoryManager unmaps incorrect address
2019-09-27 stefank 8231563: ZGC: Fails to warn when user sets the max heap size to larger than 16TB
2019-10-03 shade 8231713: x86_32 build failures after JDK-8226721 (Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint)
2019-10-03 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-14+17 for changeset 5c83830390ba
2019-10-03 cjplummer 8231288: "jhsdb jmap" test needed to reproduce issues that used to be reproduced by JShellHeapDumpTest
2019-10-02 ccheung 8231606: _method_ordering is not set during CDS dynamic dump time
2019-10-02 rriggs 8231663: Incorrect GPL header in some RMI/SQL package-info.java files jdk-14+17
2019-10-02 egahlin Add TestRecusrive and only skip events for DirectoryStream JEP-349-branch
2019-10-02 erikj 8231505: Bump required boot jdk version to 13
2019-10-02 bpb 8229022: BufferedReader performance can be improved by using StringBuilder
2019-10-02 lkorinth 8231671: Fix copyright headers in hotspot (missing comma after year)
2019-10-02 jlahoda Cleanup JDK-8226585-branch
2019-10-02 jlahoda Improving appearance of javadoc of the APIs associated with preview features. JDK-8226585-branch
2019-10-02 alanb 8231603: (se) Selector implementations do not need to use cancelledKeys
2019-10-02 chagedorn 8231626: DeoptimizeRandom should not be a product flag
2019-10-02 herrick Merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-02 darcy 8231545: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in jdk.jshell module
2019-10-01 herrick fix bad merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-01 herrick 8231721 : jpackage --install-dir should reject system dirs on Linux JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-28 fweimer 8231600: Avoid GCC 8 strncpy error in jdk.jdwp.agent
2019-10-01 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-10-01 erikj 8231594: Configure fails on some Linux systems
2019-10-01 bpb 8229333: java/io/File/SetLastModified.java timed out
2019-10-01 shade 8231667: Shenandoah: Full GC should take empty regions into slices for compaction
2019-10-01 shade 8231503: [TESTBUG] compiler/{jvmci,aot} tests should not run with GCs that do not support JVMCI/AOT
2019-10-01 clanger 8223869: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/MaxAdvanceIsMax.java on more platforms
2019-10-01 rschmelter 8191521: handle long relative path specified in -Xbootclasspath/a on windows
2019-09-30 roland 8231665: 8231055 broke escapeAnalysis/TestSelfArrayCopy.java
2019-09-26 jboes 8209178: Proxied HttpsURLConnection doesn't send BODY when retrying POST request
2019-10-01 dfuchs 8231506: Fix some instabilities in a few networking tests
2019-10-01 pliden 8231296: ZGC: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/Allocate/alloc001/ fails
2019-10-01 neliasso 8226721: Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint
2019-09-26 mbaesken 8231357: sun/security/pkcs11/Cipher/TestKATForGCM.java fails on SLES11 using mozilla-nss-3.14
2019-10-01 herrick Merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-10-01 herrick 8230974: creating rpm, get error for relative path to the license.txt JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-30 herrick 8231280: Linux packages produced by jpackage should have correct dependencies JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-30 herrick 8231605: Improve test helpers JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-30 herrick 8231281: Eliminate the --identifier option JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-30 herrick 8230920 : jpackage problems when -input dir contains any files with "cfg" extension. JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-30 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 egahlin Make TestRemovedChunks.java more stable JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 joehw 8016914: CoreDocumentImpl.setXmlVersion NPE
2019-09-30 coleenp Merge
2019-09-30 coleenp 8184732: Deadlock detection improvements for 'special' locks
2019-09-30 pconcannon 8229338: clean up test/jdk/java/util/RandomAccess/Basic.java
2019-09-30 shade 8231583: Shenandoah: Fix register clash in SBSA::resolve_forwarding_pointer() borrowing
2019-09-30 lucy 8231403: [ppc]: Align ReservedCodeCacheSize default value with other platforms
2019-09-30 rkennke 8231499: Shenandoah: compiler/arraycopy/TestDefaultMethodArrayCloneDeoptC2 fails
2019-09-30 aefimov Merge aefimov-dns-client-branch
2019-09-30 aefimov Initial changes for aefimov-dns-client-branch aefimov-dns-client-branch
2019-09-30 egahlin Remove test applications JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 egahlin Update javadoc with CSR feedback JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 mgronlun let TestLargeRootSet retry on failure JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 redestad 8231616: Simplify compilation policy hierarchy
2019-09-24 vkempik 8229872: (fs) Increase buffer size used with getmntent
2019-09-30 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 mgronlun fix typo in emergency dump path JEP-349-branch
2019-09-30 tschatzl 8231553: Deprecate unused G1RSetScanBlockSize command line option
2019-09-30 chagedorn 8230062: assert(i == p->size()-1) failed: must be last element of the pack
2019-09-29 mgronlun cleaner tagging JEP-349-branch
2019-09-29 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-09-28 azeller 8231457: Asserts on AIX because os::elapsed_counter() is not monotonic
2019-09-28 cjplummer 8231287: JMap should do a better job of reporting exception it catches
2019-09-28 igerasim 8230415: Avoid redundant permission checking in FilePermissionCollection and SocketPermissionCollection
2019-09-27 bobv 8231431: JAOTC issues with JAR path containing spaces
2019-09-27 dl 8231036: vmTestbase monitoring tests fail after JSR 166 refresh
2019-09-27 dl 8231032: ThreadMXBean locking tests fail after JSR 166 refresh
2019-09-27 lmesnik 8230942: Support compressed cores in SA tests
2019-09-27 stuefe fix metachunk gtest stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-09-27 stuefe do not enlarge chunks faster than chunk alloc strategy would allow stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-09-27 stuefe Correct chunk allocation size for standard loaders in class space stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-09-27 stuefe Make chunk-in-place-enlargment switchable stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-09-27 darcy 8231557: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in jdk.scripting.nashorn module
2019-09-27 dfuchs 8231037: java/net/InetAddress/ptr/Lookup.java fails intermittently due to reverse lookup failed
2019-09-27 rehn 8231321: compiler/codecache/stress/UnexpectedDeoptimizationAllTest.java failed assertion
2019-09-27 jiefu 8231567: minimal build failed after JDK-8226690
2019-09-27 coleenp 8231472: Clean up Monitor::_safepoint_check usage to Mutex::_safepoint_check
2019-09-27 egahlin Fix javadoc JEP-349-branch
2019-09-27 egahlin Improve test coverage for RecordingStream::enable(...) and RecordingStream:disable(...) JEP-349-branch
2019-07-16 roland 8227384: C2 compilation fails with "graph should be schedulable" when running with -XX:-EliminateLocks
2019-09-27 egahlin Add missing copyright header JEP-349-branch
2019-09-27 egahlin Add missing TestUtils class for testing onError JEP-349-branch
2019-09-27 egahlin Fix typos JEP-349-branch
2019-09-27 egahlin Add tests for onError JEP-349-branch
2019-09-27 redestad 8231471: Obsolete -XX:CompilationPolicyChoice
2019-09-26 roland 8231405: [Shenandoah] guarantee(d != NULL) failed: Null dominator info
2019-09-27 chegar 8231504: Update networking tests to avoid implicit dependency on the system proxies
2019-09-26 cjplummer 8228625: [TESTBUG] sun/tools/jhsdb/JShellHeapDumpTest.java fails with RuntimeException 'JShellToolProvider' missing from stdout/stderr
2019-09-26 darcy 8231546: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in java.prefs module
2019-09-26 rriggs 8231314: java.time serialization warning cleanup
2019-09-26 erikj 8231467: Missing make prerequisite declaration corrupts make dependency files on Windows
2019-09-26 herrick 8231382: Use main class from main module if available JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-26 herrick 8230649 : Make jpackage tool an experimental feature JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-26 coleenp 8226690: SIGSEGV in MetadataOnStackClosure::do_metadata
2019-09-26 egahlin Incorporate CSR feedback JEP-349-branch
2019-09-26 mbaesken 8231448: s390 and ppc - replace JVM type comparisons to T_OBJECT and T_ARRAY with call to is_reference_type
2019-09-26 pliden 8231294: ZGC: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexhausted002 fails
2019-09-12 phedlin 8229499: Node budget assert in fuzzed test.
2019-09-26 eosterlund 8219724: ZGC: Make inline cache cleaning more robust
2019-09-25 mbaesken 8231445: check ZALLOC return values in awt coding
2019-09-26 thartmann 8231223: C2's conditional move optimization fails with assert(bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool) failed
2019-09-26 darcy 8231414: Mark various instance fields of javac internal types as transient
2019-09-26 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-14+16 for changeset d29f0181ba42
2019-09-25 phh 8231209: [REDO] ThreadMXBean::getThreadAllocatedBytes() can be quicker for self thread
2019-09-25 bchristi 8221623: Add StackWalker micro benchmarks to jdk repo
2019-09-25 herrick 8230927: Wrong arguments set for additional launchers JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-25 herrick png file missed in push of JDK-8225249 JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-25 darcy 8231443: Add java.io.Serial to list of platform annotations for annotation processing jdk-14+16
2019-09-25 mgronlun Merge JEP-349-branch
2019-09-25 jjg Adding taglet for @preview. JDK-8226585-branch
2019-09-25 bpb 8231174: (fs) FileTime should have 100ns resolution (win)
2019-09-25 dtitov 8185005: Improve performance of ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long ids[], int maxDepth)
2019-09-25 shade 8231410: Shenandoah: clone barrier should use base pointer
2019-09-25 darcy 8231442: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in java.sql.* modules
2019-09-25 phh 8231387: java.security.Provider.getService returns random result due to race condition with mutating methods in the same class
2019-09-24 azeller 8230110: TestLinkageErrorInGenerateOopMap times out
2019-09-25 cito 8231317: jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdConfigure.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: assertTrue: expected true, was false"
2019-09-25 rkennke 8231447: Shenandoah: Compilation-time regression after JDK-8231086
2019-09-25 stuefe add experimental option to cluster micro clds. stuefe-new-metaspace-branch
2019-09-17 roland 8231055: C2: arraycopy with same non escaping src and dest but different positions causes wrong execution
2019-09-25 weijun 8228659: Record which Java methods are called by native codes in JGSS and JAAS
2019-09-25 psadhukhan Merge
2019-09-25 psadhukhan Merge
2019-09-23 dmarkov 8230782: Robot.createScreenCapture() fails if “awt.robot.gtk” is set to false
2019-09-23 psadhukhan Merge
2019-09-18 akolarkunnu 8165828: [TEST_BUG] The reg case:javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIcons/MetalHiDPIIconsTest.java failed as No Metal Look and Feel
2019-09-09 serb 8225372: accessibility errors in tables in java.desktop files
2019-09-14 serb 8229896: Delete an unused code in the BufferedContext
2019-09-13 serb 8225101: Crash at sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper.XkbGetUpdatedMap when change keybord map
2019-09-11 pbansal 8225805: Java Access Bridge does not close the logger
2019-09-10 lbourges 8230728: Thin stroked shapes are not rendered if affine transform has flip bit
2019-09-07 serb 8229515: [macos] access to window property of NSView on wrong thread
2019-09-04 mbaesken 8230480: check malloc/calloc results in java.desktop
2019-09-04 trebari 8194944: Regression automated test 'open/test/jdk/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8145896/TestJInternalFrameMaximize.java' fails
2019-08-29 psadhukhan Merge
2019-08-28 prr 8229800: WindowsServerCore 1809 does not provide d2d1.dll library required by awt.dll
2019-08-27 serb 8146238: [macosx] Java2D Queue Flusher crash on OSX after switching between user accounts
2019-08-26 psadhukhan Merge
2019-09-25 michaelm 8231450: Copyright header line omitted from 8231187 changeset
2019-09-25 alanb 8231413: Several test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime tests updates to run with --illegal-access=deny
2019-09-23 roland 8229483: Sinking load out of loop may trigger: assert(found_sfpt) failed: no node in loop that's not input to safepoint
2019-09-25 ccheung 8231097: [TESTBUG] runtime/cds/appcds/DirClasspathTest.java can fail with a mapping error
2019-09-25 darcy 8231334: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in client libs serializable classes
2019-09-24 prappo 8228580: DnsClient TCP socket timeout
2019-09-24 herrick Merge JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8230654: jpackage package-type dmg on macOS JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8230651: Use version string from main module JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8231282 : Revisit --linux-deb-copyright option JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8231279 : Change install location for copyright file for Debian package JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8231277 : Adjust Linux application image layout JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 herrick 8225249 : LinuxDebBundler and LinuxRpmBundler should share more code JDK-8200758-branch
2019-09-24 iklam 8231367: [TESTBUG] ParallelLoadTest.java fails with "test.dynamic.dump not supported"
2019-09-24 dlong 8229201: Update Graal
2019-09-24 epavlova 8231376: Unproblem list compiler/unsafe/Unsafe{Off,On}HeapBooleanTest.java tests
2019-09-24 naoto 8230531: API Doc for CharsetEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() should be clearer about BOMs
2019-09-24 erikj 8231351: Add notes for PKCS11 tests in the test doc
2019-09-24 michaelm 8231187: SelectorProvider.inheritedChannel() returns TCP socket channel for Unix domain socket
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