2014-03-19 prr Merge
2014-03-19 serb 8037868: The build is broken after the JDK-8035630
2014-03-19 henryjen 8037743: 2d nightly: wrong class cast to DigraphNode
2014-03-19 pchelko 8037776: [macosx] Swing app fails to exit after last window is disposed when security manager is enabled
2014-03-19 serb 7124255: [macosx] java.awt.List: method select(int) doesn't work before be visible
2014-03-18 prr 8035630: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/font/fontpath.c
2014-03-18 prr 8034030: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/ImageSurfaceData.m
2014-03-18 prr 8034097: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/QuartzSurfaceData.m
2014-03-18 prr 8034095: [parfait] JNI exception pending in src/jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/QuartzRenderer.m
2014-03-18 pchelko 8035168: [macosx] Remove CThreading class
2014-03-18 prr 8034119: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/font/CCharToGlyphMapper.m
2014-03-18 serb 8008114: [parfait] False positive buffer overrun in jdk/src/solaris/native/com/sun/media/sound/PLATFORM_API_LinuxOS_ALSA_MidiUtils.c
2014-03-18 serb 8028050: Typo correction needed s/Classlaoder/Classloader/
2014-03-18 alexsch 8035069: [macosx] Loading resolution variants by demand
2014-03-18 pchelko 8036759: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_AWTEvent.cpp
2014-03-17 azvegint 8036762: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Canvas.cpp
2014-03-17 azvegint 8036790: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Scrollbar.cpp
2014-03-17 azvegint 8036783: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_MenuBar.cpp
2014-03-17 azvegint 8036717: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Robot.cpp
2014-03-17 azvegint 8012224: AWT_TopLevels/TopLevelEvents/Automated/WindowIconifyDeiconifyEventsTest02 fails on Ubuntu 12.04 Unity shell
2014-03-17 serb 8029362: [Parfait] warnings from b117 for jdk.src.share.native.com.sun.media.sound: JNI exception pending
2014-03-17 serb 8035743: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Frame.cpp
2014-03-17 pchelko 8035626: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Toolkit.cpp, awt_Toolkit.h
2014-03-17 pchelko 8036793: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_new.cpp
2014-03-14 bagiras 8036782: [parfait] JNI exc. pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_MouseEvent.cpp
2014-03-14 bagiras 8037377: Windows: compilation failed after the fix for 8033712
2014-03-14 serb 8036103: Cleanup of java.awt and java.awt.peer packages
2014-03-14 pchelko 8037371: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails
2014-03-14 pchelko 8037099: [macosx] Remove all references to GC from native OBJ-C code
2014-03-14 bagiras 8036788: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Event.cpp
2014-03-13 darcy 8035692: Fix serial lint warnings in mac-specific code
2014-03-13 darcy 8037139: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.print
2014-03-13 darcy 8033712: Fix more serial lint warnings in sun.awt
2014-03-13 serb 8035843: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_PopupMenu.cpp
2014-03-13 pchelko 8037287: Windows build failed after JDK-8030787
2014-03-13 pchelko 8030787: [Parfait] JNI-related warnings from b119 for jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image
2014-03-12 darcy 8037173: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.audio
2014-03-12 darcy 8037174: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.applet
2014-03-12 serb 8035627: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Cursor.cpp
2014-03-12 serb 8035747: [parfait] JNI exception pending in src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_FileDialog.cpp
2014-03-12 serb 8036710: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_ScrollPane.cpp
2014-03-12 serb 8034214: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CInputMethod.m
2014-03-12 bagiras 8035622: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_DesktopProperties.cpp
2014-03-11 prr Merge
2014-03-11 alexsch 8036781: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_PrintDialog.cpp
