2014-07-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b23 for changeset 4bc08677eca7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-18 lana Merge
2014-07-14 hseigel 8043454: Test case for 8037157 should not throw a VerifyError
2014-05-07 hseigel 8037157: Verify <init> call
2014-07-14 acorn 8037167: Better method signature resolution
2014-07-14 hseigel 8036800: Attribute OOM to correct part of code
2014-07-14 hseigel 8035119: Fix exceptions to bytecode verification
2014-05-07 hseigel 8032536: JVM resolves wrong method in some unusual cases
2014-07-14 hseigel 8030763: Validate global memory allocation
2014-07-11 amurillo Merge
2014-07-11 jmasa Merge
2014-07-09 ehelin 8049426: Minor cleanups after G1 class unloading
2014-07-11 roland Merge
2014-07-09 mduigou 8047734: Backout use of -Og
2014-07-09 roland Merge
2014-06-23 rbackman 8046289: compiler/6340864/TestLongVect.java timeout with
2014-07-03 thartmann 8022968: Some codecache allocation failures don't result in invoking the sweeper
2014-07-02 roland 8046542: [I.finalize() calls from methods compiled by C1 do not cause IllegalAccessError on Sparc
2014-07-10 jmasa Merge
2014-07-07 stefank 8049421: G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
2014-07-07 stefank 8049420: Backout 8048248 to correct attribution
2014-07-07 stefank 8048248: G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
2014-07-07 stefank 8049411: Minimal VM build broken after gcId.cpp was added
2014-07-03 jmasa Merge
2014-07-02 ehelin Merge
2014-07-01 stefank 8047362: Add a version of CompiledIC_at that doesn't create a new RelocIterator
2014-06-26 jcoomes 8034246: remove CMS and ParNew adaptive size policy code
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