2011-03-16 ksrini 7026359: (langtools) fix big jar test
2011-03-16 mcimadamore 6558548: The compiler needs to be aligned with clarified specification of throws
2011-03-15 bpatel 4743537: Help doesn't say what "All Classes" and other links really mean
2011-03-15 jjg 6988079: Errors reported via Messager.printMessage(ERROR,"error message") are not tallied correctly
2011-03-15 jjg 6987384: -XprintProcessorRoundsInfo message printed with different timing than previous
2011-03-15 jjg 6993311: annotations on packages are not validated
2011-03-14 jjg 7026509: Cannot use JavaCompiler to create multiple CompilationTasks for partial compilations
2011-03-14 jjg 7010608: the string 'error' should appear in error messages
2011-03-14 jjg 7026414: Types.asElement() returns null for ErrorType
2011-03-11 bpatel 7006178: findbugs high priority issues in new javadoc
2011-03-11 darcy 7026868: Apply specification changes fro 6505047
2011-03-10 bpatel 6776656: Incorrect number in 'generated' help-doc.html
2011-03-09 mcimadamore 7025988: Test test/tools/javac/file/zip/T6836682.java takes too long to complete
2011-03-08 ksrini 7021927: javac: regression in performance
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset bf9507aab301
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset 88216c3c4af7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset ef8d7bf5bc99
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset 9ee26678bf4e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-30 ohair Merge
2011-03-29 ohair 7011718: VS2010, remove makefile logic with regards to use of VC6, VS2003, VS2005, VS2008
2011-03-30 ohair Merge
2011-03-30 ohair 7032327: Fix overview-core.html file, refers to version 6
2011-03-29 trims Merge
2011-03-24 jrose Merge
2011-03-24 jrose 7012648: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names
2011-03-18 jrose 6839872: remove implementation inheritance from JSR 292 APIs
2011-03-26 lana Merge
2011-03-25 michaelm 7031238: Problem with fix for 6981922
2011-03-22 lana Merge
2011-03-18 michaelm 6981922: DNS cache poisoning by untrusted applets
2011-03-18 denis 6907662: System clipboard should ensure access restrictions
2011-01-10 chegar 6997851: Create NTLM AuthenticationCallBack class to avoid NTLM info leakage on client side
2010-11-01 mullan 6994263: Untrusted code can replace JRE's XML DSig Transform or C14N algorithm implementations
2010-10-29 bae 6985453: Font.createFont may expose some system properties in exception text
2011-03-21 lana Merge
2011-03-21 mduigou Merge
2011-03-21 mduigou 7029491: fix broken test file committed with CR 5045147.
2011-03-20 alanb Merge
2011-03-19 alanb 7017446: (fs) Updates to file system API (3/2011)
2011-03-18 alanb 7028468: (fs) FileSystems.getDefault() fails when kernel micro version contains/ends non-numeric characters
2011-03-20 ksrini 7026184: (launcher) Regression: class with unicode name can't be launched by java.
2011-03-18 lana Merge
2011-03-18 dcubed 7028668: 3/4 improve diagnosibility and robustness of sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.openProcess()
2011-03-18 smarks 7022382: convert pack200 library code to use try-with-resources
2011-03-17 mduigou 5045147: Prevent insertion of null Key into empty TreeMap (and null element into TreeSet) when no Comparator is used. Prevent insertion of key of incorrect type into empty TreeMap and incorrect type element into TreeSet and incorrect type when Comparator is used.
