2018-06-20 mseledtsov 8204701: [TESTBUG] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/BootAppendTests.java should handle mapping failure
2018-06-20 stuefe 8205407: [windows, vs<2017] C4800 after 8203197
2018-06-20 redestad 8199435: Unsafe publication of java.util.Properties.map
2018-06-19 chrisphi 8203030: Zero s390 31 bit size_t type conflicts in shared code
2018-06-20 mcimadamore 8195293: Issue more comprehensive warnings for use of \"var\" in earlier source versions
2018-06-20 pliden 8205339: ZGC: VerifyBeforeIteration not yet supported
2018-06-20 pliden 8205338: ZGC: LeakProfiler not yet supported
2018-06-20 pmuthuswamy 8202624: javadoc generates references to enum constructors, which are not documented
2018-06-20 goetz 8205108: [testbug] Fix pattern matching in jstatd tests.
2018-06-20 stuefe 8205141: runtime/exceptionMsgs/ArrayStoreException/ArrayStoreExceptionTest.java failed with "assert(k->is_objArray_klass()) failed: cast to ObjArrayKlass
2018-06-20 cjplummer 8205149: hs201t002 should be put on the problem list
2018-06-19 valeriep 8204152: SignedObject throws NullPointerException for null keys with an initialized Signature object
2018-06-19 stuefe 8203680: os::stat() on Posix platform does not need to copy input path
2018-06-15 apetushkov 8153107: enabling ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter() on ARM64 causes hangs
2018-06-19 pliden 8205344: TraceMemoryManagerStats changes in JDK-8195115 broke ZGC
2018-06-19 mgronlun 8204571: Add support for launching multiple startup recordings
2018-06-19 prr Merge
2018-06-19 prr Merge
2018-06-19 vagarwal 8200605: Create test for GridBagLayoutDemo
2018-06-19 prr Merge
2018-06-15 prr Merge
2018-06-15 prr 8204929: Fonts with embedded bitmaps are not always rotated
2018-06-15 psadhukhan 8199441: Wrong caret position in multiline text components on Windows with a screen resolution higher than 100%
2018-06-15 psadhukhan 8202199: Provide public, unsupported JDK API for JavaFX/Swing interop
2018-06-13 dmarkov 8200353: Shift or Capslock not working in Textfield after accented keystrokes
2018-06-13 mhalder 8204859: [macosx] Remove javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/bug8057791.java from the ProblemList.txt
2018-06-12 prr Merge
2018-06-12 serb 8204454: Remove of sun.applet.AppletAudioClip
2018-06-12 prr 8191512: T2K font rasterizer code removal
2018-06-12 serb 8202768: [macos] Appkit thread slows when any Window Manager active
2018-06-11 mhalder 8029250: [macosx] There is no tray icon shown in the system tray area when case starts
2018-06-11 prr 8204509: Fix compilation error in harfbuzz 1.7.6 for Solaris Developer Studio 12.6
2018-06-09 serb 6608234: SwingWorker.get throws CancellationException
2018-06-19 gadams 8205055: Fix compilation optimization errors with new Solaris toolchain
2018-06-19 gadams 8205110: Fix xchip warnings with new Solaris toolchain
2018-06-19 dchuyko 8205341: AARCH64: Clean up duplicate uzp1 & uzp2 instruction definition
2018-06-19 naoto 8042131: DateTimeFormatterBuilder Mapped-values do not work for JapaneseDate
2018-06-19 dchuyko 8198719: MethodHandleHelper.linkToStatic should drop MH arg
2018-06-19 dpochepk 8204353: AARCH64: optimize FPU load and stores in macroAssembler
2018-06-19 dpochepk 8204473: AARCH64: register post-index addressing mode is not supported directly
2018-06-19 erikj 8205183: Warning about using VS2017 should be removed
2018-06-19 mdoerr 8205172: 32 bit build broken
2018-06-19 rehn 8205006: Assertion failure when rehashing stringtable
2018-06-19 vromero 8205052: No compilation error thrown when no valid parameterization exists for functional interface type
2018-06-19 phh 8195115: G1 Old Gen MemoryPool CollectionUsage.used values don't reflect mixed GC results
2018-06-19 lfoltan 8202605: Standardize on ClassLoaderData::loader_name() throughout the VM to obtain a class loader's name
2018-06-15 goetz 8204268: Improve some IncompatibleClassChangeError messages.