2014-03-11 alexsch 8036787: [parfait] JNI exc. pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Object.cpp
2014-03-11 pchelko 8035847: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_InputTextInfor.cpp
2014-03-10 darcy 8033908: Fix serial lint warnings in com.sun.java.swing.plaf
2014-03-07 prr Merge
2014-03-07 serb 8036760: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Checkbox.cpp
2014-03-07 serb 8036780: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Dimension.cpp
2014-03-06 serb 8036792: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Menu.cpp
2014-03-06 dmarkov 8032872: [macosx] Cannot select from JComboBox in a JWindow
2014-03-06 pchelko 8036761: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_TextComponent.cpp
2014-03-06 serb 8034037: [parfait] JNI exception pending in macosx/native/sun/awt/AWTEvent.m, AWTView.m
2014-03-06 pchelko 8036757: [macosx] Space menu accelerator not rendered correctly
2014-03-06 pchelko 7158615: [macosx] Some TrayIcon tests presume action trigger on BUTTON1
2014-03-05 azvegint 8035750: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Dialog.cpp
2014-03-05 azvegint 8035858: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Desktop.cpp
2014-03-05 azvegint 8035867: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/java2d/windows/GDIRenderer.cpp
2014-03-05 azvegint 8035756: [parfait] JNI exception pending in windows/native/sun/java2d/windows/WindowsFlags.cpp
2014-03-04 serb 8035837: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_KeyEvent.cpp
2014-03-04 alexsch 8034955: JLabel/JToolTip throw ClassCastException for "<html>a<title>"
2014-03-04 pchelko 8035320: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_DnDDS.cpp
2014-03-04 alexsch 8033534: [macosx] Get MultiResolution image from native system
2014-03-04 alexsch 8035629: [parfait] JNI exc pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/ShellFolder2.cpp
2014-03-04 pchelko 8035325: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Component.cpp
2014-03-03 alexsch 8035313: Change SwingLazyValue usage to lambda
2014-02-28 serb 8034211: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CFileDialog.m
2014-02-28 serb 8034209: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CClipboard.m
2014-02-28 pchelko 8035327: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Win32GraphicsConfig.cpp
2014-02-28 pchelko 8035332: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Window.cpp
2014-02-27 ptbrunet 8032443: Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
2014-03-31 mkos 8038307: JAX-WS conformance tests fail when running JCK-devtools-8 suite against RI in EBCDIC emulation mode
2014-03-31 aefimov 8035437: Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl
2014-03-31 chegar 8025209: Intermittent test failure java/net/Socket/asyncClose/AsyncClose.java
2014-03-31 sla 8037345: com/sun/jdi/* tests can fail, with race condition on log files
2014-03-31 erikj 8032217: failure in man page processing
2014-01-10 erikj 8031300: No jdeps.1 and jjs.1 man pages in jdk8 b122 build and jvisualvm.1 and jcmd.1 missing on macosx
2014-01-08 mfang 8026570: NLS: jdk8 man page update
2014-03-31 weijun 8038754: ReplayCacheTestProc test fails with timeout
2014-03-29 chegar 8037781: Remove sun.misc.Regexp* classes
2014-03-06 scolebourne 8035099: LocalTime.with(MILLI_OF_DAY/MICRO_OF_DAY) incorrect
2014-03-06 scolebourne 8036785: ChronoLocalDate refers to generics that have been removed
2014-03-29 rriggs 8032491: DateTimeFormatter fixed width adjacent value parsing does not match spec
2014-03-29 iignatyev 8038186: [TESTBUG] improvements of test j.l.i.MethodHandles
2014-03-28 erikj Merge
2014-03-28 erikj 8038340: Cleanup and fix sysroot and devkit handling on Linux and Solaris
2014-03-28 chegar 8038276: java/net/NetworkInterface/Test.java fails on Windows intermittently for Teredo Interface
2014-03-28 yan 8038493: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.sql
2014-03-28 simonis 8038233: Fix unsafe strcpy in Java_sun_tools_attach_{Aix,Bsd,Linux}VirtualMachine_connect()
2014-03-28 yan 8038242: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt.datatransfer, java.awt.dnd, java.awt.event
