2013-04-26 sundar 8013337: Issues with Date.prototype's get, set functions
2013-04-26 jlaskey 8013208: Octane performance regression
2013-04-26 attila 8013325: function named 'arguments' should set DEFINES_ARGUMENTS flag in its parent, not itself
2013-04-26 sundar 8013295: ScriptEngineTest.java fails with compilation error when running under jtreg
2013-04-25 attila 8013167: Vararg constructor not found
2013-04-25 attila 8013203: A collection of smaller speedups to compilation pipeline
2013-04-25 hannesw 8013131: Various compatibility issues in String.prototype.split()
2013-04-24 jlaskey 8012251: jjs should support -fx option
2013-04-24 hannesw 8008238: Labeled break in finally causes stack overflow in Node copy
2013-04-24 hannesw 8012931: NativeDate.safeToString() throws RangeError for invalid date
2013-04-24 hannesw 8012334: ToUint32, ToInt32, and ToUint16 don't conform to spec
2013-04-23 attila 8010731: Don't expose internal symbols to scripts
2013-04-23 attila 8011065: Problems when script implements an interface with variadic methods
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-22 sundar Merge
2013-04-22 jlaskey 8012919: findMegaMorphicSetMethod should not cast result type
2013-04-22 sundar 8012673: Nashorn's package name vs class name inferring logic is wrong
2013-04-20 jlaskey 8011578: -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold=1 causes tests to fail.
2013-04-19 lagergren 8010701: Immutable nodes - final iteration
2013-04-19 sundar 8012593: JSAdapter overrides impacts strongly construction time
2013-04-19 sundar 8012612: Compile failed
2013-04-18 hannesw 8012460: RegExp regression
2013-04-18 sundar 8012462: Date.prototype.toJSON does not handle non-Date 'this' as per the spec.
2013-04-18 sundar Merge
2013-04-17 jlaskey 8012529: Remove -esa from testing jvmargs
2013-04-17 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-17 sundar 8012457: Function.prototype.apply should accept any array-like argument for function arguments
2013-04-15 sundar 8012240: Array.prototype.map.call({length: -1, get 0(){throw 0}}, function(){}).length does not throw error
2013-05-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b88 for changeset ddfec66935ab
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-06 lana Merge
2013-05-01 lana Merge
2013-04-29 dmeetry 8011986: [corba] idlj generates read/write union helper methods that throw wrong exception in some cases
2013-04-29 dmeetry 4504275: CORBA boolean type unions do not generate compilable code from idlj
2013-05-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b88 for changeset 4752a2b59f2e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-07 katleman Merge
2013-05-07 katleman Merge
2013-05-04 andrew 8011366: Enable debug info on all libraries for OpenJDK builds
2013-05-06 lana Merge
2013-05-01 lana Merge
2013-05-01 mduigou 8012665: add CharSequence.chars, CharSequence.codePoints
2013-05-01 weijun 8012082: SASL: auth-conf negotiated, but unencrypted data is accepted, reset to unencrypt
2013-05-01 chegar 8013723: ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
2013-04-30 msheppar 8007799: Base64.getEncoder(0, byte[]) returns an encoder that unexpectedly inserts line separators
2013-05-01 chegar 6594296: NetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress returns zero length byte array
2013-05-01 lana Merge
2013-04-30 mchung 8013531: Provide a utility class in com.sun.tools.classfile to find field/method references
2013-04-30 alanb 8013647: JPRT unable to clean-up after tests that leave file trees with loops
2013-04-30 ksrini 8009389: Unpack200 native library should be removed from profiles
2013-04-30 mduigou Merge
2013-04-30 mduigou 8011814: Add testng.jar to Netbeans projects test compile classpath
2013-04-30 lancea 8010416: Add a way for java.sql.Driver to be notified when it is deregistered
2013-04-29 msheppar 8007373: Inet6Address serialization incompatibility
2013-04-30 sla 8003671: [findbugs] sun.management.AgentConfigurationError.getParams() may expose internal representation by returning AgentConfigurationError.params
2013-04-30 mduigou 8011917: Add java.util.stream.Collectors utilities
2013-04-20 briangoetz 8012650: Arrays streams methods
2013-04-29 chegar Merge
2013-04-29 jzavgren 8012108: Memory leak in jdk/src/windows/native/java/net/NetworkInterface_winXP.c
2013-04-29 dholmes 8010280: jvm.cfg needs updating for non-server builds
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