2011-03-17 mduigou Merge
2011-03-17 mduigou 7028133: Specify serialVersionUID for RegularEnumSet and JumboEnumSet
2011-03-17 sherman 6796662: (fmt spec) Formatter spec on BigDecimal output should not reference Float a
2011-03-17 xuelei 7028422: regression: SKID miss-matching
2011-03-17 lancea 7026898: DriverManager to now use CopyOnWriteArrayList
2011-03-16 dholmes 7027910: Add basic cross-compilation support and add ARM/PPC to the known architectures in the open code
2011-03-16 sherman 6803681: RFE: Need new codeset converter for IBM Cp1364
2011-03-16 dholmes Merge
2011-03-16 dholmes Merge
2011-03-15 dholmes 7027897: Build support for client-VM only configurations
2011-03-16 xuelei 7022855: Export "PKIX" as the standard algorithm name of KeyManagerFactory
2011-03-16 xuelei 7025073: Stricter check on trust anchor makes VerifyCACerts.java test fail
2011-03-16 valeriep 7001933: Deadlock in java.lang.classloader.getPackage()
2011-03-15 alanb 7026376: (dc) DatagramChannel created without specifying protocol family fails to join IPv4 group
2011-03-14 mduigou 7014637: Improve behavior of EnumSet Iterator.remove()
2011-03-14 darcy 7027362: Project Coin: warn of throwing InterruptedException in AutoCloseable.close javadoc
2011-03-14 vinnie Merge
2011-03-14 vinnie 6686215: Some mutables not defensively copied when deserializing java.security.CodeSource & Timestamp objects
2011-03-14 ksrini 7027288: (launcher) remove jkernel test from MiscTests
2011-03-14 xuelei 7009794: misleading text in SSLHandshakeException exception message
2011-03-13 weijun 6990848: JGSS/windows security code native code compiler warnings
2011-03-11 naoto 7023613: (lc) Incorrect string returned by Locale.toString() with non-empty script field
2011-03-11 ksrini 7023416: (pack200) fix parfait issues
2011-03-11 chegar 7023363: URI("ftp", "[www.abc.com]", "/dir1/dir2", "query", "frag") should throw URISyntaxException
2011-03-11 vinnie Merge
2011-03-11 vinnie 6986477: sun/security/mscapi/AccessKeyStore.sh test is failing on jdk7
2011-03-11 chegar 7026346: URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream does not support UTF-8 and UTF-32 xml streams with BOM
2011-03-11 chegar 7024560: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() returns localhost for hostnames of length HOST_NAME_MAX
2011-03-10 vinnie 7016078: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error starting JDK 7 b126
2011-03-10 sundar 6960211: JavaScript engine allows creation of interface although methods not available
2011-03-10 ohair Merge
2011-03-09 ramap 6635776: Regression in jaxb tests with JDk6 U4
2011-03-09 ramap 7020513: Add com.sun.xml.internal to the "package.access" property in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/java.security
2011-03-10 dholmes 7022370: Launcher ergonomics should provide simple default implementation
2011-03-08 mduigou Merge
2011-03-08 mduigou 6611830: UUID thread-safety and performance improvements
2011-03-08 dl 7023006: Reduce unnecessary thread activity in ForkJoinPool
2011-03-08 dl 6495521: (doc) ConcurrentSkipListMap links to web page NOT describing SkipList
2011-03-21 lana Merge
2011-03-18 lana Merge
2011-03-17 peytoia 7027387: (tz) Support tzdata2011d
2011-03-17 malenkov 7021517: java.beans code comments have issues with HTML4 compliance
2011-03-16 malenkov 7027043: (doc) Confusing typo at java/beans/VetoableChangeSupport.java
2011-03-14 rupashka 7016150: 6246816 refers to the Laffy demo which is not present in the JDK 7 demo/jfc directory
2011-03-14 rupashka 6464022: Memory leak in JOptionPane.createDialog
2011-03-21 lana Merge
2011-03-18 lana Merge
2011-03-18 dav 7016131: JDK 7 b127: 8 crashes in native frame:awt_DrawingSurface_FreeDrawingSurfaceInfo+0xc on linux amd64
2011-03-14 dav 7022931: GradientPaint class spec clarification: 7022931, 7016391, 7017246, 7019386
2011-03-09 dav 7023019: Constructor of class java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy throws unspecified IAE
2011-03-19 lana Merge
2011-03-17 bae 7014528: ColorModel and SampleModel gotten from the same ImageTypeSpecifier instance can be not compatible
2011-03-16 bae 6989760: cmm native compiler warnings
2011-03-15 dlila 7019861: Last scanline is skipped in pisces.Renderer.
