2013-02-15 sla Merge
2013-02-15 sla 8008102: SA on OS X does not stop the attached process
2013-02-14 mikael 8007639: Workaround for ccache in vm.make is incorrect
2013-02-14 acorn 8007736: VerifyError for static method in interface
2013-02-14 sla 8004840: Jstack seems to output unnecessary information in 7u9
2013-02-13 rbackman 8008088: SA can hang the VM
2013-02-13 mgronlun 8007312: null check signal semaphore in os::signal_notify windows
2013-02-15 amurillo 8008286: new hotspot build - hs25-b20
2013-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b78 for changeset e3645986b98a
2013-02-21 katleman Added tag jdk8-b78 for changeset e29ed094b804
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b78 for changeset 6d3dcd34b5b9
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b78
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-02-17 dholmes Merge
2013-02-04 dholmes Merge
2013-01-21 jjg 8004182: Add support for profiles in javac
2013-01-21 bpatel 8006124: javadoc/doclet should be updated to support profiles
2013-02-15 lana Merge
2013-02-13 lana Merge
2013-02-13 mcimadamore 8006345: Report Synthesized Parameters in java.lang.reflect.Parameter API
2013-02-13 jfranck 8007279: Rename javax.l.model.element.Element.getAnnotations(Class) to getAnnotationsByType(Class)
2013-02-13 jjg 8008077: update reference impl for type-annotations
2013-02-12 mcimadamore 8007464: Add graph inference support
2013-02-12 vromero 8006334: javap, JavapTask constructor breaks with null pointer exception if parameter options is null
2013-02-12 jfranck 8004822: RFE to write language model API tests for repeating annotations based on the spec updates
2013-02-11 darcy 8007574: Provide isFunctionalInterface in javax.lang.model
2013-02-09 jjg 8007610: javadoc doclint does not work with -private
2013-02-08 vromero 7167125: Two variables after the same operation in a inner class return different results
2013-02-08 vromero 8005931: javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT for classes with package access
2013-02-08 vromero 7166455: javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT bit on <clinit> for strictfp class
2013-02-08 darcy 7195131: Update 2 compiler combo tests for repeating annotations to include package and default use cases
2013-02-06 jjh 8007698: jtreg test T6306137.java won't compile with ASCII encoding
2013-02-06 jjg 8007566: DocLint too aggressive with not allowed here: <p>
2013-02-06 mcimadamore 8007479: Refactor DeferredAttrContext so that it points to parent context
2013-02-06 mcimadamore 8007463: Cleanup inference related classes
2013-02-06 jjg 8007485: test creates .class files in the test/ directory
2013-02-14 katleman Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset d97b73add494
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-02-14 katleman Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset 9df84d06d040
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-02-14 katleman Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset bd0373289b63
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-02-14 katleman Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset e637fdab418c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-02-19 dholmes 8008481: Dependency analyzer needs exclusion for profile builds with JFR disabled
2013-02-19 alanb Merge
2013-02-19 alanb 8007097: (profiles) Build needs test to ensure that profile definitions are updated
2013-02-19 dholmes 8008424: Isolate PROFILE make variable from incidental setting in the environment
2013-02-18 dholmes Merge
2013-02-18 alanb 8007436: (profiles) Add JSR-310 to Compact Profiles contents
2013-02-17 dholmes Merge
2013-02-04 dholmes Merge
2013-01-23 dholmes 8006667: Merge issue: Profile attribute need to be examined before custom attributes
2013-01-23 dholmes Merge
2013-01-22 alanb 8004502: Compact Profiles contents
2013-01-22 alanb 8004931: add/removePropertyChangeListener should not exist in subset Profiles of Java SE
2013-01-22 alanb 8003256: (profiles) Add support for profile identification
2013-01-22 alanb 8003255: (profiles) Update JAR file specification to support profiles
2013-01-22 dholmes 8004265: Add build support for Compact Profiles
2013-01-22 dholmes 8006651: build-infra: Import.gmk needs to add support for the minimal VM
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