2014-03-28 mchung 8038451: Incorrect initialization order of static fields in sun.nio.cs.ext.JISAutoDetect$Decoder
2014-03-27 chegar 8038459: Remove superflous classes on platforms without an implementation [macosx, aix]
2014-03-26 valeriep 8031003: [Parfait] warnings from jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/jgss/wrapper: JNI exception pending
2014-03-26 chegar 8038438: Review comments from 8034181
2014-03-26 chegar 8035158: Remove dependency on sun.misc.RegexpPool and friends
2014-03-26 mchung 8038177: Eliminate unnecessary dependency to sun.security.action
2014-03-26 alanb 8038343: Eliminate use of reflection to access JavaBeans Introspector
2014-03-26 igerasim 8014066: Remove redundant restriction from ArrayList#removeRange() spec
2014-03-26 mullan Merge
2014-03-26 mullan 8037258: AIOB while parsing CRL for revoked certificate
2014-03-25 lana Merge
2014-03-25 alanb 8031563: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/ChangingInterests.java failed once
2014-03-25 chegar 8034181: SIGBUS in SctpChannelImpl receive
2014-03-24 bpb 8038163: Build failure on Mac OS 10.9.2 (Mavericks) due to warning treated as error
2014-03-24 sherman 8033662: DateTimeFormatter parsing ignores withZone()
2014-03-24 psandoz 8037857: Methods j.u.Arrays.spliterator/stream(X[], int, int) throw IAE instead of specified AIOOBE when endIndex < startIndex
2014-03-24 alanb 8037945: Paths.get("").normalize() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2014-03-24 jbachorik 8037274: sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine#createPipe() needs more descriptive message when pipe creation fails
2014-03-24 igerasim 6943190: TEST_BUG: some tests in java/lang/Runtime/exec have hard-coded path to shell commands
2014-03-24 ihse 8038027: DTDBuilder should be run in headless mode
2014-03-21 sla 8037225: sun/tools/jinfo/Basic.sh fails
2014-03-21 sla 8037825: Fix warnings and enable "warnings as errors" in serviceability native libraries
2014-03-21 msheppar 8035870: Check jdk/src/windows/native/java/io/WinNTFileSystem_md.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-21 msheppar 8036607: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/java/net/DualStackPlainDatagramSocketImpl.c
2014-03-21 msheppar 8025293: JNI exception pending checks in java.net
2014-03-20 msheppar 8035340: (prefs) Check jdk/src/windows/native/java/util/WindowsPreference.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-20 msheppar 8035930: Check jdk/src/windows/native/java/io/io_util_md.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-20 msheppar 8036600: JNI exception pending in src/jdk/src/windows/native/sun/net/www/protocol/http/ntlm/NTLMAuthSequence.c
2014-03-20 lancea 8037507: Fix broken link in javax/sql/rowset/package.html
2014-03-20 msheppar 8036601: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/net/dns/ResolverConfigurationImpl.c
2014-03-20 msheppar 8036609: Check jdk/src/windows/native/java/lang/ProcessImpl_md.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-20 msheppar 8036603: Check jdk/src/windows/native/java/lang/ProcessEnvironment_md.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-20 joehw 8035577: Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/RangeToken.java
2014-03-20 msheppar 8036134: Check src/windows/native/sun/nio/fs/WindowsNativeDispatcher.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-03-20 msheppar 8030780: test/com/sun/corba/cachedSocket/7056731.sh leaves HelloServer behind
2014-03-19 ascarpino 7107611: sun.security.pkcs11.SessionManager is scalability blocker
2014-03-19 sla 8037864: Add java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java to ProblemList.txt
2014-04-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b07 for changeset ddf6ebcc99da
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-04-11 amurillo Merge
2014-04-04 amurillo Merge
2014-04-04 ehelin Merge
2014-04-02 mgerdin 8037959: BitMap::resize frees old map before copying memory if !in_resource_area
2014-03-31 ehelin 8033251: Use DWARF debug symbols for Linux 32-bit as default