2011-03-15 dlila 7027667: clipped aa rectangles are not drawn properly.
2011-03-10 bae 6710434: PIT: Reg test java/awt/Graphics2D/ClipPrimitivesTest.java fails in pit build 6u10_b26
2011-03-09 bae 7022280: Parfait reports Format string argument mismatch in /jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c
2011-03-08 jgodinez 7020528: closed/java/awt/print/PageFormat/PageFormatFromAttributes.java failed
2011-03-08 srl 6962082: merge back in lines from bad merge in CR 6501644 and open up a test
2011-03-08 srl 7017324: Kerning crash in JDK 7 since ICU layout update
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset 81eebf5a4f77
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-26 trims 7031227: Bump the HS21 build number to 06
2011-03-26 trims Merge
2011-03-25 jcoomes Merge
2011-03-22 mchung 7025628: Remove the temporary hack added for jdk modularization in hotspot
2011-03-22 dholmes 6535709: interrupt of wait()ing thread isn't triggerring InterruptedException - test intwait3
2011-03-25 jcoomes Merge
2011-03-23 twisti 7029805: JSR 292 compiler/6991596/Test6991596.java fails in nightly
2011-03-21 kvn 7008866: Missing loop predicate for loop with multiple entries
2011-03-21 twisti 7027232: JSR 292: wrong numeric value returned by MH on solaris-sparc
2011-03-25 jcoomes Merge
2011-03-23 never 7030300: more nightly failures after statics in Class changes
2011-03-22 jcoomes 6962931: move interned strings out of the perm gen
2011-03-22 jcoomes 6962930: make the string table size configurable
2011-03-21 never 7029509: nightly failures after static fields in Class
2011-03-18 never 7017732: move static fields into Class to prepare for perm gen removal
2011-03-18 never 7028374: race in fix_oop_relocations for scavengeable nmethods
2011-03-26 trims Added tag hs21-b05 for changeset 0001aa6ce1bf
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset 0001aa6ce1bf
2011-03-30 ohair Merge
2011-03-28 dholmes 7030131: Update README-builds.html to cover changes introduced by SE-Embedded integration
2011-03-24 schien Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset e9c5ee40c666
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b135 for changeset f75a1efb1412
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b135
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset fbf4a969ccba
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset 0cea4fe308ee
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset 74c6fa05df57
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset 0c806e137e3f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-22 mfang Merge
2011-03-21 mfang Merge
2011-03-21 yhuang 7020960: CurrencyNames_sr_RS.properties is missing.
2011-03-20 mfang Merge
2011-03-11 yhuang Merge
2011-03-11 yhuang 7019267: Currency Display Names are not localized into pt_BR.
2011-03-09 mfang Merge
2011-03-07 mfang 7025303: NLS: t13y fix for 7021691 Most log level words are not translated in java logging
2011-03-07 mfang 7021693: [ja, zh_CN] jconsole throws exception and fail to start in ja and zh_CN locales
2011-03-07 mfang 7025267: NLS: t13y fix for 7021689 [ja] Notepad demo throws NPE
2011-03-05 mfang 7016542: NLS: obsolete resources in MsgAppletViewer.java should be removed
2011-03-04 mfang Merge
2011-02-26 katakai 6998391: Serbian (Latin) locale support
2011-03-22 asaha 7029704: JFB: Refix JFB Custom Revision Version Build/Makefile changes
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset d7436373981b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-18 trims 7028846: Bump the HS21 build number to 05
2011-03-18 trims Merge
2011-03-18 jcoomes Merge
2011-03-17 ysr 6668573: CMS: reference processing crash if ParallelCMSThreads > ParallelGCThreads
2011-03-16 ysr 6896099: Integrate CMS heap ergo with default heap sizing ergo
2011-03-15 jwilhelm Merge
2011-03-11 jwilhelm 6820066: Check that -XX:ParGCArrayScanChunk has a value larger than zero.
2011-03-15 ysr 6987703: iCMS: Intermittent hang with gc/gctests/CallGC/CallGC01 and +ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
2011-03-03 brutisso 7023747: G1: too strict assert in RefineRecordRefsIntoCSCardTableEntryClosure::do_card_ptr in g1RemSet.cpp
2011-03-03 brutisso 7022943: G1: improve logging to avoid interleaved numbers
2011-03-06 jcoomes 7018056: large pages not always enabled by default
2011-03-04 tonyp 7014923: G1: code cleanup
2011-03-18 twisti Merge
2011-03-18 jrose 7011865: JSR 292 CTW fails: !THREAD->is_Compiler_thread() failed: Can not load classes with the Compiler thre
2011-03-17 kvn 7028394: Newer AMD Processor Prefetch Defaults
2011-03-12 jrose 7012648: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names
2011-03-12 jrose 6839872: remove implementation inheritance from JSR 292 APIs
2011-03-12 jrose Merge
2011-03-11 kvn 7026631: field _klass is incorrectly set for dual type of TypeAryPtr::OOPS
2011-03-09 kvn 7025742: Can not use CodeCache::unallocated_capacity() with fragmented CodeCache
2011-03-07 never 6965570: assert(!needs_patching && x->is_loaded(),"how do we know it's volatile if it's not loaded")
2011-03-05 kvn 6589823: Error: meet not symmetric
2011-03-05 never Merge
2011-03-05 never 7024866: # assert(limit == NULL || limit <= nm->code_end()) failed: in bounds
2011-03-04 iveresov 7020403: Add AdvancedCompilationPolicy for tiered
2011-03-17 vladidan Merge
2011-03-16 vladidan Merge
2011-03-10 vladidan 7011490: Wrong computation results in Test6880034
2011-03-16 coleenp 7019165: Incorrect symbols in pstack output after SymbolTable changes
2011-03-15 dcubed Merge
2011-03-15 dcubed 7024970: 2/3 assert(ServiceThread::is_service_thread(Thread::current())) failed: Service thread must post enqueue
2011-03-15 dcubed 7024234: 2/3 jvmti tests fail assert(!_oops_are_stale) failed: oops are stale on Win-AMD64
2011-03-14 acorn Merge
2011-03-11 phh 7023931: PcDescCache::find_pc_desc should not write _last_pc_desc
2011-03-10 bdelsart 7025485: leverage shared x86-only deoptimization code
2011-03-12 trims Merge
2011-03-07 coleenp 7024584: Symbol printouts shouldnt be under PrintGCDetails
2011-03-07 acorn Merge
2011-03-04 kamg 6845426: non-static <clinit> method with no args is called during the class initialization process
2011-03-04 coleenp 7021653: Parfait issue in hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/methodDataOops.hpp
2011-03-04 coleenp 6512830: Error: assert(tag_at(which).is_unresolved_klass(), "Corrupted constant pool")
2011-03-04 coleenp 7022999: Can't build with FORCE_TIERED=0
2011-03-18 trims Added tag hs21-b04 for changeset 8f90284bf3fa
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset 3cb740be56d2
2011-03-24 cl Merge
2011-03-22 ohair 6896934: README: Document how the drop source bundles work for jaxp/jaxws
2011-03-17 schien Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset 6baee4c33881
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b134 for changeset def8e16dd237
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b134
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-15 ohair Merge
2011-03-13 mfang Merge
2011-03-09 mfang 7025324: NLS: t13y fix for 7022005 [ja,zh_CN] javadoc, part of navigation bar in generated html are not translated
2011-03-11 lana Merge
2011-03-07 jjg 6980021: javac should document @file command line option
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-07 mcimadamore 7020044: Project Coin: diamond erroneous allowed on some anonymous inner classes
2011-03-07 mcimadamore 7024568: Very long method resolution causing OOM error
2011-03-05 jjg 6964914: javadoc does not output number of warnings using user written doclet
2011-03-05 jjg 6227454: package.html and overview.html may not be read fully
2011-03-05 jjg 6866185: Util.getPackageSourcePath should use lastIndexOf not indexOf and related cleanup
2011-03-04 jjg 6966736: javac verbose output is inconsistent
2011-03-03 mcimadamore 7024212: TestWarnErrorCount fails
2011-03-03 mcimadamore 7022054: Invalid compiler error on covariant overriding methods with the same erasure
2011-03-03 mcimadamore 7023703: Valid code doesn't compile
2011-03-03 mcimadamore 7023233: False positive for -Xlint:try with nested try with resources blocks
2011-03-03 jjg 6639645: Modeling type implementing missing interfaces
2011-03-03 jjg 6986892: confusing warning given after errors in annotation processing
2011-03-02 jjg 6986895: compiler gives misleading message for no input files
2011-03-02 mcimadamore 6541876: "Enclosing Instance" error new in 1.6
2011-03-01 jjg 7021183: 269: assertion failure getting enclosing element of an undefined name
2011-02-28 jjg 7022711: compiler crash in try-with-resources
2011-02-28 jjg 7022741: warning counts are wrong after anno processing
2011-02-28 jjg 7022337: repeated warnings about bootclasspath not set
2011-02-28 mcimadamore 7015715: lub gets stuck on type with complex supertype
2011-02-28 mcimadamore 7015430: Incorrect thrown type determined for unchecked invocations
2011-02-25 jjg 7022310: test/tools/javac/diags/Example: args added twice
2011-02-25 jjg 7021650: fix Context issues
2011-02-24 jjh 7018753: tools/javac/varargs/warning/Warn5.java times out on slow machines
2011-02-23 lana Merge
2011-02-23 mcimadamore 7019631: issues in test headers in b130
2011-02-23 mcimadamore 7020657: Javac rejects a fairly common idiom with raw override and interfaces
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset 527e04a21c75
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-14 mfang Merge
2011-03-10 ohair 7025412: make381 issues with quotes in jdk/make/docs/Makefile and other places
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset f3c2826383e4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-15 ohair Merge
2011-03-14 mfang Merge
2011-03-10 ohair 7025412: make381 issues with quotes in jdk/make/docs/Makefile and other places
2011-03-11 lana Merge
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-02 ohair 7023289: jaxp 1.4.5 development jdk7 2nd integration
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset 97a72738edc8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset 1a8d894467d8
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-16 ohair 7027923: Disable VS2003 use in preparation for all VS2003 make logic removal
2011-03-16 katleman 7022473: JDK7 still runs /etc/prtconf to find memory size
2011-03-16 katleman 6973319: incorrect spec version in jdk 7 rt.jar manifest
2011-03-16 ohair Merge
2011-03-15 ohair 6710813: SwingSet2 source display tabs do not work since JDK 7 b20
2011-03-15 ohair Merge
2011-03-14 asaha Merge
2011-03-10 asaha 6908562: JFB Custom Revision Version Build/Makefile changes
2011-03-10 ohair 7025412: make381 issues with quotes in jdk/make/docs/Makefile and other places
2011-03-10 mchung 7026228: Remove make/modules and make/common/Modules.gmk
2011-03-10 mchung 7025631: Remove the modules build support from jdk 7
2011-03-11 lana Merge
2011-03-11 lana Merge
2011-03-08 alanb 7025468: Tests using diamond with anonymous inner classes needs to be reverted
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-07 valeriep 6994008: PKCS11 should support "RSA" and "RSA/ECB/NoPadding" ciphers
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-07 mullan Merge
2011-03-07 mullan 7022467: SecretKeyFactory doesn't support algorithm "AES" on Windows and Linux
2011-03-07 coffeys 7025105: TEST_BUG test/com/sun/jndi/ldap/NoWaitForReplyTest.java should be cleaned up
2011-03-04 alanb Merge
2011-03-04 alanb 7023403: (ch) sun.nio.ch.SolarisEventPort.startPoll failed with AssertionError
2011-03-04 sherman 7023244: (zipfs) langtools CompileTest fails on read-only file system
2011-03-04 ksrini 7023963: (misc) fix diamond anon instances in the jdk
2011-03-04 alanb Merge
2011-03-04 alanb 6944810: (ch) Assert failure in sun.nio.ch.PendingIoCache.clearPendingIoMap [win]
2011-03-03 michaelm Merge
2011-03-03 michaelm 7024264: HttpURLConnection/NetPermission doc issue
2011-03-03 coffeys Merge
2011-03-03 coffeys 6750362: Very large LDAP requests throw a OOM on LDAP servers which aren't aware of Paged Results Controls
2011-03-03 chegar 6721694: java/lang/Thread/StartOOMTest.java fails with timeout or with crash
2011-03-03 chegar 7018137: HTML4 compliance issues
2011-03-03 michaelm 7018606: (process) test/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failing intermittently (win)
2011-03-02 alanb 7021987: native2ascii "file cannot be read" error message is broken
2011-03-01 smarks 7022624: use try-with-resources in java.io tests
2011-03-01 alanb 7023034: Files.createTempDirectory((Path)null, "temp") does not throw NPE
2011-03-01 weijun 7020531: test: java/security/cert/CertificateFactory/openssl/OpenSSLCert.java file not closed after run
2011-02-28 weijun 7021789: Remove jarsigner -crl option
2011-02-28 dholmes 7022386: gethostbyname_r needs a pointer aligned buffer passed to it
2011-02-28 chegar 7022269: clean up fscanf usage in Linux networking native code
2011-02-25 smarks 7021582: convert jar/zip code and tests to use try-with-resources
2011-02-25 mchung 7016707: Remove the BootClassLoaderHook for jkernel support
2011-02-25 mchung 7021939: com.oracle.net is not a NON_CORE_PKGS
2011-02-25 smarks 7022383: add reference to CR for ReadLongZipFileName test to problem list
2011-02-24 michaelm 6835668: Use of /usr/include/linux/ files creates a dependence on kernel-headers
2011-02-24 chegar 6849693: index of fdTable should be less than num. of fdTable in jdk7
2011-02-24 chegar 7020136: java/net/URLConnection/RedirectLimit.java fails intermittently
2011-02-24 wetmore 6844879: Source distribution should be more robustly built without the security source distribution
2011-02-23 lana Merge
2011-02-23 dl 7017493: ConcurrentLinkedDeque: Unexpected initialization order can lead to crash due to use of Unsafe
2011-02-22 smarks 7021209: convert lang, math, util to use try-with-resources
2011-02-22 valeriep 6604496: Support for CKM_AES_CTR (counter mode)
2011-02-22 michaelm 6702400: ChunkedInputStream expecting -1 from int read, but int->char comparision is wrong
2011-02-22 alanb 7021327: Changes for 7020888 included changes to other files in error
2011-02-22 alanb 7020888: (file) Miscellaneous and trivial clean-ups (typos and opportunities to use suppressed exceptions)
2011-02-22 alanb Merge
2011-02-21 alanb 7020517: (fs) FileStore.equals returns true if both volumes have the same serial number
2011-02-21 mduigou 7019705: Add -XX:+AggressiveOpts options to MOAT test
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-06 lana Merge
2011-03-05 rupashka 6760148: Certain fonts are not correctly soft wrapped when using JTextComponent.print()
2011-03-03 alexp Merge
2011-03-03 alexp 6653511: JComponent.safelyGetGraphics() may sometimes return null
2011-03-03 rupashka 6796710: Html content in JEditorPane is overlapping on swing components while resizing the application.
2011-03-03 amenkov 6835393: MidiSystem fails to correctly read Sequence with SMPTE division
2011-03-03 amenkov 6660470: RealTimeSequencer incorrectly opens (implicitly) synthesizer
2011-03-03 amenkov 6801206: SoundTestSuite: test050 fails
2011-03-03 amenkov 6938426: Concurrency bug in ALAW encoder causes random bursts of static/noise in output.
2011-02-28 amenkov 7013521: AudioSystem.write for AIFF files closes source audio stream
2011-02-28 alexp 6826074: JScrollPane does not revalidate the component hierarchy after scrolling
2011-02-24 okutsu 6772689: java.sql.Date.valueOf("2042-10-xx").toString() wrong in some time zones
2011-02-24 okutsu 7021989: Missing observesDaylightTime override in ZoneInfo
2011-02-23 okutsu 6955047: (tz) javadoc for TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale) is not clear
2011-02-23 okutsu 6623219: Font.canDisplayUpTo does not work with supplementary characters
2011-02-22 okutsu 7010379: fontconfig update for RHEL 6
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-01 dcherepanov 6826397: PIT : Frame System Menu is not seen for when ALT + Space Bar is pressed in jdk7 b55 build.
2011-03-01 anthony 7022488: The security warning may disappear unexpectedly
2011-02-27 lana Merge
2011-02-25 dcherepanov 7009114: GTK FileDialog lies about it's Bounds
2011-02-25 dcherepanov 7020522: Need to reapply the fix for 6664512
2011-02-24 dcherepanov 6996708: The event on the tray icon does not trigger and there is no message printed.
2011-03-07 lana Merge
2011-03-04 prr 7023591: Xrender: java2D font demo - text highlighting tab content is black
2011-03-04 ceisserer 7023589: Xrender : NullPointerException in sun.font.XRGlyphCache.freeGlyphs running Java 2D demo
2011-03-01 ceisserer 6974985: Jave2Demo threw exceptions when xrender enabled in OEL5.5
2011-02-28 prr 7004728: [parfait] potential memory leaks in XRender code
2011-02-22 lana Merge
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset b333a0dbc626
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-11 trims Merge
2011-03-04 trims 7024814: Bump the HS21 build number to 04
2011-03-04 trims Merge
2011-03-04 kvn Merge
2011-03-01 iveresov 6627983: G1: Bad oop deference during marking
2011-03-01 never 6725983: Assertion "method->method_holder())->is_not_initialized(),"method holder must be initialized"
2011-03-01 never 7023229: extraneous include of precompiled.hpp in hsdis.c
2011-02-28 twisti 7012914: JSR 292 MethodHandlesTest C1: frame::verify_return_pc(return_address) failed: must be a return pc
2011-02-26 kvn 6942326: x86 code in string_indexof() could read beyond reserved heap space
2011-02-24 never Merge
2011-02-24 never 7021603: crash in fill_sync_handler with ExtendedDTrace probes
2011-02-24 kvn 6812217: Base memory of MergeMem node violates assert during killing expanded AllocateArray node
2011-02-24 never 7012072: CompileTheWorld causes incorrect class initialization
2011-02-23 kvn Merge
2011-02-23 iveresov Merge
2011-02-22 iveresov 7020521: arraycopy stubs place prebarriers incorrectly
2011-03-04 jcoomes Merge
2011-02-28 johnc 7022200: G1: optimized build broken
2011-03-03 dcubed Merge
2011-03-03 zgu Merge
2011-03-02 zgu 7017110: Add /SAFESEH to links on windows 32bit to verify safe exceptions
2011-03-02 kamg 6878713: Verifier heap corruption, relating to backward jsrs
2011-03-02 sla 7023323: Build failure on VS2003: IsDebuggerPresent not found
2011-03-01 rottenha Merge
2011-02-28 rottenha Merge
2011-02-28 kamg 7020118: Alter frame assignability to allow for exception handler coverage of invokespecial <init>
2011-02-28 sla 7022037: Pause when exiting if debugger is attached on windows
2011-02-26 kamg 7017640: Fix for 6766644 deadlocks on some NSK tests when running with -Xcomp
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset d7dd3e46bc54
2011-03-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset 309991ddb9a1
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b133 for changeset fd444c61e7ed
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b133
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-03 katleman Added tag jdk7-b132 for changeset 83cbfe0a919f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-03-03 katleman Added tag jdk7-b132 for changeset d5d7b14cb04c
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