2015-05-28 katleman Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset 725914ee5f0c
2015-05-28 lana Merge
2015-05-27 mchung 8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
2015-05-27 mchung 8081334: com.sun.tools.javap and com.sun.tools.javah are not exported API
2015-05-26 erikj 8080983: libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4
2015-05-22 mchung 8074431: Remove native2ascii tool
2015-05-28 katleman Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset a3ea54d69bd0
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b66 for changeset ff3fc75f3214
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b66
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 lana Merge
2015-05-21 jjg Merge
2015-05-21 jjg 8080897: tests broken in bad merge
2015-05-21 alundblad 8080870: Open up Dependencies for use from other packages
2015-05-21 akulyakh 8076543: Add @modules as needed to the langtools tests
2015-05-18 jlahoda 8080572: langtools/test/tools/javac/generics/T5011073.java failing
2015-05-11 sadayapalam 8079613: Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
2015-05-18 jlahoda 8080338: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle
2015-05-16 sogoel 8075166: Group 14d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
2015-05-16 sogoel 8080539: Remove few test files that did not get removed with the patch
2015-05-16 sogoel 8074514: Group 13d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
2015-05-16 sogoel 8075165: Group 14c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8075164: Group 14b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8074425: Group 13b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8075163: Group 14a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8074417: Group 13a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8074502: Group 13c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
2015-05-15 jlahoda 8076104: Key collisions in ZipFileIndexFileObject content cache lead to wrong content
2015-05-15 sogoel 8074408: Group 12: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8074387: Group 11: golden files for coin tests in tools/javac dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8068465: Group 10e: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
2015-05-15 sogoel 8068464: Group 10d: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
2015-05-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset f0f03398adb4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset 92cd300e0653
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 lana Merge
2015-05-15 joehw 8078596: jaxp tests failed in modular jdk due to internal class access
2015-05-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset bc411809e58c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 lana Merge
2015-05-21 sundar 8079145: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.IntArrayData.convert assertion
2015-05-21 sundar 8080848: delete of bound Java method property results in crash
2015-05-20 sundar 8080598: Javadoc warnings in Global.java after lazy initialization
2015-05-15 mhaupt 8049300: jjs scripting: need way to quote $EXEC command arguments to protect spaces
2015-05-15 attila 8078414: Don't create impossible converters for ScriptObjectMirror
2015-05-15 mhaupt 8080471: fix usage of replace and file separator in Nashorn tests
2015-05-15 attila 8079424: code generator for discarded boolean logical operation has an extra pop
2015-05-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset 8bbe109bca14
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b65 for changeset 7337899df26d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-05-21 lana Merge
2015-05-21 sherman 8080248: Coding regression in HKSCS charsets
2015-05-21 juh 8079693: Add support for ECDSA P-384 and P-521 curves to XML Signature
2015-05-21 bpb 8080589: (fs) FileChannel.force should use fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC) instead of fsync on OS X
2015-05-21 vinnie 8072578: ProbeKeystores.java creates files in test.src
2015-05-21 mullan 8055753: Use ConcurrentHashMap to map ProtectionDomain to PermissionCollection
2015-05-21 xuelei 8048599: Tests for key wrap and unwrap operations
2015-05-20 robm 8077155: LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip