2016-01-27 mgerdin 8147461: Use byte offsets for vtable start and vtable length offsets
2016-01-28 dholmes Merge
2016-01-27 stuefe 8146905: cleanup ostream, staticBufferStream
2016-01-28 jiangli 8147500: The HashtableTextDump::get_num() should check for integer overflow
2016-01-28 david Merge
2016-01-27 david 8147940: Test gc/g1/TestG1TraceEagerReclaimHumongousObjects.java fails
2016-01-27 sangheki Merge
2016-01-27 sangheki 8145192: 'count' variable can overflow in PSMarkSweep::invoke on 64 bit JVM
2016-01-27 stefank Merge
2016-01-18 goetz 8146395: Add inline qualifier in oop.hpp and fix inlining in gc files
2016-01-27 coleenp Merge
2016-01-27 coleenp Merge
2016-01-27 rprotacio 8146137: runtime/logging/ExceptionsTest.java fails on embedded and ARM test
2016-01-21 rprotacio 8146435: [TESTBUG] Logging tests are failing intermittently on windows when executed by JPRT
2016-01-27 hseigel Merge
2016-01-27 hseigel 8137314: vm crash from test java/security/Policy/SignedJar/SignedJarTest.java
2016-01-27 ddmitriev Merge
2016-01-19 akulyakh 8147609: [TESTBUG] Correct the @build statements in the serviceability/dcmd/gc/HeapDumpAllTest.java and HeapDumpTest.java tests
2016-01-27 mlarsson Merge
2016-01-27 mlarsson 8147348: LogTagLevelExpression not properly initialized in configure_stdout
2016-01-26 david 8147814: Move verification code out of g1collectedheap
2016-01-27 dholmes Merge
2016-01-27 dholmes 8145740: Visual Studio pragmas should be guarded by ifdef _MSC_VER
2016-01-27 coleenp Merge
2016-01-20 cjplummer 8143608: Don't 64-bit align start of InstanceKlass vtable, itable, and nonstatic_oopmap on 32-bit systems
2016-02-10 thartmann 8148752: Compiled StringBuilder code throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
2016-02-08 dnsimon 8148507: [JVMCI] mitigate deadlocks related to JVMCI compiler under -Xbatch
2016-02-08 rschatz 8148741: compiler/jvmci/code/SimpleDebugInfoTest.java fails in 'frame::sender_for_compiled_frame'
2016-02-05 hshi 8149080: AArch64: Recognise disjoint array copy in stub code
2016-02-06 hshi 8149100: AArch64: "bad AD file" for LL enconding AryEq Node matching
2016-02-08 enevill 8149365: aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy
2016-02-04 enevill 8148783: aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013
2016-02-03 enevill 8148948: aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly
2016-01-29 roland 8137049: Code quality: reducing an trivial integer loop does not produce an optimal code
2016-02-08 dnsimon 8149019: remove redundant modifiers
2016-02-08 never Merge
2016-02-05 never 8149076: [JVMCI] missing ResourceMark in JVMCIRuntime::initialize_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime
2016-02-08 ppunegov Merge
2016-02-05 ppunegov 8148864: Quarantine CompilerControl tests
2016-02-08 tpivovarova Merge
2016-02-05 tpivovarova 8149135: [jittester] Makefile copies JitTesterDriver in incorrect directory and always uses default value for number-of-tests and seed
2016-02-08 neliasso 8148696: Race loading hsdis may cause SIGSEGV
2016-02-08 zmajo 8148758: Compilation fails with "this call site should not be polymorphic"
2016-02-05 twisti Merge
2016-02-05 rschatz 8149105: typo in jvmciCodeInstaller.cpp
2016-02-05 thartmann Merge
2016-01-22 neliasso 8063112: Compiler diagnostic commands should have locking instead of safepoint
2016-02-03 dnsimon 8148981: remove ResolvedJavaType.getClassFilePath()
2016-02-03 rschatz 8146608: [JVMCI] DebugInfo Tests on DeoptimizeALot runs fails in assert(_pc == *pc_addr || pc == *pc_addr) frame::patch_pc() /frame_x86.cpp:285
2016-02-04 thartmann 8143897: Weblogic12medrec assert(handler_address == SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(nm, pc, exception, force_unwind, true)) failed: Must be the same
2016-02-05 thartmann 8149109: [TESTBUG] TestRegisterRestoring.java fails with "VM option 'SafepointALot' is develop"
2016-02-18 lana Added tag jdk-9+106 for changeset e15ec0a78e45
2016-02-18 lana Merge
2016-02-18 mchung 8074069: Move com.oracle.net and com.oracle.nio APIs to jdk.net module
2016-02-17 erikj 8149963: build errors during API docs build
2016-02-18 lana Added tag jdk-9+106 for changeset c4b6c7386de8
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+106 for changeset 6c644cca3f3f
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+106
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-12 rfield 8146138: jshell tool: add /help <command>
2016-02-12 lana Merge
2016-02-10 vromero 8148808: javac, remove unused options, step 1
2016-02-10 ksrini 8148400: Decrease the regression test heap.
2016-02-10 alundblad 8149160: use StringJoiner in sjavac option handling
2016-02-09 jjg 8147801: java.nio.file.ClosedFileSystemException when using Javadoc API's in JDK9
2016-02-11 lana Added tag jdk-9+105 for changeset 3977b3940b92
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-12 lana Merge
2016-02-10 chegar 8148861: Update jaxws to use the new non-inheriting thread-local Thread constructor
2016-02-11 lana Added tag jdk-9+105 for changeset ae5b74fcfb21
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-12 iris 8149601: Update references from "1.9" to "9"
2016-02-11 lana Added tag jdk-9+105 for changeset 0713559973fc
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-12 mhaupt 8149744: fix testng.jar delivery in Nashorn build.xml
2016-02-12 lana Merge
2016-02-11 jlaskey 8149665: $EXEC changes clean up
2016-02-10 jlaskey 8141209: $EXEC should allow streaming
2016-02-09 mhaupt 8149462: revert changes for 8149186
2016-02-11 lana Added tag jdk-9+105 for changeset 621225a25d50
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-11 lana Added tag jdk-9+105 for changeset e66a02d55e71
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-02-15 chegar 8134424: BlockDataInputStream.readUTFBody: size local StringBuffer with the given length
2016-02-15 chegar 8149656: Examine usages of sun.misc.LRUCache
2016-02-15 chegar 8149653: Move sun.misc.InnocuousThread to jdk.internal.misc
2016-02-14 sherman 8149787: test/java/util/regex/GraphemeTest.java source file has non-ascii character u+00f7
2016-02-14 jlaskey 8149776: BSD license for jimage code
2016-02-13 sherman 7071819: To support Extended Grapheme Clusters in Regex
2016-02-12 iris 8149601: Update references from "1.9" to "9"
2016-02-12 ihse 8149647: Incremental enhancements from build-infra
2016-02-12 darcy 8149616: Problem list RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh
2016-02-12 lana Merge
2016-02-11 igerasim 8059212: Modify sun/security/smartcardio manual regression tests so that they do not just fail if no cardreader found
2016-02-11 rriggs 8142539: Incorrect definition of ZoneOffset.MIN
2016-02-10 shade 8149459: StringConcatFactory should be synced up with LambdaMetafactory
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