2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+131 for changeset 4d2a15091124
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+131
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-08 vromero 8162874: AST nodes representing operators should have a common superclass
2016-08-08 jlahoda 8144733: Iterating over elements of a Scope can return spurious inner class elements
2016-08-04 amurillo Merge
2016-08-04 erikj 8157100: missing dependency in build system
2016-08-03 jjg 8162359: javac should use stdout for --help and --version
2016-08-03 darcy 8163113: langtools repeating annotations tests depend rely on annotations toString output
2016-08-03 darcy 8163115: Temporarily problem list javac repeating annotations tests
2016-08-02 bpatel 8154817: Fix the click-through navigation for modules
2016-08-04 amurillo Added tag jdk-9+130 for changeset 4923274643f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-08 rriggs 8163266: Doc for ValidationEvent#getSeverity() should say it returns a constant from ValidationEvent instead of ValidationError
2016-08-04 amurillo Added tag jdk-9+130 for changeset 86902ef5ff79
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-08 fyuan 8067170: Enable security manager on JAXP unit tests and make some improvement
2016-08-05 joehw 8160069: RuntimeException thrown by XPathFactory::newInstance missing the cause
2016-08-04 amurillo Added tag jdk-9+130 for changeset 00e4298ae168
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-08 hannesw 8162955: Activate anonymous class loading for small sources
2016-08-04 amurillo Merge
2016-08-02 hannesw 8162771: Strict equality operators should not be optimistic
2016-08-04 amurillo Added tag jdk-9+130 for changeset bb2621620e5f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-04 amurillo Added tag jdk-9+130 for changeset 78f922bcd6cf
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-08-09 redestad 8163476: java/lang/StackWalker/VerifyStackTrace.java fails after JDK-8163369
2016-08-09 redestad 8163369: Enable generating DMH classes at link time
2016-08-09 redestad 8162815: unnecessary object creation in reflection
2016-08-09 sundar 8163382: ResourcePoolManager.findEntry has a bug in startsWith call
2016-08-08 bpb 8162745: content-types.properties files are missing some modern types
2016-08-08 bpb 8146215: (fs) java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/Basic.java failed frequently on Solaris-sparc with Unexpected type: text/plain
2016-08-08 amurillo Merge
2016-08-08 amurillo Merge
2016-08-05 amurillo Merge
2016-08-02 mgronlun 8162945: HotspotDiagnosticMXBean getFlags erroneously reports OutOfMemory
2016-08-01 dsamersoff Merge
2016-08-01 dsamersoff 8160817: Add jsadebugd functionality to jhsdb
2016-08-01 dsamersoff 8162702: com.sun.management.internal.GcInfoBuilder.getPoolNames should not return reference of it's private member
2016-08-01 dsamersoff 8162524: src/jdk.management/share/native/libmanagement_ext/Flag.c doesn't handle JNI exceptions
2016-08-01 dsamersoff 8158050: Remove SA-JDI
2016-07-30 amurillo Merge
2016-07-29 amurillo Merge
2016-07-29 psandoz 8162458: Buffer view implementations use incorrect offset for Unsafe access
2016-07-27 acorn Merge
2016-07-27 acorn 8162340: Better class stream parsing
2016-07-27 dholmes 8140723: Remove source code conditionalized on JAVASE_EMBEDDED
2016-07-26 amurillo Merge
2016-07-22 amurillo Merge
2016-07-22 amurillo Merge
2016-07-21 psandoz 8161947: runtime/Unsafe/GetUnsafe.java is failing on jdk9/dev
2016-07-20 dcubed 8161057: Solaris: deprecated/obsolete compiler flags should be removed
2016-07-18 dcubed 8161164: quarantine more tests that can't attach symbolicator to the process on MacOS X
2016-07-18 fparain 8161034: GPL header missing comma after year
2016-07-16 sspitsyn 8158350: Table in ThreadInfo.from(CompositeData) may need updates for new stack trace attributes
2016-07-15 dcubed Merge
2016-07-15 dcubed 8160997: Solaris: deprecated <pwd.h> and <gid.h> interfaces should be replaced
2016-07-15 amurillo Merge
2016-07-15 psandoz 8151163: All Buffer implementations should leverage Unsafe unaligned accessors
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