2014-04-02 goetz 8038498: Fix includes and C inlining after 8035330
2014-04-01 ehelin Merge
2014-04-01 brutisso 8038829: G1: More useful information in a few assert messages
2014-02-13 sjohanss 8028498: runtime/SharedArchiveFile/CdsDifferentObjectAlignment.java asserts in RT_Baseline
2014-03-28 stefank 8038630: Remove ExtendedOopClosure::prefetch_style()
2014-03-28 stefank 8038628: Remove unused Closure::abort()
2014-03-12 mgerdin 8038405: Clean up some virtual fucntions in Space class hierarchy
2014-03-12 mgerdin 8038412: Move object_iterate_careful down from Space to ContigousSpace and CFLSpace
2014-03-12 mgerdin 8038404: Move object_iterate_mem from Space to CMS since it is only ever used by CMS
2014-04-03 bharadwaj Merge
2014-04-02 kvn Merge
2014-04-02 kvn 8036767: PPC64: Support for little endian execution model
2014-04-02 iveresov Merge
2014-04-02 iveresov 8039043: Implicit null check is in the wrong place in C1 -UseCompressedOops
2014-04-02 goetz 8039045: PPC64: need include in adl generated files after 8001532
2014-04-01 morris 8001532: C2 node files refactoring
2014-03-31 kvn 8038633: crash in VM_Version::get_processor_features() on startup
2014-03-31 roland 8037970: make PrintMethodData a diagnostic options
2014-03-31 roland 8031755: Type speculation should be used to optimize explicit null checks
2014-03-29 iignatyev 8038393: [TESTBUG] ciReplay/* tests fail after 8034775
2014-04-01 mgronlun 8037295: Add size_t versions of Atomic::add, dec, and inc
2014-04-01 goetz 8038201: Clean up misleading usage of malloc() in init_system_properties_values()
2014-04-01 dholmes 8016039: jvm.lib is missing from export list unless building server
2014-03-31 dsamersoff 7189721: nightly tests failed on JDI attaching
2014-03-30 dsamersoff Merge
2014-03-11 asiebenborn 8036666: VMTI GetObjectMonitorUsage does not return correct recursion count
2014-03-29 minqi 7090324: gclog rotation via external tool
2014-03-27 ctornqvi 8007890: [TESTBUG] JcmdWithNMTDisabled.java fails when invoked with NMT explicitly turned on
2014-03-27 coleenp 8031820: NPG: Fix remaining references to metadata as oops in comments
2014-03-25 mseledtsov 8032222: [TESTBUG] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/CdsWriteError.java fails on Mac OS with java.lang.RuntimeException
2014-04-09 lana Merge
2014-04-02 lana Merge
2014-03-28 amurillo Merge
2014-03-28 ehelin Merge
2014-03-26 ehelin 8027924: gc/metaspace/CompressedClassSpaceSizeInJmapHeap.java fails with warning
2014-03-06 mgerdin 8038399: Remove dead oop_iterate MemRegion variants from SharedHeap, Generation and Space classes
2014-03-19 ehelin 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
2014-03-26 tamao 6521376: MaxTenuringThreshold and AlwayTenure/NeverTenure consistency
2014-03-26 mgerdin 8037958: ConcurrentMark::cleanup leaks BitMaps if VerifyDuringGC is enabled
2014-03-24 ehelin Merge
2014-03-20 stefank 8037952: Remove code duplication in Metaspace::deallocate
2014-03-27 neliasso Merge
2014-03-27 iignatyev 8038193: Add command line option tests for BMI options
2014-03-27 neliasso Merge
2014-03-27 iignatyev 8038240: new WB API to get nmethod
2014-03-25 goetz 8037821: Account for trampoline stubs when estimating code buffer sizes
2014-03-25 iveresov 8038222: Assembler::bsrl fails on assert when -UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction is used on CPU with LZCNT support
2014-03-25 kvn 8038286: nm->set_rtm_state() should be called after (nm != NULL) check
2014-03-24 poonam 6653795: C2 intrinsic for Unsafe.getAddress performs pointer sign extension on 32-bit systems
2014-03-22 kvn 8038181: Can't build product VM without precompiled header
2014-03-21 iignatyev 8035857: Add tests to verify correctness of operations with BMI1 and LZCNT instructions
2014-03-20 goetz 8037915: PPC64/AIX: Several smaller fixes
2014-03-21 kvn 8031320: Use Intel RTM instructions for locks
2014-03-19 twisti 8031203: remove SafepointPollOffset
2014-03-18 neliasso Merge
2014-03-17 bharadwaj 8036576: jtreg failed on Test6792161 timed out
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -192 +192 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip