2011-10-16 | iveresov | Merge | changeset | files |
2011-10-14 | kvn | 7100757: The BitSet.nextSetBit() produces incorrect result in 32bit VM on Sparc | changeset | files |
2011-10-13 | never | 7100165: JSR 292: leftover printing code in methodHandleWalk.cpp | changeset | files |
2011-10-13 | twisti | 7092712: JSR 292: unloaded invokedynamic call sites can lead to a crash with signature types not on BCP | changeset | files |
2011-10-11 | twisti | 7081938: JSR292: assert(magic_number_2() == MAGIC_NUMBER_2) failed | changeset | files |
2011-10-07 | bdelsart | 7096366: PPC: corruption of floating-point values with DeoptimizeALot | changeset | files |
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