2008-05-14 emcmanus 6701459: Synchronization bug pattern found in javax.management.relation.RelationService
2008-05-22 xdono Added tag jdk7-b27 for changeset 5ca30a3c97e7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-05-22 xdono Added tag jdk7-b27 for changeset 9ba36c07dcee
2008-05-22 xdono Added tag jdk7-b27 for changeset fcdebcbc4177
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b27 for changeset 67052ac87fc9
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b27
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-05-13 tbell Merge
2008-04-23 mcimadamore 6682380: Foreach loop with generics inside finally block crashes javac with -target 1.5
2008-04-25 tbell Merge
2008-04-16 tbell Merge
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6559182: Cast from a raw type with non-generic supertype to a raw type fails unexpectedly
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6683438: Bad regression test for CR 6611449
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6657499: javac 1.6.0 fails to compile class with inner class
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6450290: Capture of nested wildcards causes type error
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6481655: Parser confused by combination of parens and explicit type args
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6365166: javac (generic) unable to resolve methods
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 5009937: hiding versus generics versus binary compatibility
2008-04-09 mcimadamore 6531075: Missing synthetic casts when accessing fields/methods of intersection types including type variables
2008-04-24 xdono Added tag jdk7-b26 for changeset a19298c17815
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-04-24 xdono Added tag jdk7-b26 for changeset bdb54a99e398
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-04-24 xdono Added tag jdk7-b26 for changeset 10fbc32c25b0
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-04-24 xdono Added tag jdk7-b26 for changeset 878e1f117e8e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-05-16 tbell Merge
2008-05-13 tbell Merge
2008-05-11 wetmore Merge
2008-05-02 chegar 6687919: REGRESSION : Classloader can handle any resource which is not included in classpath
2008-05-10 martin 6691215: (coll) IdentityHashMap.containsValue(null) returns true when null value not present
2008-05-10 martin 6691185: (coll) TreeMap.navigableKeySet's descendingIterator method starts at first instead of last entry
2008-05-10 martin 6636363: BufferUnderflowException decoding length 6 UTF-8 sequences with direct buffers
2008-05-08 kamg 6697875: Copyright headers need to be upgraded with GPL derivative
2008-04-30 valeriep 6695818: New regression test (KerberosTixDateTest) for Kerberos failing on (probably) all platforms.
2008-04-25 valeriep Merge
2008-04-25 valeriep 6659990: KerberosTicket.getEndTime does not copy date (findbugs)
2008-04-25 valeriep 6524501: inconsistency with PKCS#11 spec - 0-value flags in CK_SLOT_INFO struct returned by C_GetSlotInfo()
2008-04-25 mullan Merge
2008-04-25 mullan 6690169: Specification for BasicPermission.equals() is not consistent
2008-04-23 wetmore Merge
2008-04-23 weijun 6689000: Changes in 6675606 causing regression test failures on windows-i586
2008-04-18 jccollet 6558853: getHostAddress() on connections using IPv6 link-local addrs should have zone id
2008-04-17 wetmore Merge
2008-04-17 jccollet 6644726: Cookie management issues
2008-04-16 chegar 6687282: URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ Digest Authentication gives 400 Bad Request
2008-04-15 chegar 6659779: HttpURLConnections logger should log tunnel requests
2008-04-14 mullan Merge
2008-04-14 mullan 6631361: Spec of AccessControlContext constructor is not complete
2008-04-11 xuelei 6571950: SSLSocket(raddr, rport, laddr, lport) allows null as laddr that spec doesn't reflect
2008-04-11 xuelei 6546671: (spec)javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.getInstance() throws undocumented NP
2008-04-11 xuelei 6546639: (spec)javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance(null) throws undocumented NPE
2008-04-10 weijun 6675606: javax.security.auth.login.Configuration does not recognize path with spaces
2008-04-22 emcmanus 6692027: Custom subclasses of QueryEval don't serialize
2008-05-14 xdono Merge
2008-05-13 xdono Merge
2008-05-01 ohair 6695553: Cleanup GPLv2+SPL legal notices in hat sources
2008-05-14 mlapshin Merge
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