2018-06-19 thartmann 8205033: [REDO] Induction variable of over-unrolled loop conflicts with range checks
2018-06-19 rwestberg 8204957: Remove TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents from ProblemList.txt
2018-06-19 rwestberg 8204236: JFR unit test of thread CPU load should be enabled
2018-06-19 pliden 8205064: Fail immediately if an unavailable GC is selected
2018-06-19 rkennke 8204941: Refactor TemplateTable::_new to use MacroAssembler helpers for tlab and eden
2018-06-15 neliasso 8204927: ZGC: assert(phase->idom(head) == head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) failed
2018-06-19 rehn 8204166: TLH: Semaphore may not be destroy until signal have returned.
2018-06-19 simonis 8204965: Fix '--disable-cds' and disable CDS on AIX by default
2018-06-19 tschatzl 8205043: Make parallel reference processing default for G1
2018-06-19 roland 8203197: C2: consider all paths in loop body for loop predication
2018-06-19 stefank 8205163: ZGC: Keeps finalizable marked PhantomReference referents strongly alive
2018-06-07 stefank 8204538: Split ScanClosure and ScanClosureWithParBarrier
2018-06-19 cushon 8198669: Refactor annotation array value parsing to reduce duplication
2018-06-19 pmuthuswamy 8205148: Turn off logging in jQuery-migrate
2018-06-18 iignatyev 8202559: Tests which start VM using JNI start failing after compile upgrade to VC 2017
2018-06-19 bulasevich 8203479: JFR enabled ARM32 build assertion failure
2018-06-19 bulasevich 8204961: JVMTI jtreg tests build warnings on 32-bit platforms
2018-06-19 lkorinth 8205054: Could not find "lsof" on test machine
2018-06-19 weijun 8177334: Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1
2018-06-18 kvn 8205181: ProblemList applications/ctw/modules/java_desktop_2.java
2018-06-18 jjg 8204330: Javadoc IllegalArgumentException: HTML special chars in constant value
2018-06-18 jjg 8149565: -locale option issues
2018-06-18 psandoz 8170159: Improve the performance of BitSet traversal
2018-06-18 dlong 8204231: Update Graal
2018-06-18 rehn 8204857: ConcurrentHashTable: Fix parallel processing
2018-06-18 mbaesken 8205091: AIX: build errors in hotspot after 8203641: Refactor String Deduplication into shared
2018-06-18 tschatzl 8043575: Dynamically parallelize reference processing work
2018-05-29 tschatzl 8202845: Refactor reference processing for improved parallelism
2018-06-18 sdama 8196988: Resolve disabled warnings for libjimage
2018-06-16 henryjen 8199871: Deprecate pack200 and unpack200 tools
2018-06-16 alanb 8199433: (se) select(Consumer<SelectionKey> action) as alternative to selected-key set
2018-06-15 goetz 8204943: Improve message of ArrayStoreException.
2018-06-16 stuefe 8204958: Minor cleanups for the diagnostic framework
2018-06-15 kbarrett 8204939: Change Access nomenclature: root to native
2018-06-15 mchung 8205116: jdeps --system $java.home fails with IAE
2018-06-15 bpb 8205062: (fs) Improve some print diagnostics in java/nio/file/Files/CopyAndMove.java
2018-06-15 vtheeyarath 8202216: Add Buffer mismatch methods
2018-06-15 mchung 8205112: Remove non-existent modules from test/jdk/jdk/modules/etc/UpgradeableModules.java
2018-06-15 mchung 8200121: Remove unused qualified exports in java.base
2018-06-15 erikj 8203667: Platform specific include files in jdk image in wrong sub directory
2018-06-15 mcimadamore 8203838: javac performance regression in 11+11
2018-06-15 cushon 7183985: (ann) Class.getAnnotation() throws an ArrayStoreException when the annotation class not present
2018-06-15 erikj 8204973: Add build support for filtering translations
2018-06-15 kvn 8184349: There should be some verification that EnableJVMCI is disabled if a GC not supporting JVMCI is selected
2018-06-15 kvn 8202948: C2: assert(init_offset >= 0) failed: positive offset from object start
2018-06-15 dnsimon 8205025: [AOT] make jdk.aot module upgradeable
2018-06-15 ihse 8200867: Remove references to "jdk 9" in build system
2018-06-15 pliden 8205050: ZGC: Incorrect use of RootAccess in ZHeapIterator
2018-06-15 pliden 8205028: ZGC: Remove incorrect comment in ZHeap::object_iterate()
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