2018-06-29 joehw 8190835: Subtraction with two javax.xml.datatype.Duration gives incorrect result
2018-06-29 jlahoda 8205418: Assorted improvements to source code model
2018-06-29 darcy 8206083: Make tools/javac/api/T6265137.java robust to JDK version changes
2018-06-29 mikael 8206022: Add test to check that the JVM accepts class files with version 56
2018-06-28 jjg 8202959: Rearrange the top and bottom navigation bar in the javadoc generated pages
2018-06-28 jwilhelm 8206006: Build failed on Windows
2018-06-28 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-12+0 for changeset 95aad0c785e4
2018-06-28 darcy 8205615: Start of release updates for JDK 12
2018-06-28 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-12+0 for changeset c9cd3ec6a0eb
2018-06-28 rhalade 8195774: Add Entrust root certificates
2018-06-28 gadams 8205508: hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/exclude001.java fails with Prompt is not received during 300200 milliseconds. jdk-12+0
2018-06-28 dcubed Merge
2018-06-28 egahlin 8137164: Include PID in the JFR jcmd hint
2018-06-28 dcubed 8206004: [BACKOUT] errant changeset for JDK-8137164
2018-06-28 mr 8205956: Fix usage of "OpenJDK" in build and test instructions
2018-06-28 sdama 8204967: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack
2018-06-28 jlahoda 8205985: Remove tools/javac/options/release/ReleaseOptionUnsupported.java from problem list
2018-06-28 eosterlund 8205683: Refactor heap allocation to separate concerns
2018-06-28 egahlin 8197425: Liveset information for Old Object sample event
2018-06-28 egahlin 8197425: Liveset information for Old Object sample event
2018-06-28 rwestberg 8003209: JFR events for network utilization
2018-06-28 sundar 8204492: Add deprecation annotation to Nashorn APIs and warning to nashorn, jjs
2018-06-28 mgronlun 8205996: JDK-8205906 broke the build on Mac
2018-06-28 amenkov 8205681: [TEST_BUG] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/Allocate/alloc001/TestDescription.java fails with exit code 98
2018-06-28 pliden 8205993: ZGC: Fix typos and incorrect indentations
2018-06-28 adinn 8205694: AArch64: Add test to validate volatile load, store and CAS code generation
2018-06-28 mgronlun 8205906: jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited fails due to erronous processing of -XX:FlightRecorderOptions
2018-06-28 stuefe 8205925: Print correct and more information about secondary errors
2018-06-27 stefank 8205923: ZGC: Verification applies load barriers before verification
2018-06-27 stefank 8205923: ZGC: Verification applies load barrier before verification
2018-06-28 igerasim 8205959: Do not restart close if errno is EINTR
2018-06-28 jlahoda 8205913: Inconsistent source code model
2018-06-28 jlahoda 8195986: Incorrect javac -h output with annotation processing and missing classes
2018-06-28 pliden 8205679: Remove unused ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::undo_allocate()
2018-06-28 simonis 8205916: [test] Fix jdk/tools/launcher/RunpathTest to handle both, RPATH and RUNPATH
2018-06-28 pliden 8205702: assert(UseCompressedClassPointers) failed in universe.hpp
2018-06-28 stuefe 8205531: jcmd VM.classloaders should fold similar loaders
2018-06-28 kbarrett 8205577: parallel/TestPrintGCDetailsVerbose.java fails assertion
2018-06-28 hb 8192953: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/*.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied
2018-06-28 kvn 8205528: Base64 encoding algorithm using AVX512 instructions
2018-06-28 cjplummer 8205719: Windows Java_sun_tools_attach_VirtualMachineImpl_enqueue() method should include exitCode in exception message
2018-06-28 never 8205824: Update Graal
2018-06-27 iignatyev 8160673: Jittester: investigate bytecode generation hangs during bytecode tests generation
2018-06-27 hannesw 8190876: javadoc search on "java.se" shows "java.se" the last one among other modules
2018-06-27 iignatyev 8205954: clean up hotspot ProblemList
2018-06-27 erikj 8205942: Build failure on macosx after JDK-8189429
2018-06-27 iignatyev 8202554: Remove hotspot tests for javafx.* modules
2018-06-27 redestad 8205926: Support invokeSpecialIFC in GenerateJLIClassesPlugin
2018-06-27 ccheung 8203664: JFR start failure after AppCDS archive created with JFR StartFlightRecording
2018-06-27 jjg 8205438: Re-enable shebang tests in test/jdk/tools/launchers/SourceMode.java
2018-06-27 iignatyev 8199265: java/util/Arrays/TimSortStackSize2.java fails with OOM
2018-06-27 dfuchs 8205945: Revert unintended changes to make/gensrc/Gensrc-jdk.hotspot.agent.gmk
2018-06-27 glaubitz 8205616: Build fails with system headers after 8204572
2018-06-27 dfuchs 8205397: InetAddress has wrong declaration for readObjectNoData
2018-06-27 pliden 8205678: ZGC: Remove unused ZAllocationFlags::java_thread()
2018-06-27 pliden 8205676: ZGC: Remove TLAB allocations in relocation path
2018-06-27 prr Merge
2018-06-26 serb 4475138: getBestCursorSize and XFree86 4.1.0
2018-06-25 prr Merge
2018-06-25 srl 8187100: Support Unicode Variation Selectors
2018-06-25 prr Merge
2018-06-25 sveerabhadra 8153732: Windows remote printer changes do not reflect in lookupPrintServices()
2018-06-25 pbansal 8194873: right ALT key hotkeys no longer work in Swing components
2018-06-25 pkbalakr 8202696: Remove exclusion range for phonetic chars in windows fontconfig.properties
2018-06-25 serb 8205324: Part of java.awt.Desktop.browse(URI) spec is outdated after support of applets was removed
2018-06-24 serb 8205153: Delete "standard instructions" machinery in the open automated tests
2018-06-23 serb 8205144: JSpinner may change the font after became visible
2018-06-23 serb 8205456: Unification of iterations over arrays
2018-06-22 prr 8205494: Convert or remove all AWT applet demos
2018-06-22 prr 8205136: Move StylePad demo to the open repository
2018-06-22 sveerabhadra 8204946: Clean-up problem list for JDK-8202933 and JDK-8202934
2018-06-21 prr 8205498: Typo in fix for 8205119 breaks Solaris demo build
2018-06-21 prr 8205119: SwingApplet demo should be removed
2018-06-21 prr 8205441: Upgrade to harfbuzz 1.8.1
2018-06-21 prr Merge
2018-06-20 serb 8203003: Several FileDialog Modality Tests fail on Linux due to X errors
2018-06-27 iveresov 8202698: Update Graal for JEP 181 - Nest-based access control
2018-06-27 neliasso 8204157: Compiler.sunflow hangs after JDK-8192992
2018-06-27 sherman 8200243: System error message is decoded as invalid encoding in Windows.
2018-06-27 joehw 8205058: (fs) Files read/writeString should throw CharacterCodingException instead of IOException with an IllegalArgumentException as cause
2018-06-27 jiangli 8205699: assert(_owner_offset != 0) failed in javaClasses.cpp
2018-06-27 jgeorge 8189429: SA: MacOSX: Replace the deprecated PT_ATTACH with PT_ATTACHEXC
2018-06-27 rriggs 8066709: Make some JDK system properties read only
2018-06-27 goetz 8199940: Print more information about class loaders in IllegalAccessErrors.
2018-06-27 rehn 8205583: Crash in ConcurrentHashTable do_bulk_delete_locked_for
2018-06-27 mdoerr 8205609: [PPC64] Fix PPC64 part of 8010319 and TLH without UseSIGTRAP on AIX
2018-06-27 ssahoo 8205111: Develop new Test to verify different key types for supported TLS protocols.
2018-06-27 pliden 8205663: ZGC: Log metaspace used/capacity/committed/reserved
2018-06-27 pliden 8205664: Move detailed metaspace logging from debug to trace
2018-06-27 pmuthuswamy 8187288: bad (no) wrapping for modifier and type column
2018-06-27 smarks 8203670: unmodifiable List iterator() implementations should not be ListIterators
2018-06-27 amlu 8205673: Problem list RmiRegistrySslTest.java and RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh
2018-06-27 erikj 8205625: linux-aarch64-cmp-baseline fails builds-tier5
2018-06-26 iignatyev 8199580: [TESTBUG] Un-quarantine vm/mlvm/indy/func/jdi/breakpointOtherStratum and breakpoint
2018-06-26 sspitsyn 8205723: Problem list serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/HeapMonitorStatRateTest.java
2018-06-26 dnsimon 8205703: [JVMCI] Expose all GC selection flags
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -96 +96 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip