2011-05-14 lana Merge
2011-05-14 sherman 7044849: Constructs for Unicode binary properties should be \p{IsXXX} not p{isXXX}
2011-05-13 fparain 7031754: javax.management docs need to be updated to replace Java SE 6 occurrences
2011-05-12 kamg 7044203: Missing @test tag in test/javax/management/timer/StartTest.java
2011-05-12 xuelei 7043514: NPE in sun.security.ssl.JsseJce.isEcAvailable
2011-05-12 kamg 6659215: javax.management.timer.Timer frequently fails to start
2011-05-11 sherman 7043234: (fmt) java.util.Formatter links in javadoc to BigDecimal need to be fixed
2011-05-11 alanb 7043788: (fs) PosixFileAttributes.owner() or group() throws NPE if owner/group not in passwd/group database
2011-05-11 alanb 7043425: (fc) ClosedByInterruptException thrown but interrupt status not set
2011-05-10 mduigou Merge
2011-05-10 mduigou 7043513: Update test for StandardCharsets
2011-05-10 lancea 7043443: address missed reason initialization in BatchUpdateException
2011-05-10 darcy 7021645: Project Coin: Minor improvements to java.lang.Throwable
2011-05-09 weijun 7041635: GSSContextSpi.java copyright notice error
2011-05-09 naoto 7041950: Fix copyright
2011-05-09 alanb Merge
2011-05-09 alanb 7042979: Rename StandardSocketOption and StandardWatchEventKind
2011-05-09 mduigou 7043104: disable test java/lang/invoke/InvokeDynamicPrintArgs.java
2011-05-09 mduigou Merge
2011-05-03 mduigou 7041612: Rename StandardCharset to StandardCharsets
2011-05-09 dl 7042673: LockSupport.getBlocker(null) crashes
2011-05-09 vinnie 6987652: VM crashed in sun.security.mscapi.RSAKeyPairGenerator.generateRSAKeyPair(...)
2011-05-09 alanb Merge
2011-05-09 alanb Merge
2011-05-07 darcy 7011326: Add informative example to @SafeVarargs type or language discussion
2011-05-17 lana Merge
2011-05-14 lana Merge
2011-05-10 peytoia 7041232: IllegalArgumentException in sun.text.bidi.BidiBase.setLine starting from JDK 7 b64
2011-05-10 kizune 7034619: Scrollable Tabs don't appear with JDK7 Synth based LaF, different from Java 5/6
2011-05-06 dav 6894541: javax/swing/JTable/6788484/bug6788484.java fails w/ compilation errors.
2011-05-04 rupashka 7031551: Generics: JComboBox
2011-05-17 lana Merge
2011-05-16 dcherepanov 7010721: Frame#setMaximizedbounds not working properly on dual screen environment
2011-05-14 lana Merge
2011-05-13 dav 7042537: When press the 'Print' button,the NullPointerException is thrown and printdialog is not pop up.
2011-05-11 anthony 7043455: Taking a screenshot may fail on X11 after 6903034
2011-05-11 dav 7042429: jdk 7 b140: crashes in awt.dll+0xb85fb] Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsEnvironment_isVistaOS+0xfdf
2011-05-10 anthony 7041387: Introduce new boolean system property java.awt.smartInvalidate
2011-05-10 bagiras 7035053: java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/DisabledComponent/DisabledComponent.java fails against jdk7 b134
2011-05-04 dav 7040577: Default implementation of Toolkit.loadSystemColors(int[]) and many others doesn't throw HE in hl env
2011-05-16 prr 7044682: Image I/O JPEG Metadata spec. should document that PhotoYCC ColorSpace interpretation is optional.
2011-05-14 lana Merge
2011-05-11 flar 7043054: REGRESSION: JDK 7 b126 : Wrong userBounds in Paint.createContext()
2011-05-10 flar 7040717: Test case for 6522514 was not included in bug fix
2011-05-18 schien Merge
2011-05-13 ohair Merge
2011-05-12 ohair Merge
2011-05-12 ohair 7043921: generate java-rmi.cgi on 64 bit platform
2011-05-17 trims Merge
2011-05-13 jrose 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
2011-05-13 jrose 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
2011-05-13 schien Added tag jdk7-b142 for changeset f09a2b7a4eeb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-05-13 trims 7040780: Bump the HS21 build number to 13
2011-05-13 trims Merge
2011-05-13 never Merge
2011-05-12 never Merge
2011-05-12 twisti 6998541: JSR 292 implement missing return-type conversion for OP_RETYPE_RAW
2011-05-12 never Merge
2011-05-12 never 7043461: VM crashes in void LinkResolver::runtime_resolve_virtual_method
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