2017-04-28 dnsimon 8177845: Need a mechanism to load Graal
2017-04-27 lana Merge
2017-04-27 kbarrett 8179084: HotSpot VM fails to start when AggressiveHeap is set
2017-04-27 lana Added tag jdk-9+167 for changeset c5de7263722b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-28 erikj 8179225: Update graphviz bundle script with up to date build instructions
2017-04-28 dnsimon 8177845: Need a mechanism to load Graal
2017-04-28 ihse 8179361: specify -javafx option for javadoc command
2017-04-27 lana Merge
2017-04-26 ihse 8178042: Allow custom taglets
2017-04-25 ksrini 8178725: provide way to link to external documentation
2017-04-27 lana Added tag jdk-9+167 for changeset 70bbd6884287
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+167 for changeset 8fd0a4569191
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+167
2017-04-24 jjg 8176327: javac produces wrong module-info
2017-04-24 jlahoda 8179002: jdk/jshell/MergedTabShiftTabExpressionTest.java fails intermittently
2017-04-21 jjg Merge
2017-04-20 jjg 8178017: JDK 9 change to symlink handling causes misleading class.public.should.be.in.file diagnostic
2017-04-21 rfield 8178992: jshell tool: missing references in /help /set mode
2017-04-21 jjiang 8179066: Add jdk/jshell/MergedTabShiftTabExpressionTest.java to ProblemList due to JDK-8179002
2017-04-21 lana Merge
2017-04-20 ksrini 8178830: standard doclet: -javafx option should be unhidden
2017-04-20 jlahoda 8178481: jdk/jshell/CompletionSuggestionTest.java routinely fails
2017-04-19 bpatel 8176452: Javadoc UI style issue with index in description.
2017-04-19 jlahoda 8178012: Finish removal of -Xmodule:
2017-04-19 jlahoda 8178035: MergedTabShiftTabTest sometimes time outs
2017-04-18 jjg 8157763: update links to technotes in javadoc API
2017-04-18 darcy 8178916: Update annotation processing API for terminology changes in modules
2017-04-18 ksrini 8178904: javadoc jdk/javadoc/doclet/testModules/TestIndirectExportsOpens.java fails
2017-04-18 ksrini 8178339: javadoc includes qualified opens in "Additional Opened Packages" section
2017-04-18 jjg 8162917: langtools/test/tools/javadoc/CompletionError.java is not runnable
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-24 aefimov 8176168: Performance drop due to SAXParser SymbolTable reset
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-23 aefimov 8176168: Performance drop due to SAXParser SymbolTable reset
2017-04-21 lana Merge
2017-01-18 joehw 8172875: Resizing XML parse trees test update
2016-11-22 joehw 8169011: Resizing XML parse trees
2017-04-19 jlahoda 8178012: Finish removal of -Xmodule:
2017-04-17 joehw 8162572: Update License Header for all JAXP sources
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-21 lana Merge
2017-04-12 vtewari 8177656: Closed/nashorn/JDK_8034967.java starts failing (all platforms) since 9/154
2017-04-19 jlahoda 8178012: Finish removal of -Xmodule:
2017-04-19 sundar 8178315: nashorn ant build failure with @moduleGraph javadoc tag
2017-04-19 sundar 8178954: jjs uses wrong javadoc base URL
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-04-24 amlu 8174171: Move spliterator testing of BitSet into big memory tests BitSetStreamTest
2017-04-23 ihse 8178037: Move information from jdi-overview.html into jdk.jdi module-info.java
2017-04-23 ihse 8179022: Add serialization spec as markdown
2017-04-23 ihse 8178316: Add JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib to jdk/src/java.management/share/specs/
2017-04-21 prappo 8177738: Runtime.Version must be a value-based class
2017-04-21 anazarov Merge
2017-04-21 anazarov 8178323: Add negative tests for bind services Jlink feature
2017-04-21 lana Merge
2017-04-20 mchung 8179035: Include tool modules in unified docs
2017-04-20 naoto 8178823: Unable to initialize HijrahCalendar: Hijrah-umalqura when running with a security manager
2017-04-20 smarks 8167981: Optional: add notes explaining intended use
2017-04-20 prr Merge
2017-04-20 prr Merge
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