2008-07-25 | lana | Merge | changeset | files |
2008-07-22 | tdv | 6728492: typo in copyrights in some files touched by the d3d pipeline port | changeset | files |
2008-07-18 | tdv | 6725214: D3D: forward-port the new pipeline from 6u10 | changeset | files |
2008-07-15 | igor | 6720240: IOB exception when getting font metrics of hershey font | changeset | files |
2008-06-23 | jgodinez | 6708509: print dialog is not displayed when default paper is custom | changeset | files |
2008-06-18 | srl | 6711377: test/java/awt/font/TextLayout/VisibleAdvance.java missing GPL | changeset | files |
2008-06-12 | prr | 6378099: RFE: Use libfontconfig to create/synthesise a fontconfig.properties | changeset | files |
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