2016-11-04 aghaisas 8160146: Resolve disabled GCC warning 'deprecated-declarations' for libawt_xawt
2016-11-03 alexsch 8164032: JViewport backing store image is not scaled on HiDPI display
2016-11-03 ssadetsky 8062525: JInternalFrame can't show correctly with the specical option "-esa -ea -Xcheck:jni -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel".
2016-11-03 ssadetsky 8159432: [PIT][macosx] StackOverflow in closed/java/awt/Dialog/DialogDeadlock/DialogDeadlockTest
2016-11-03 azvegint 8143914: Provide Mac-specific fullscreen support
2016-11-02 serb 8168881: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/OpenNonIntegralNumberOfSampleframes.java fails
2016-11-02 bpb 8164750: TIFF reading fails when ignoring metadata with BaselineTIFFTagSet removed
2016-11-02 ptbrunet 8167213: Re-examine the alternative to deliver include/bridge/AccessBridgeCalls.c
2016-11-02 serb 8168998: Incorrect implementation of equals in Encoding and Type in JavaSound
2016-11-02 pkbalakr 8159132: [PIT][TEST_BUG] java/awt/FileDialog/FileDialogIconTest/FileDialogIconTest.java fails
2016-11-22 ihse 8168037: Use ZIPEXE instead of ZIP to avoid clash with options for zip
2016-11-22 mli 8153543: java/rmi/transport/reuseDefaultPort/ReuseDefaultPort.java fails intermittently
2016-11-22 bgopularam 8158880: java/time/tck/java/time/format/TCKDateTimeFormatterBuilder.java fail with zh_CN locale
2016-11-22 rgoel 8168906: Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.localedata module
2016-11-22 amjiang 8169911: Enhanced tests for jarsigner -verbose -verify after JDK-8163304
2016-11-22 mli 8170049: tests under java/rmi/activation/ fail with "java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.net.SocketPermission" "localhost:5281" "listen,resolve")" on windows
2016-11-07 ddehaven 8169289: JavaFX application in named module fails to launch if no main method
2016-11-21 darcy 8170139: OpenNonIntegralNumberOfSampleframes.java still fails
2016-11-21 skovalev 8169721: [TESTBUG] com/sun/jndi tests have undeclared dependency on java.naming module
2016-11-21 darcy 8170112: Problem list failing jimage tests until JDK-8169713 is fixed
2016-11-21 jlaskey 8168256: Plugin alias options in jlink --help output seems to be in an arbitrary order
2016-11-21 mchung 8170062: Problem list java/lang/ClassLoader/platformClassLoader/DefinePlatformClass.java
2016-11-21 bgopularam 8066291: Return unmodifiable set of zone IDs to optimize ZoneIdPrinterParser
2016-11-21 mli 8168975: java/rmi/activation/Activatable tests fail due to "Port already in use" in RMID.restart()
2016-11-20 mchung 8169909: java agent fails to add to class path when the initial module is a named module
2016-11-19 redestad 8169993: Class::desiredAssertionStatus should call getClassLoader0
2016-11-18 skovalev 8169658: TESTBUG: javax/rmi tests have undeclared dependencies
2016-11-16 dkononenko 8167240: Write new tests to cover functionality of existing 'jimage' options
2016-11-18 amlu 8169836: ProblemList update for java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/PendingAllGC.sh
2016-11-18 amlu 8169826: ProblemList update for tools/pack200/CommandLineTests.java
2016-11-17 lana Merge
2016-11-17 psandoz 8169838: java/util/Spliterator/SpliteratorTraversingAndSplittingTest.java failed intermittently
2016-11-17 redestad 8169880: Remove the sun.reflect.noCaches option
2016-11-17 weijun 7004967: SecureRandom should be more explicit about threading
2016-11-17 ameena 8167618: DateTimeFormatter.format() uses exceptions for flow control
2016-11-17 nishjain 8165296: update existing i18n test cases of test/java/util
2016-11-17 mli 8169764: output more information when java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Basic.java fails
2016-11-16 psandoz 8072784: Better spliterator implementation for BitSet.stream()
2016-11-16 psandoz 8132097: Stream.generate should use a covariant Supplier as parameter
2016-11-16 asmotrak 8168969: Merge SSLSocketSample and SSLSocketTemplate
2016-11-16 darcy 8169803: Remove OpenNonIntegralNumberOfSampleframes.java from the problem list
2016-11-16 jnimeh 8043252: Debug of access control is obfuscated - NullPointerException in ProtectionDomain
2016-11-16 dfuchs 8169068: Add a new method: java.net.Authenticator.getDefault()
2016-11-16 jlaskey 8169505: Update changes by JDK-8159393 to reflect CCC review
2016-11-16 sundar 8153038: The set of jlink plugins enabled by default should be the same via CLI or jlink API
2016-11-15 skovalev 8169710: com/sun/nio/sctp tests has undeclared dependency on jdk.sctp module
2016-11-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+146 for changeset f7a57d034f22
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-11-23 lana Merge
2016-11-22 ihse 8170184: Remove incorrect comments about generated jvmt.h
2016-11-22 ihse 8168037: Use ZIPEXE instead of ZIP to avoid clash with options for zip
2016-11-17 lana Merge
2016-11-23 lana Added tag jdk-9+146 for changeset 296b6f1ad81e
2016-11-24 ihse 7164925: Change -KPIC to -xcode=pic32 on sparc
2016-11-24 erikj 8170280: Enable -g for all java compilation in the build
2016-11-23 lana Merge
2016-11-22 prr Merge
2016-11-14 prr 8169518: Suppress Deprecation warnings for deprecated Swing APIs
2016-11-22 ihse 8168037: Use ZIPEXE instead of ZIP to avoid clash with options for zip
2016-11-22 ihse 8170077: Properly parallelize javadoc generation
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