2017-12-04 ihse 8193014: Add "special" tests to run-test to cover odd cases
2017-12-04 ksrini 8184683: Add @since and default methods of Compiler Tree API methods
2017-12-04 smarks 8177290: add copy factory methods for unmodifiable List, Set, Map
2017-12-04 ihse 8192995: run-test gtest should use all jvm variants, not just "server"
2017-12-04 ihse 8146977: Move the output "Building configuration X (matching Y)" to lower log level
2017-12-04 ihse 8175795: configure should verify that system zlib contains needed functionality
2017-12-04 ihse 8192854: FONTCONFIG_CFLAGS missing from spec.gmk.in
2017-12-04 mcimadamore 8189749: Devise strategy for making source level checks more uniform
2017-12-04 clanger 8192961: Remove some double semicolons
2017-12-04 njian 8191955: AArch64: incorrect prefetch distance causes an internal error
2017-12-04 vtewari 8190843: can not set/get extendedOptions to ServerSocket
2017-12-03 igerasim 8187985: Broken certificate number in debug output
2017-12-03 igerasim 8187497: Redundant variable assignment in Java_sun_security_jgss_wrapper_GSSLibStub_getMic
2017-12-02 dl 8191069: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-12
2017-12-02 dl 8187947: A race condition in SubmissionPublisher
2017-12-02 dl 8191937: Lost interrupt in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer when tryAcquire methods throw
2017-12-02 sherman 8191918: tomcat gzip-compressed response bodies appear to be broken in update 151
2017-12-02 psandoz 8186961: Class.getFields() does not return fields of previously visited super interfaces/classes.
2017-12-02 jjg 8034252: Fix non ASCII text file T6302184.java
2017-12-01 ihse 8192816: Let run-test save exit code
2017-12-01 joehw 8191938: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: a few Deprecation warrnings and enable -Xlint:all
2017-12-01 erikj 8192876: MacOS build fails intermittently after JDK-8139653
2017-12-01 redestad 8192892: Improve JrtPath::getResolved fast-path test
2017-12-01 lana Merge
2017-12-01 lana Added tag jdk-10+34 for changeset 89deac44e515
2017-12-01 mchung 8192879: jdk.internal.util.jar.VersionedStream is no longer needed
2017-12-01 erikj 8190464: OpenJDK on macosx needs to bundle freetype
2017-11-30 smarks 8160406: Collection.toArray() spec should be explicit about returning precisely an Object[]
2017-11-30 rriggs 8189331: java/io/Serializable/maskSyntheticModifier/MaskSyntheticModifierTest.java failed incorrect serialVersionUID
2017-11-30 erikj 8139653: Freetype bundled on macosx, but not correctly linked
2017-11-30 sherman 8187910: Charset MS950_HKSCS not supported in JDK 9
2017-11-30 aefimov 8186441: Change of behavior in the getMessage () method of the SOAPMessageContextImpl class
2017-11-30 ksrini 8185985: Html files in doc-files directories should be wrapped with standard header and footer
2017-11-30 ksrini 8190552: Augment the Compiler API tree with APIs to represent HTML content
2017-11-30 mullan 8186535: Remove deprecated pre-1.2 SecurityManager methods and fields
2017-11-30 nishjain 6354947: [Fmt-*] Clarify DecimalFormat description of FieldPosition use jdk-10+34
2017-11-24 dholmes 8191707: Options with invalid values are incorrectly treated as obsolete and ignored
2017-11-22 dlong 8191688: Assert failed in > 200 tests: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change
2017-11-23 ccheung 8191653: Test failures in BootAppendTests - missing jdk.internal.vm.compiler module
2017-11-26 rraghavan 8191313: compiler/runtime/SpreadNullArg.java fails in tier1
2017-11-25 jwilhelm Merge
2017-11-22 coleenp Merge
2017-11-21 glaubitz 8191663: Zero variant broken after 8189170 and 8189871
2017-11-21 ccheung 8191739: [TESTBUG] test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/LoadClass/TestResize.java fails to compile after JDK-8191580
2017-11-21 ecaspole 8191615: LogCompilation can show bytes
2017-11-21 ccheung 8188122: Path length limits on Windows leads to obscure class loading failures
2017-11-21 iklam 8191042: Deprecate VM option CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs
2017-11-21 dlong 8190817: deopt special-case for _return_register_finalizer is confusing and leads to bugs
2017-11-21 gziemski 8191580: open/test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/LoadClass/TestResize fails on product build
2017-11-21 rkennke 8191562: Missing include in gcArguments.cpp breaks minimal JVM build
2017-11-21 ihse 8191203: Remove duplicated jimage.hpp
2017-11-21 ehelin 8182284: G1Analytics uses uninitialized fields
2017-11-21 ihse 8190418: Stop generating jvmtiEnvStub and jvmtiEnvRecommended
2017-11-21 sballal 8191401: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ClhsdbFlags.java can fail due to UseJVMCICompiler
2017-11-21 iveresov 8043070: nmethod::verify_interrupt_point() shouldn't enter safepoint
2017-11-20 dholmes Merge
2017-11-20 dholmes 8189170: Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM
2017-11-20 epavlova 8190975: [Graal] Tests which run with "--limit-modules java.base" could fail when Graal is used as JIT
2017-11-20 smonteith 8191338: aarch64: fails to build after 8189745
2017-11-20 neliasso 8160548: Inconsistent inlining behavior with CompileOnly
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