Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:41:11 +0000 azvegint 8029923: Many Swing tests and SwingSet2 are failing under Solaris using GTK LaF - "Unable to load native GTK libraries"
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 18:41:58 +0400 anthony 8029979: Allow multiple calls to DropTargetDropEvent.acceptDrop()
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:44:25 +0400 pchelko 8026869: [macosx] Support apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages property
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:19:27 +0400 pchelko 8023148: [macosx] java.util.NoSuchElementException at java.util.LinkedList.getFirst
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